Full-time sword repair

Chapter 835 Deleting Numbers and Rebuilding?absurd!

"Idol, more and more players have broken through the Nascent Soul Realm recently. Do you think this will pose a threat to you? After all, you haven't broken through the Nascent Soul yet."

Liu Xiazi's question was a bit sharp.

Lin Jichen replied without any scruples: "No, they will only widen the gap with me, and they will not be my opponent at all."

"Really? But shouldn't the Nascent Soul Realm be more powerful?"

Liu Xiazi asked in surprise.

"In principle, this is true, but there is one thing to note. In order to learn supernatural powers, most players now choose to take shortcuts and use the simplest humane level breakthrough to enter the Nascent Soul Realm. Although there are indeed lucky players who have broken through the Nascent Soul Realm , but their strength has not grown much, just like a wooden bridge built in a hurry, it cannot be compared with a solid stone bridge at all."

"You mean...the Nascent Soul that broke through at the human level is very weak?"

"It's not weak, it's not even weak." Lin Jichen replied straightforwardly.

Many of the viewers who are watching the video rushed to the Nascent Soul by relying on a breakthrough at the human level, and they were a little dissatisfied when they saw this.

"I rely on Lin Jichen to be too arrogant!"

"That's right, even though he is the number one master, he can't look down on us like that?"

"Damn, is there an old iron in the Nascent Soul Realm and I will team up to block him. If one is not good enough, we will get two, and if two are not good enough, we will get ten. I don't believe that he can fight ten Nascent Souls with a Spiritual Realm?"

"That's right. Since breaking through the Nascent Soul, my buddy has been walking sideways in the game, killing all kinds of people. Who dares to say that I am weak?"

"Haha, Lin Jichen is probably worried that we will break through Yuanying and surpass him, so that's why he said that?"

"It's very possible, haha!"


In the video, Liu Xiazi also stuck out his tongue when he was shocked by Lin Jichen's hateful answer, but he continued to remain calm.

"Idol, what do you mean, the realm is not important, but the foundation is the most important?"

Lin Jichen shook his head: "That's not what it means. The realm is important, and the foundation is equally important. If you rely on the simplest breakthrough method to break through, you will become weaker and weaker, and the gap with other people will become wider and wider. For example, a Breakthrough pills, low-rank breakthrough pills only add 100 free points, middle-rank ones 200, top-rank ones 300, top-rank ones even have more than 500 points."

"Just this small breakthrough, you lost hundreds or even hundreds of free attributes in attributes, how can you win others?"

"The foundation is the premise of the realm. If you don't work steadily, those who are impatient and eager for success will not be able to become a real master after all."

"And as your attributes become weaker and weaker, it will be more difficult to break through to higher realms in the future. You may only be stuck in the Nascent Soul Realm, unable to move an inch."

Liu Xiazi said seriously, "Then do you have any good suggestions?"

Lin Jichen didn't hesitate to give advice, and replied: "It's very simple, lay a good foundation, don't blindly pursue the speed of the realm, if you can make a breakthrough at the level of the heavenly level, you must make a breakthrough at the level of the heavenly level, and it is best to choose the best breakthrough pill you can get for small level breakthroughs." , pull your attributes to the highest, and don’t distribute free attributes indiscriminately, that’s enough.”

"But what about players who have broken through to Nascent Soul, or those players who haven't laid a good foundation before, what should they do? Is there a shortcut to make them stronger?" Liu Xiazi asked.

Lin Jichen spoke surprisingly, and said: "There is no shortcut in this game. If you want to become stronger, it's very simple, just rebuild!"

"Rebuild? What do you mean?"

"It's suicide, reset the realm to zero, and start again. It can also be understood as deleting the number and retraining."

"Delete...delete the number and practice again..." Liu Xiazi was so shocked that he was trembling as he spoke.

Not only her, but all the audience were also stunned. Didn't Lin Jichen ask them to delete their accounts and rebuild?

This is too outrageous, everyone has been playing for more than a year, but they are suggested to start over, who can accept this?

It's like the flower you've worked so hard to cultivate for more than a year finally blooms and bears fruit, but someone tells them to shovel it down and replant it.

Wouldn't that year's hard work go to waste?

The following questions were relatively simple and not so sharp. Soon, with the end of the interview, the program also came to an end.

But after watching the video, the viewers were not calm anymore, and expressed their opinions on the forum and under the video.

"Bullshit! Too much bullshit!"

"It's outrageous, delete the number and practice again? Why didn't he delete it himself?"

"Isn't asking me to delete my account to kill me? It took me more than a year to reach the Nascent Soul Realm!"

"Experience is good, it can be taken by others, and it is easier to brush back, but those breakthrough pills and breakthrough materials for the big realm, you have to find them all over again, and you have to find heaven-level materials. It is a nightmare to imagine. "

"Who says it's not? Even if you want to buy it, you have to spend an unknown amount of money. Now, even the materials of the Heavenly Dao of the Foundation Stage cost hundreds or thousands of dollars. Some of them are not in stock, and you can't even buy them."

"It's just sensationalism. It's so wicked. In order to prevent us from catching up with him, he even urged us to delete our account and retrain. It's too scheming and despicable!"

"I think what Lin Jichen said makes sense... After I broke through Nascent Soul, I couldn't defeat the normal Nascent Soul boss. I feel it's because of my poor attributes."


Regarding Lin Jichen's suggestion, there was a lot of quarrels on the Internet, and most players didn't believe what Lin Jichen said, thinking that he was exaggerating.

And many players said that there are not many attributes for low-level improvement in the front, and it is better to break through a small level in the back, why should it be so serious.

Even if the attributes are indeed a little bit worse, it's a big deal to find some good equipment or a panacea to eat.

Lin Jichen was making a fuss out of a molehill, making alarmist talk.

Of course, there are also a small number of players who think what Lin Jichen said makes sense, and they all want to try it, especially Lin Jichen's die-hard fans, they all support Lin Jichen and say they will follow suit!

But these players are only a small part, and most players still don't take it seriously, or they don't care about the weak attribute points given by the previous realm at all.

When Lin Jichen went offline to rest, he also read the comments on the Internet, but there was no disturbance.

Because it was already in his expectation.

The reason why he used Liu Xiazi's program to warn everyone was to try his best, and the bonus of being a reborn person let him know what to do and what not to do.

He could have ignored others, but the sense of responsibility in his heart and the life and death of Blue Star in the future prevented Lin Jichen from being alone.

That's why he suggested in the show that everyone should rebuild and choose the way of heaven.

As for whether they would listen to it or not, and whether they would follow suit, it had nothing to do with Lin Jichen.

He has done his best, and what these players will do in the future is their own business.

Don't say good things twice.


Three shifts~

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