Full-time sword repair

Chapter 826 Eunuch Gao’s Entrustment

Facing Eunuch Gao's question.

Ji Tongyin still has a fluke mentality.

She was afraid that Lin Jichen would be exposed, so she hurriedly explained for him: "Eunuch Gao, I came here with my younger sister today, and I asked her to accompany me."

Eunuch Gao chuckled, and said, "Maybe the eldest princess has forgotten that women from the imperial family of all ages were not allowed to enter the Sutra Pavilion. Although today is the day of worshiping ancestors, the rules still have to be followed."

Ji Tongyin was embarrassed, so she had to borrow the donkey from the slope and said: "I understand, my sister and I will go back now."

Eunuch Gao raised his voice, looked at 'Ji Linglong', and said neither in a hurry nor in a hurry: "Princess, you privately brought outsiders to sneak into the Buddhist scriptures pavilion. Your Majesty knows that, and I'm afraid you will be furious."

While speaking, Eunuch Gao raised his hand and pointed, and an invisible aura entered Lin Jichen's body without warning.

Lin Jichen stood there in a daze, unable to move, and the disguise fell away.

Even more frightening, Lin Jichen discovered that his attributes had directly dropped by [-]%!

"Blood curse: Qi and blood -30%, lasts for 90 days."

"Puppet Curse: Into a dominance state, which lasts for 1 minute."

Lin Jichen's face turned bitter, it's a big loss...

After being hit by the puppet curse, Lin Jichen completely lost consciousness and his body was out of control.

Seeing that the matter was exposed, Ji Tongyin hurriedly stood in front of Lin Jichen, and begged, "Eunuch Gao, please hold your hands high. I am the one who brought him here, and it has nothing to do with him."

Seeing this, Eunuch Gao sighed and said, "Princess, you should know that His Majesty forbids you to associate with Lin Jichen. Not only did you refuse to listen, but you even took him into the scripture storage pavilion. If His Majesty knew, I'm afraid he would not let you off lightly."

Ji Tongyin smiled bitterly, and said, "Eunuch Gao, don't worry, as long as you let him go, I will accuse Father of the crime when he comes back. I, Ji Tongyin, will bear all the consequences."

General Wei stepped forward at this time and said in shame: "I am also responsible for this matter. Eunuch Gao, if you want to punish me, you can punish me. It has nothing to do with the princess."

Eunuch Gao shook his head and laughed, looked at Lin Jichen who had lost consciousness, and sighed: "Oh, Mr. Lin is the son-in-law recognized by the old slaves. I thought it was a certainty, but it's a pity that good fortune tricks people."

With that said, Eunuch Gao lifted the puppet curse on Lin Jichen.

Lin Jichen didn't pretend anymore, stood up and said, "Eunuch Gao, this matter happened because of me, just take me to see Emperor Ji, I will confess everything, and please don't let the princess and General Wei get involved."

"Hehe, do you know the consequences of outsiders trespassing on the palace without authorization?"

"I don't know what the consequences will be, but no matter what the consequences are, I am willing to bear them alone. In short, as a man, one person does the work and the other is responsible. Even if Eunuch Gao takes me away, I will have no problem." Lin Jichen said frankly.

Now that they have all been discovered, it is impossible for Lin Jichen to let a woman take the blame for him.

Eunuch Gao looked at Lin Jichen and was silent for a moment. He smiled and said, "I can hide it for you. I will pretend that I didn't see what happened today."

Ji Tongyin was overjoyed, and hurriedly said, "Really? Thank you, Eunuch Gao."

Eunuch Gao raised his hand and said, "But Mr. Lin needs to do something for this old slave."

Lin Jichen asked vigilantly, "What does Eunuch Gao want me to do?"

Eunuch Gao showed nostalgia, and said: "This old slave has been with His Majesty for a hundred years, and his parents Gao Tang have passed away long ago, only one younger brother is still alive. He killed many enemies and hid everywhere, if this continues, I think he will die in the hands of the enemies sooner or later."

As he said that, Eunuch Gao said with a straight face: "I want to ask Mr. Lin to tie him back, put him in the Qianlong prison, redeem his sins, and save his life. In this way, the old slave will not become a lonely person." .”

【Ding!Trigger unique hidden side missions!Whether to accept? 】

When Lin Jichen received this game prompt, he was a little dumbfounded.

What is it called?If one survives, there will be future fortunes!

Not only is it okay, but you can also accept a hidden mission?This luck... Leverage!

However, the cautious Lin Jichen didn't agree immediately, but asked seriously.

"Gao Gonggong, can you tell me what your brother's cultivation is?"

"Peak Nascent Soul."

"Where is the other person, can I know?"

"I don't know much about this old slave, but a month ago, this old slave received news that he was hunted down and seemed to have fled to the Wudu Mountains."

"Wudu Mountain Range?" Lin Jichen was a little surprised.

It's very close to Fengdu Ghost City. At the beginning, he and Baili Canfeng agreed to go to the Wudu Mountains to find the Millennium Baby Fruit together.

But where does Lin Jichen dare to go now, the Wudu Mountains are close to Fengdu, the domain of the ghost clan.

Didn't he throw himself into a trap in the past?

But right now, if he doesn't agree, Eunuch Gao will definitely not let him go.

Lin Jichen asked again: "Is there a time limit?"

"Within two months."

Lin Jichen thought for a while, gritted his teeth, nodded and said, "Okay! I accept!"

Two months should be enough time. If it doesn't work, he just shakes people and forgets. If the master is still in retreat, he should go to Yuanji Dharma School.

Based on his friendship with Mu Lingbing and Gu Zihan, it shouldn't be difficult to ask their sect for a favor...

Eunuch Gao laughed, and said: "The old slave will thank Mr. Lin very much. After the matter is completed, the old slave will have a big thank you."

"It's easy to say, as long as Eunuch Gao let me go now."

Lin Jichen wasn't greedy either, so it would be nice to escape the Qianlong imperial family's accusation this time, but don't think too much about other things, because people's hearts are not enough to swallow an elephant.

"If that's the case, then I'll take my leave, and please tell me the basic information of your brother, so that I can prepare."

Eunuch Gao happily handed over a portrait of his younger brother to Lin Jichen, who was about to leave after getting it.

However, Eunuch Gao smiled and asked, "Don't tell me Mr. Lin doesn't want to enter the Sutra Pavilion?"

Lin Jichen was taken aback for a moment, and said, "Elder-in-law means..."

Eunuch Gao turned around and said, "Just pretend that this old slave has never been here before. Mr. Lin has entered the Sutra Pavilion. Remember not to take away any stitches inside, otherwise, even if this old slave wants to protect you, there is nothing he can do."

After speaking, Eunuch Gao disappeared in place.

Lin Jichen didn't expect that there would be a surprise, that Eunuch Gao was willing to let him into the Sutra Pavilion!

"How could Eunuch Gao agree to let you enter the Sutra Pavilion..." Ji Tongyin couldn't believe it.

General Wei saw through some things, and said with a smile: "Eunuch Gao actually admires Mr. Lin, and he is also very optimistic about him being with Her Royal Highness. Maybe he thinks that you will be together sooner or later, so it's better to go with the flow and sell the future son-in-law." face and favor."

After hearing this, Ji Tongyin's pretty face flushed, she glanced at her side with guilt, and said angrily, "General Wei, don't talk nonsense..."

Lin Jichen was a little embarrassed at the side, he is the son-in-law?His precious master will be a ghost if he agrees...


One more~

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