Full-time sword repair

Chapter 822 Who do you say is Princess Taiping! ! ! !

Lin Jichen smiled lightly: "I didn't expect to meet you here, why, are you busy?"

"Ah, I'm not busy, idol, do you need me? I'm free anytime! What do you need me to do?"

Liu Xiazi immediately forgot about finding Dang Jinchuan as a guest, and even if Lin Jichen came to chat with her, she would immediately leave with him.

What work does not work, of course, is not as important as chasing stars!

Lin Jichen joked, "Aren't you going to find a guest?"

Liu Xiazi chuckled, and said: "You can find a guest at any time, and this guest's requirements are too high, so we probably can't reach an agreement. Forget it, we'll look for it next time."

After finishing speaking, Liu Xiazi also apologized to Dang Jinchuan: "I'm sorry, Master Dang, I really can't accept your conditions, so I won't bother you."

Dang Jinchuan's lips twitched, damn it, this woman just sneered at her just now, and now she dumped him in the blink of an eye?

"What a snobbery!" Dang Jinchuan spat.

Liu Xiazi's complexion changed, and he said angrily: "Hey, why am I so snobbish? I couldn't accept your conditions. I just kept talking nice things to you and you couldn't listen to them, and you wouldn't give in half a step. I can only give up, and besides, if I don’t accept it, I will talk to you well, what do you want from me?”

Dang Jinchuan said disdainfully: "What are you pretending to be? Isn't it just an anchor? Do you think you can get Lin Jichen to agree to appear on your show by deliberately belittling me? His conditions must be much higher than mine. Believe it or not ?”

Liu Xiazi was indignant, and was about to turn back when he heard Lin Jichen's voice next to him.

"Who told you that my qualifications are higher than yours? I have promised anchor Liu to participate in her show for free."

Dang Jinchuan was taken aback, and said in disbelief: "Lin Jichen, you don't need to find such an excuse to pick up a girl, don't you just want to gain favor in front of her, I have seen this method a lot."

While talking, he still didn't forget to complain: "You want to date such an ordinary girl? You also like Princess Taiping?"

Before Lin Jichen could speak, Liu Xiazi had already gone berserk.

"Who do you say is Princess Taiping!!!"

Liu Xiazi clenched her fists tightly, as if she wanted to beat up Dang Jinchuan. If it was real, this chick would definitely pass by in a big fight.

Dang Jinchuan was unscrupulous, and even glanced at Liu Xiazi's chest, curled his lips and said: "Isn't it? I'm not wrong, you are Princess Taiping, is it wrong to tell the truth?"

"Dang Jinchuan! I'm fighting with you!"

Liu Xiazi, who had been poked at the sore spot, was furious. He had an extra big hammer in his hand, and he was about to hit him with a hammer.

Fortunately, Lin Jichen made a timely move and dragged her back.

"This is the city, you can't fight, you want to be locked up." Lin Jichen persuaded.

Liu Xiazi was furious and said, "But he insulted me!"

Lin Jichen smiled wryly, and comforted him: "Forget it, don't be as knowledgeable as this kind of person. If you want to get revenge, there are many ways. There is no need to use the cheapest one."

Only then did Liu Xiazi calm down, but still staring at Dang Jinchuan, he said, "Dang Jinchuan, wait for me, this girl who hates me will remember!"

Afraid that she would be impulsive, Lin Jichen dragged her away from here.

Dang Jinchuan chuckled, and didn't care about Liu Xiazi's threats: "Just one anchor wants to threaten me? If it wasn't for the city, if it wasn't for Lin Jichen to back her up, I would kill her every time!"

After speaking, he swaggered away.

And after Lin Jichen dragged Liu Xiazi to another place, Liu Xiazi also gradually calmed down.

"Idol, you just said that there are many ways to get revenge. What is the way? Tell me quickly, I want revenge!"

Lin Jichen didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and said, "You hate him that much?"

Liu Xiazi nodded, and said: "I hate people calling me Princess Taiping the most. I don't have to mock me like that because I have small breasts, hmph!"

Lin Jichen was secretly glad that he had nothing to say when he first met her, otherwise he probably would have lost a female fan...

But there is one thing to say, Dang Jinchuan is right...Liu Xiazi is good at everything, looks good, and is tall.

It's just...too a...

Of course, it is impossible for Lin Jichen to say this to hurt his friend.

"It's very simple to want revenge. After you start this show, just wait for him to come to your door and beg you not to."

"But what if he doesn't come?" Liu Xiazi asked uneasy.

Lin Jichen said with a smile: "That's even simpler. You invite the second strongest Daoxiu to come to your show, and then make indirect hints that he is worthy of being the number one. Think about whether Dang Jinchuan will come to you after he finds out?"

After hearing this, Liu Xiazi became enlightened, and said happily, "That's right! Let's do it like this! Dang Jinchuan, just wait for me!"

Finally, Liu Xiazi, who was temporarily relieved, put on a smiling face again, and she already had a perfect revenge plan in her heart.

Dang Jinchuan, I told you to mock my old lady for a, wait for me, and I will have some good fruits for you! ! !

"Idol, thank you for giving me an idea. If you have something to do, go first. I'm much better." Liu Xiazi was in a good mood when she found a way to get revenge.

"Eh... I'm here to find you." Lin Jichen said.

Liu Xiazi didn't believe it, and said with a smile: "Don't tease me, I know, idol, you just wanted to help me, I am very grateful for your help, but don't worry, I won't use this to bother you to participate in my show, Didn't we agree, you can come to me anytime you are free, don't worry about me."

Lin Jichen couldn't help but laugh, he couldn't handle this nervous girl.

"Don't worry, I'm free now, and I'm here to find you. If you don't want to, then I can go. I don't know when I'll be waiting next time when I'm free."

Lin Jichen said that he pretended to leave, but Liu Xiazi rushed towards him like a hungry wolf, grabbed his arm and refused to let him go.

"Idol, are you serious???"

Lin Jichen laughed and said, "Of course, are you free now? Let's do the show."

"Yes! There must be! Hahaha, idol, you are so kind to me, woohoo, I'm about to cry..."

Liu Xiazi happily jumped three feet high, she was really crying with a smile...

Weeping with joy, she should be like this now.

It's also understandable, after all, Liu Xiazi has always dreamed of inviting Lin Jichen to participate in his show.

And now that his show is at its most difficult time, Lin Jichen suddenly came to help and was willing to participate.

This is tantamount to great news for Liu Xiazi.

"Where is the interview?" Liu Xiazi asked hurriedly.

"Anything is fine." Lin Jichen replied casually.

Liu Xiazi then suggested: "How about going to the wild to find a place with beautiful mountains and clear waters?"

Lin Jichen was about to agree, but he could only change his words in embarrassment when he thought of the general.

"Forget it, why don't you go to my inn and get a room?"

Liu Xiazi was dumbfounded: "?????"


Two more~

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