Full-time sword repair

Chapter 833 Snake brushing in progress

After everyone's concerted efforts, the group of snakes summoned by the Snake King was finally wiped out.

Everyone's cheers and celebrations came from Zizhu Forest.

Then everyone stared nervously at the Snake King Soul Tomb.

It's a pity that the group of snakes summoned by the Snake King's supernatural power didn't have soul graves after killing them, otherwise they could open other soul graves to enjoy themselves.

But no one would go up and open this boss-level soul tomb.

After all, no one dares to drive indiscriminately. If you can't get lucky after playing for a whole day, it will be uncomfortable.

So this task naturally fell on Lin Jichen.

Lin Jichen also did his part, and opened the soul tomb in the past.

Not bad, two pieces of ground equipment, one blue and one purple, the purple is a knife, but unfortunately no one can use it here.

The blue one is a shirt, everyone discussed it, and the shirt was distributed to Xing Sen.

Although he refused repeatedly, he couldn't hold back the boss Lin Jichen's order, so he could only accept it emotionally.

Apart from equipment, what everyone cares most about is whether or not the Heavenly Residual Purple Bamboo is out.

Seeing everyone's questioning looks, Lin Jichen shook his head regretfully.

Everyone was a little disappointed, thinking they hadn't come out, and they were going to comfort Lin Jichen.

Unexpectedly, this guy put the Tiancan Zizhu in his hand and showed it to everyone with a smile.

[Tian Cai Di Treasure Tian Residual Purple Bamboo]: A product of the Purple Bamboo Forest, one of the breakthrough materials of the Heavenly Dao Level, ranked 6th/12th.


Function: When a spiritual monk breaks through the Nascent Soul Realm, it assists this thing, which can greatly improve the attribute.


"Damn! Xiao Linzi, you like to play such childish routines, which made us think that the whole day was wasted!"

"Did it explode the first time? Didn't it mean that Tiancan Zizhu only has a 15% explosion rate..."

"That depends on who touches it. Xiaochen's luck value is very high. He is Ouhuang."

"Is this the Heavenly Residual Purple Bamboo? The attributes have been added a lot, and it really is the top six Heavenly Dao materials, so it's easy to use!"


Successfully obtained a copy of the Heavenly Residual Purple Bamboo, and you're done.

However, Lin Jichen was not in a hurry to take everyone back home. Obviously, with so many people here, one piece of Heavenly Residual Purple Bamboo is not enough.

Now that this place has not been discovered by players, Lin Jichen of course has to take the opportunity to collect more materials.

"The giant purple bamboo snake here will be refreshed tomorrow. Let's go offline and rest for a night, let the pets guard it, and continue tomorrow. If you have something to do, you can leave first."

Lin Jichen commanded, and everyone expressed that they could continue.

Such a place where you can upgrade and collect materials, who doesn't want to continue.

Several people immediately decided not to leave, and stayed here to continue brushing snakes.

In this way, everyone who rested for one night the next day began to re-enter the days of brushing snakes.

With yesterday's experience, everyone is more handy today. After the ordinary giant snakes are wiped out, the snake king appears again.

This time, the Snake King was just a boss in the early stage of Nascent Soul. Lin Jichen didn't make a move, but was solved by others!

Lin Jichen is worthy of being the hand of the Emperor Ou, he once again opened the soul tomb, and once again opened a piece of Tianxu Zizhu!

When it was allocated, everyone declined one after another, ashamed to take possession.

Seeing this, Lin Jichen had no choice but to give it to him for safekeeping first, and then continue to brush, and then distribute it after brushing enough of the sky-killing purple bamboo that everyone needs.

Snake brushing is like this every day, every day.

Although it is boring to repeat this thing every day, but fortunately, there are friends together, chatting and joking, but it is also very happy.

On the third day, there were two more people in the team, and it was Jiang Luoyu.

After she and the guild finished opening up wasteland, she immediately dumped the guild to Su Wanling, and came here to live a happy life by herself.

With the addition of this first method, brushing snakes has become easier.

Lin Jichen has completely turned into a salted fish, he only needs to paddle in the team, and he is only responsible for the final unpacking.

For the rest of the time, he used it to teach everyone fighting skills and tips.

With the passage of time, everyone is improving and growing at a speed visible to the naked eye. Under Lin Jichen's patient guidance, everyone's strength has improved rapidly.

The days just passed by.

A week passed in the blink of an eye.

In seven days, Lin Jichen issued seven copies of Tianxu Zizhu.

A few more copies will satisfy the needs of everyone in the team.

While everyone was busy brushing snakes, Zhao Baige walked up to Lin Jichen and said in a low voice, "Boss, I don't need that Heavenly Residual Purple Bamboo, I can save one copy."

"Why?" Lin Jichen asked.

Zhao Baige smiled embarrassedly, and said: "Why do I want that thing? I don't care about strength and attributes. The main reason is that alchemy requires realm requirements. I have almost risen to the spiritual level in the past few days. I don't need Tian Can Zizhu for the time being." Well, it's still too early to leave Yuan Ying."

Lin Jichen retorted: "Although it's still early, sooner or later you will be promoted. Now that everyone is here, let's do it together, so as not to have to come later."

Zhao Baige waved his hand and said, "No need, at worst, I'll just use the simplest breakthrough method, anyway, I don't really care about it."

Lin Jichen objected on the spot, saying: "No, even though you are an alchemist, I still want to tell you that breakthroughs in the way of heaven will not do you any harm. If you rush for success, you will end up with hidden dangers in the future. Listen to me, just like us. All the way to the heavenly level breakthrough, I will help you figure out the materials, you don’t have to worry about it, you can just make alchemy with peace of mind.”

Although Zhao Baige didn't quite understand why Lin Jichen insisted on letting her, a pure alchemist, develop such good attributes.

But Zhao Baige subconsciously chose to obey Lin Jichen's words.

Because she felt that it was impossible for Lin Jichen to harm her, being able to say this also proved that Lin Jichen was really thinking of her, so how could she have the nerve to refuse.

"Boss, you are the best boss in the world~ I will definitely make alchemy to repay you!"

Zhao Baige swore seriously, and then ran away blushing.

Lin Jichen couldn't help but laugh, this girl is really cute.

Another day of 'work' was over, Lin Jichen got another share of Tian Can Zizhu, everyone happily 'off work', ready to go offline and sleep.

At this moment, Jiang Luoyu teased Lin Jichen, "Boss Lin, you've become a big star."

Lin Jichen didn't understand why, and asked suspiciously, "What do you mean? What star?"

Jiang Luoyu smiled and said, "You can find out by going to the forum, now the whole internet is talking about you."

"What?" Lin Jichen didn't know why, he had been staying in the bamboo forest for the past few days and never went out or caused trouble, so why was he being discussed by the whole network?

Everyone was also curious, and opened the forum one after another. The No. 1 forum hot list is #林红陈 participating in the "Full Server First" program!

The other news below are also dominated by the enthusiasm about this show.

#Shock!The number one expert Lin Jichen uttered amazing words!

#Rebuild?Is it the right choice?Or a prank?

#bignews!Lin Jichen appeared on the "All Servers First" program, and the traffic of the program exploded within a day!


One more~

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