After a long while of consolation by Lin Jichen.

Zhao Baige finally calmed down a little and relaxed, not as nervous as before.

"I told you that, I just hope you can be vigilant, don't be too lax in reality, and don't expose your identity and details too much, that's all."

"I understand the boss, I will be careful."

Zhao Baige nodded like a chicken pecking rice.

Lin Jichen was also relieved, stood up and said, "Okay, since you know it's good, I'll leave first if there's nothing else to do, I'll leave the store to you and I'll rest assured."

Seeing that Lin Jichen was about to leave, Zhao Baige stopped him.

"Boss, that...I have something else..."

"What's wrong? Tell me." Lin Jichen turned around and asked.

Zhao Baige said embarrassingly: "My realm is a bit low now, and I may need to go up to a lower level to meet the basic requirements of a seventh-rank alchemist."

Zhao Baige has always been obsessed with alchemy, and has never tried to upgrade. She is still a rookie in the crystallization state.

This was when Lin Jichen took her to brush the secret realm of Fengxue prison a long time ago, and she has been silent since then.

But if you want to break through to the seventh-rank alchemist, you need at least the strength of the spiritual realm.

Zhao Baige now needs to think about his realm again.

"This matter is easy to handle, I will take you..."

Lin Jichen stopped in the middle of speaking, because he really didn't dare to mess around now.

"Um, it's inconvenient for me to go outside recently. Otherwise, if you're in a hurry, I'll arrange an expert for you and take you there to gain experience. How about it?"

Lin Jichen wanted to ask Xing Sen to help with this, or ask the Moon Shadow Guild.

However, when Zhao Baige heard this, he quickly shook his head and waved his hands repeatedly.

"No, no, no, I'm not in a hurry. I'm not in a hurry. That... I can go when you are free, boss. Anyway, I have just been promoted to a sixth-rank alchemist, and it is still early to be a seventh-rank, and the sixth-rank There are very few pills, so I can wait slowly."

Zhao Baige rejected Lin Jichen's plan to invite her in seconds.

Lin Jichen had no choice but to smile and said, "Okay then, I'll take you to upgrade after a few days when I'm free."

"Yeah." Zhao Baige nodded happily, she didn't want to upgrade with others.

"By the way, you should also pay more attention to the auction house about Danfang. As long as you like any Danfang or medicinal material, just talk to the store manager in the auction house. He will help you buy it immediately, without worrying about the money. " Lin Jichen urged again.

Zhao Baige nodded blissfully, feeling like being surrounded by a domineering president, meeting such a good boss, how can she not be tempted~

After explaining, Lin Jichen left the pharmacy and went straight to the equipment store.

He told Zhao Baige to be careful, and naturally he couldn't miss Uncle Wu Qi.

Uncle Wu Qi is also the candidate that the major guilds are vying for now, and Lin Jichen also has the responsibility to remind him.

After listening to Lin Jichen's warning, Uncle Wu Qi nodded solemnly.

"Boss, don't worry, I haven't told anyone what I do until now. My wife and children don't know, they only know that I make money in the game. I will take the reminder you give me seriously in my heart. If something happens, I will do it the first time." I'll contact you shortly."

Uncle Wu Qi is much more mature than Zhao Baige, and he knows the truth of not revealing his wealth. In addition, he is paralyzed at home, let alone telling outsiders.

"That's good. Feel free to speak up if you have anything to do, and if you have any difficulties in life, feel free to mention to me. I'll go first."

After Lin Jichen left these words, he turned and walked out of the equipment shop.

After coming out, Lin Jichen originally wanted to go offline to rest and wait for Qianlong's ancestor worship ceremony to start, but he saw a familiar figure just after he came out of the equipment store.

"Master Dang, if you think about it again, just accept an interview, you can become famous all over the world!"

"I've said it many times, if you want to interview me, you can, unless you can afford the reward I want."

"But the remuneration you mentioned is too high, 200 million for one interview...It's a bit too much."

"How much is 200 million? Do you know how many guilds are poaching me with an annual salary of tens of millions? I am the number one knife repairer in the eight wildernesses. With the golden signboard here, 200 million is not much."

"Don't be a god of the party, I know you are the number one knife repairer, but think about it, if you come to my show for an interview, you will also get a lot of attention and popularity. This is a mutual win, isn't it?"

"Stop messing with me. It's your crappy program called No. [-] in the whole server. The number of broadcasts is pitifully small, and you don't want to pay for it. Only fools are willing to go."

"Master Dang, don't leave, you can think about it..."


On the street, a beautiful girl chased after a male player, kept saying good things, begging him to agree.

However, the male player looked arrogant and didn't give the slightest bit of face. He walked on his own, and the girl could only follow behind and persevere.

But still failed to impress the other party, and even made the other party's attitude more proud and complacent, as if everything was under his control, and became a bargaining chip for him to sell.

The male player is none other than Jin Chuan, who is recognized as the number one swordsman in the eight wastelands, and the girl is Liu Xiazi, a well-known female anchor in the eight wastelands.

In order to start the program "No. [-] in All Servers", Liu Xiazi put a lot of effort into it.

It's a pity because no one was optimistic about the show at the beginning, and there was no way to invite real masters, and it was Liu Xiazi who wanted to do this show.

Therefore, the program budget is very small, which made Liu Xiazi's program very difficult.

But even so, Liu Xiazi still didn't want to give up.

While the two were negotiating on such an unequal basis, a tall and straight figure walked across from them.

When the two of them saw someone coming, they stopped involuntarily.

When Dang Jinchuan saw the person walking straight towards him, he subconsciously faltered, thinking that the person was going to pass, and his body reflexively moved out of the way.

But as soon as he made way for him, he regretted it. Why should he make way for him?

However, at this time, the person in front of him did not pass directly because of Dang Jinchuan's initiative to give way. On the contrary, he stopped in front of the two of them.

Dang Jinchuan frowned, looked at Lin Jichen and said, "What's the matter?"

Lin Jichen didn't look at him at all, his gaze was only on Liu Xiazi, and Dang Jinchuan seemed to be like air in his eyes.


When Liu Xiazi saw Lin Jichen, surprise was written on his tired face, as if the exhaustion of running around for the show for a long time was swept away in an instant.

Dang Jinchuan was upset when he heard that, Lin Jichen was the number one swordsman.

After all, he was the first one to fix it, why didn't he hear Liu Xiazi calling him an idol?

To them, Liu Xiazi, who was number one in the whole server, would only call him a great god, but to Lin Jichen, she would call her an idol.

Because in Liu Xiazi's heart, there can be many great gods, but her idol will always be only one!


One more~

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