Full-time sword repair

Chapter 827 Desperate Answer

Lin Jichen felt that he had to confess to Ji Tongyin if he had the chance.

This will not delay such a good girl from wasting her love on him.

It is impossible for him to become the son-in-law of Qianlong, he is going to be the man who is the head of the Tianyan Sword Sect!

General Wei laughed, and said, "Princess, since Eunuch Gao is willing to help, you should go in quickly, otherwise you won't have a chance when the ancestor worship ceremony is over."

Ji Tongyin nodded, and said to Lin Jichen, "Young Master Lin, let's go."

Under the 'protection' of General Wei and Eunuch Gao, the two successfully entered the Buddhist scripture pavilion!

Qianlong's Buddhist scripture pavilion is much larger than Tianyan Jianzong's Buddhist scripture pavilion.

The ambitious Ji Hongyue has collected countless materials and treasures from various sects and sects over the years.

Lin Jichen took a casual stroll and saw many good things.

But no matter how good these things were, he was not moved.

Not only because he would be discovered, but also because of his promise to Ji Tongyin. He came here only to check the information of the ghost clan. It would be too inhuman to steal things from other people's homes.

Ji Tongyin led Lin Jichen all the way to a warehouse. There was a sign hanging on the door, with four big characters [Ghost Clan Secrets] written on it.

This is also the place Lin Jichen was looking for.

"Mr. Lin, you can go in, but it's best to hurry up, I'm afraid things will change if I'm late." Ji Tongyin said.

"I see, thank you." Lin Jichen pushed the door open without hesitation.

Seeing that the entire warehouse was full of files, Lin Jichen picked up one at random, opened it and found that the information on it was all about the ghost clan.

He knew that he had come to the right place, and immediately began to look up the information about the female demon.

As time passed, Lin Jichen flipped through a lot of files in the warehouse, but he still didn't see what he wanted, but he had a lot of secret information about the ghost clan.

He even knows the specific method of how to enter the ghost world, even many weaknesses of the ghost clan and the secret of the three ghost emperors' disagreement.

Yinggou, Jiangchen, and Houqing are not actually ghost kings, but ruthless characters at the level of ghost emperors. King is just a respectful title for their status.

It can be said that the Qianlong royal family's understanding of the ghost race is almost to the point of knowing everything.

It is conceivable that Ji Hongyue is really an ambitious emperor.

What he wants is not just as simple as being an emperor.

It's a pity that although his ambition is great, his strength is not worthy of his ambition.

After all, they can only settle down in a corner, and they have to rely on the breath of the super sect.

Lin Jichen finally understood why Ji Hongyue didn't allow the royal women to enter the Sutra Pavilion.

Daughters will always get married, if they find out the information inside and accidentally leak it to the husband's family, it may lead to immediate murder.

Lin Jichen searched for a long time, and finally found the news about Nuba on a stack of files!

The dossier above provides detailed information about the female demon.

It is also confirmed that Nuba is indeed the daughter of Emperor Huangquan, and her cultivation talent is no less than that of her father.

Nuba is also the person who is most likely to inherit the position of Emperor Huangquan. It can be said that everyone expects it. As long as Nuba really grows up, the ghost clan will fill in another emperor!

Lin Jichen continued to read, and discovered the secret of Nuba's death in the sixth dossier!

It records that 17 years ago, Nuba passed through the Qianli Chidi area and was besieged by dozens of top demon cultivators.

The battle was earth-shattering, and in the end, Nuba died in battle and fell to the red ground, her soul flying away.

On the dossier, there is no specific description of the death of the female demon, and the identities of those demon cultivators are also unknown.

All I know is that although Nuba is dead, most of these master demon cultivators were killed or injured, and only a few remaining masters packed up the battlefield and fled in a hurry.

Afterwards, the three kings of the ghost clan rushed to investigate, but they could not find any useful information. After exterminating more than a dozen demon sects, the ghost clan also suffered heavy losses.

But there are still many doubts about the cause of the nun's death, but no one knows the reason so far.

Lin Jichen frowned after reading the dossier.

The female demon is dead, why does it still appear?Also, why didn't there be any news or whereabouts about the female demon in the previous life?

Lin Jichen remembered that he had never heard any news about Nuba in his previous life. Could it be that Nuba never came back to life in his previous life?

But why did it appear on Xiao Wan now?

Lin Jichen's brain was spinning rapidly.

If Xiaowan is a female demon, it may have something to do with her appearance...

You know, Xiaowan is the little female ghost that Lin Jichen met when he was in Howling Ghost Ridge.

Back then, Xiao Wan was hunted down by a trash ghost king, and he acted in time to save the female ghost.

Lin Jichen couldn't help but imagine that if he hadn't met him, there was a high probability that Xiaowan would be caught up by the ghost king, and either he would be forcibly taken away to get married, or he would fight desperately and die in the end.

If this is the case, it makes sense. The female demon in the previous life may have completely fallen before she could grow up.

Thinking of this, Lin Jichen continued to read the dossiers of other ghost clans.

Until I saw a dossier that records that there is a powerful secret method of ghost cultivation in the ghost clan, which can be put to death and reborn.

It is said that this secret method can disperse a wisp of one's remnant soul in the world before death.

No one can find this remnant soul, and this remnant soul will slowly condense over time, and eventually become a brand new soul body.

It's like a spirit body condensed from the aura of heaven and earth.

But this secret method is extremely difficult to practice. It is said that only the Emperor of the Underworld can use it within a thousand years.

900 years ago, Emperor Huangquan was attacked by the remnants of the ghost clan when he was resisting the catastrophe.

At that time, Emperor Huangquan was at his weakest.

Being caught by these ghost masters, he almost died tragically.

It was by relying on this secret method that he escaped catastrophe. Less than a hundred years later, Emperor Huang Quan made a comeback, not only regained his full strength, but also raised his realm to a higher level.

Seeing this, Lin Jichen felt confident that this is probably how Nuba was reincarnated.

Other ghosts can't learn this secret technique, but Nuba is different, she is the daughter of Emperor Huangquan, and her talent is even better than her father.

It is not impossible for her to use this secret technique, even though the female demon at that time was not very powerful.

After discovering this news, Lin Jichen was not very happy.

On the contrary, for him, it was tantamount to a bolt from the blue.

Because if this is the case, it means that Xiaowan can't get out of Nuba's body at all.

Because Xiaowan is just a remnant soul of the female demon, it is a part of her, and because it is integrated with the aura of heaven and earth, this remnant soul is very pure and kind.

But the remnant soul is just a remnant soul after all, and as her strength increases, her memory will gradually recover.

It's like a bad guy with amnesia who changed his personality in a short time and became a good guy.

But when his memory is restored, he returns to his previous state.

In other words, Xiaowan will eventually become a female demon, and the female demon will eventually replace Xiaowan.

This result made Lin Jichen feel like a deflated ball, leaning against the wall exhaustedly, a little at a loss.


Two more~

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