Full-time sword repair

Chapter 824 The princess gained weight?

"I'm faster than you guys, haha, I'll go first! I'm coming for Tianpin Treasure!!!"

A thief came to the palace wall at the fastest speed, and did not forget to show off to the thieves behind triumphantly, then jumped and flew into the city.

Seeing that someone took the lead, the other thieves rushed into action and flew into the palace.

Lin Jichen looked at their 'chic' figures, and couldn't help shaking his head and sighing, these days, there are always people who are not afraid of death.

He didn't have the courage of these people, let them all take off, and he was indifferent.

Lin Jichen just walked to the entrance of the palace and waited there quietly.

Not long after, a luxury car drove towards the palace from outside the city, and stopped suddenly as it passed by Lin Jichen.

Lin Jichen looked up and found a cute head sticking out of the window, and whispered to him: "Come up!"

Without hesitation, Lin Jichen jumped onto the car and hid inside.

The interior of the car is luxurious, but Lin Jichen has no intention of enjoying it. He just looked at the girl in front of him and smiled gratefully: "Thank you, Princess Linglong."

The girl in front of her was Ji Linglong.

Ji Linglong raised her head proudly: "If my sister hadn't asked me to take you into the city, I wouldn't have done that. It won't do any good at all, hehe~"

Lin Jichen laughed, thought for a while, and said, "My rouge shop has researched a new type of rouge. How about sending a hundred boxes to the princess?"

When Ji Linglong heard this, she immediately put on a smiling face and said, "That's what you said! Don't renege on your debt!"

"Of course, it's a deal."

"Well, that's not bad, this favor is not in vain." Ji Linglong was satisfied at this point.

"By the way, I heard last time that you really saved my sister in Fengyuan Secret Realm. You really kept your word. You owed me two of the three conditions, and only the last one remains."

Lin Jichen said happily: "What's the third condition? Why don't you say it, I'll see if I can meet it."

"I haven't thought about it yet, I'll tell you when I think about it." Ji Linglong said delicately.

"Okay, let's wait until the princess thinks it over."

"Of course, who made me a princess~"

As Ji Linglong spoke, she put on a princess pose, and the two looked at each other and smiled.

The car continued driving and came to the entrance of the city.

The guards at the city gate saluted when they saw the car.

"See Her Royal Highness!"

Sitting inside, Ji Linglong said, "My princess is tired from playing, and now I'm going to my sister's place, let's show her."

As soon as the car was about to move, the chief guard said awkwardly: "Princess...please wait a moment."

"What's the matter?"

The chief guard explained: "Before today's ancestor worship ceremony, His Majesty sent an order that all personnel and vehicles entering or leaving the palace need to be carefully checked to ensure that no youngsters are mixed in."

Hearing the chief guard's words, both Lin Jichen and Ji Linglong thumped.

Unexpectedly, before leaving, Emperor Ji strengthened the security of the palace.

Lin Jichen hurriedly took out the disguise mask, trying to change into a palace lady casually, but found that the cooling time hadn't expired...


Ji Linglong pretended to be calm, snorted dissatisfiedly, and said, "What? I also need to check the princess' car?"

The chief guard said very honestly: "Your Majesty has an order. No matter who it is, it must be investigated...Princess, don't worry, it's just a simple investigation and a process."

After finishing speaking, the chief guard walked towards the driver.

Inside the car, Lin Jichen and Ji Linglong's hearts rose.

"Quick! Hide under the skirt behind me!"

Ji Linglong lifted the skirt of the princess and hurriedly said to Lin Jichen.

Lin Jichen also knew that the matter should be done in a hurry, and he didn't care about his face, so he quickly hid until Ji Linglong stretched out his hand, then lifted the corner of her skirt and hid inside.

However, the body shapes of the two are very different, and there is no way to hide Lin Jichen, a living person.

Helpless, Lin Jichen could only cling to Ji Linglong, then hugged her with both hands, hanging behind Ji Linglong like a koala.


The sudden touch made Ji Linglong scream.

"What's the matter, princess?" The chief guard hurried forward.

"It's okay, it's okay, you can check it if you want, hurry up, I have something to do with my sister."

As Ji Linglong said, her pretty face flushed, and behind her was a big man hanging in the clothes.

The close contact between the two made Ji Linglong feel short of breath and hot.

But she also knew that she couldn't do otherwise. If she was discovered and her father found out, she didn't know whether Lin Jichen would be punished, but it would be even more difficult for her to leave the palace in the future.

The head guard walked towards the car, and first checked the outside of the car, including the bottom of the car.

After finding nothing abnormal, he came to the front of the car respectfully and asked the maid to lift the curtain.

Looking from inside the curtain, only the princess was sitting there in the car, and there was nothing unusual about it.

However, the sharp-eyed chief guard felt that something was wrong with the princess, and the princess dress behind her was inexplicably bulging.

And the figure seems to be a little swollen... It looks like it has gained a lot of weight.

I go?Has Her Royal Highness gained weight?

The chief guard glanced suspiciously, and was about to examine it carefully.

Ji Linglong knew that the matter was about to be revealed, so nervous that she dared not speak, feeling hopeless in her heart, it was over, she must be found out.

At this moment, there were violent fighting sounds in the palace.

"There are assassins!"

The chief guard was immediately attracted to the idea.

"It's really courageous to come to the palace to make trouble! Send a team of people and me into the palace to destroy the assassins! Others, continue to guard the entrance of the city!"

After the chief guard finished speaking, he said to Ji Linglong, "It's a crime to disturb Your Highness the princess. It's not safe for the princess. Please return to the princess mansion quickly."

"I'm sorry, go and do your work." Ji Linglong said calmly.

The chief guard didn't dare to hesitate immediately, and rushed to the palace to destroy the assassins.

As soon as he left, the driver continued driving, and Lin Jichen and Ji Linglong in the car heaved a sigh of relief.

It was so thrilling that it was almost discovered.

"If I had known such a risk, I would not have agreed to my sister." Ji Linglong said with emotion.

Lin Jichen comforted: "The princess has worked hard, but fortunately there is no danger."

Ji Linglong nodded in agreement, "Yes, yes."

However, at this moment, she found that Lin Jichen was still hiding behind her, and when she was still hugging her, her expression changed.

"How long are you going to hide in there?"

Lin Jichen also just 'woke up', and quickly let go of Ji Linglong: "Sorry, sorry, I was nervous for a while, I forgot."

Ji Linglong blushed and straightened her clothes, then sat far away from Lin Jichen, not daring to look at him.

Lin Jichen was also a little embarrassed, and he had no choice but to take advantage of the little princess. This whole thing is really annoying!

The atmosphere in the car became a little awkward.

Fortunately, after the car drove into the palace, the violent movement from inside attracted the attention of the two of them.

Ji Linglong opened the curtain curiously to check, and Lin Jichen took a sneak peek too, good guy, isn't this group of thieves?


One more~

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