Full-time sword repair

Chapter 825 Still Exposed

It was the group of thieves who sneaked into the palace.

They were discovered as soon as they entered, and they were forced to start a big battle with the npc in the palace.

The result is also obvious, no one is alive, and all of them died quite miserable.

Lin Jichen sighed, fortunately there are these guys attracting firepower, otherwise he would have been exposed, thanks to these great cleverness, it's too righteous!

The car drove all the way to Ji Tongyin's princess mansion.

Ji Tongyin had been waiting for a long time.

Seeing Lin Jichen again, Ji Tongyin's eyes were as tender as water, and the affection in his eyes was so tender that he couldn't hide it.

Seeing that her sister was only looking at her lover, Ji Linglong pouted angrily, "Sister, I delivered it to you. I'll go back first if I have nothing to do!"

After speaking, he planned to leave angrily.

"Linglong, wait a minute." Ji Tongyin stopped her.


Ji Linglong said impatiently, she didn't know why she was so angry all of a sudden.

Ji Tongyin asked a little strangely: "Linglong, what's the matter with you? Who made you angry?"

Ji Linglong puffed her cheeks and said sullenly, "No, I'm fine, I'm not angry!"

"Don't fool me, I don't understand your personality yet, what's the matter?" Ji Tongyin stepped forward and asked with concern.

Ji Linglong couldn't help feeling a little guilty, so she quickly found an excuse and said, "It's nothing, it's just that when I entered the palace today, I was interrogated by the guards and was almost discovered, so I'm a little unhappy, and I'll be fine in a while."

"Oh? Then how did you escape the interrogation?" Ji Tongyin asked curiously.

Ji Linglong was speechless for a moment, her pretty face flushed red at a speed visible to the naked eye, and she began to stutter.


Lin Jichen's forehead was sweating, and he quickly explained: "The guards wanted to investigate, but just in time for an assassin to infiltrate the palace, they let me sneak in."

"So that's the case, that's really lucky." Ji Tongyin felt relieved.

Ji Linglong on the side breathed a sigh of relief, and glanced at Lin Jichen gratefully, almost giving it away.

"Sister, is there anything else you can call me?"

Ji Tongyin nodded and said with a smile: "You have to stay at my house for the time being. I will let Mr. Lin take the Yi Rong Pill and turn it into your appearance. You can go back when we come back from the Buddhist scriptures pavilion."

"Are you going to the Sutra Pavilion? Sister, you are so brave, aren't you afraid of being known by the emperor?" Ji Linglong asked in surprise.

She thought that Ji Tongyin was just missing Lin Jichen and asked him to come over for a meal or a date.

I didn't expect my sister to take Lin Jichen to the Sutra Pavilion, my God!

In Ji Linglong's impression, her sister is the one who abides by the rules of the royal family the most, and will never overstep.

Today, because of Lin Jichen, you want to openly violate your father's rules?This... is crazy!

Ji Tongyin explained: "Mr. Lin needs to check the information of the ghost clan, it's okay."

Ji Linglong curled her lips and said, "Sister, you are really responsive to him."

As she said that, Ji Linglong looked at Lin Jichen, put her hips on her hips and warned, "My sister is so kind to you, if you dare to let her down, I will never end with you!"

Lin Jichen was at a loss for words for a while, Ji Tongyin's cheeks became dizzy, and he said angrily: "Linglong, what are you talking about, Mr. Lin saved me in the Fengyuan Secret Realm, shouldn't I help with this little help?"


"Okay, stop talking nonsense, wait for us at the house obediently, we will come back as soon as we go."

"But I want to go too, okay?" Ji Linglong felt very exciting and wanted to keep up.

It's a pity that Ji Tongyin ruthlessly rejected him, so he could only go to the house aggrieved and sulked.

After seeing her sister leave, Ji Tongyin took out a pill and handed it to Lin Jichen.

"Young Master Lin, if you take this Yirong Pill, you can temporarily pretend to be my sister, but this medicine only lasts for an hour, and it cannot escape the detection of the strong."

"Then is it useful to take it?" Lin Jichen said worriedly.

Ji Tongyin nodded: "Don't worry, the Sutra Pavilion is guarded by General Wei now, and I have made arrangements with her, she will turn a blind eye and let us in, even if we are discovered, she is only responsible for oversight , and avoiding some ordinary guards is no problem."

"Okay!" Lin Jichen swallowed Yi Rong Dan without hesitation.

In the next second, he became Ji Linglong.

Looking at Lin Jichen's awkward look, Ji Tongyin couldn't help laughing.

"You get used to it, let's go."

The two set off immediately, successfully fooling around all the way, deceiving all the court ladies and eunuchs, and came to the Sutra Pavilion in Qianlong Palace.

Seeing this place, Lin Jichen looked very familiar.

After all, when he was here back then, he prostituted Emperor Ji for nothing.

But he didn't go in at that time, but this time he wanted to go deep into the scripture storage pavilion.

The person guarding this place is General Wei who has a good relationship with Ji Tongyin.

It's just that General Wei at this time has been gesturing to them with his eyes, as if to convey some signal.

Ji Tongyin didn't quite understand, so she walked over suspiciously, and pretended to say, "General Wei, my sister and I want to go to the Sutra Pavilion to read books, please let me go."

General Wei coughed twice and winked vigorously.

Lin Jichen had already seen the clue, and quietly took Ji Tongyin's hand, saying, "I suddenly don't want to watch it, let's go back."

After finishing speaking, without giving Ji Tongyin a chance to react, he turned around and dragged her back quickly.

Ji Tongyin didn't understand yet, so she asked Lin Jichen in a puzzled voice, "What's wrong?"

"There is a situation! Let's go!" Lin Jichen wished the soles of his feet could feel the wind.

He understood General Wei's first glance just now. I'm afraid she is not the only one guarding here!

Ji Tongyin's heart shook, and she hurried back.

However, at this moment, a figure blocked their way back.

"This old slave sees Her Highness the Princess!"

The person's voice was extremely sharp, Lin Jichen and Ji Tongyin stopped where they were, their fingers intertwined so nervously that they didn't know.

Because the person in front of him is Ji Hongyue's personal eunuch, and also the chief eunuch in the palace, Eunuch Gao!

Ji Tongyin tried her best to force a smile, and said, "Eunuch Gao, don't be too polite, you...why are you here?"

Eunuch Gao chuckled and said, "This old servant is following His Majesty's order to protect the safety of the imperial city, and happened to pass by the Buddhist scriptures pavilion."

"Oh, that's how it is, that... If it's okay, we'll leave first."

Ji Tongyin tried her best to pretend. At this moment, she wished that Eunuch Gao didn't pay attention to 'Ji Linglong' beside her.

However, things backfired, Eunuch Gao's eyes fell on 'Ji Linglong', and he said with a smirk: "Wouldn't you think that Princess Linglong would also have a good mood to come to the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion?"

Lin Jichen felt his gaze, as if being stared at by a poisonous snake.

He knew that this Eunuch Gao was extraordinary. A year ago outside the palace, he was surrounded by tens of thousands of players, and it was Eunuch Gao who came forward to resolve it.

Back then, he was already at the peak strength of the Nascent Soul Realm, and he was also a curse master.

In the past year now, Eunuch Gao must have greatly increased his strength even if he hadn't made a breakthrough.

Moreover, a person like him who can become Ji Hongyue's assistant is absolutely extraordinary in strength, definitely not comparable to ordinary Nascent Soul cultivators.

From the first glance the other party cast, Lin Jichen knew that he had been exposed...


Two more~

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