Full-time sword repair

Chapter 820 The Crisis Class Was Overdone

"Hey, when did I say I'm going to sell you?"

Lin Jichen was confused and couldn't help asking.

Zhao Baige sucked the tip of his red nose, sobbed, "Aren't you going to trade me to another guild..."

Lin Jichen laughed, and said speechlessly, "When did I say I was going to trade you to another guild?"

"No? You won't sell me?" Zhao Baige was still not confident.

"Of course I won't sell you, why should I sell you, idiot." Lin Jichen scolded with a smile.

Zhao Baige wiped away his tears, pouted and said, "Then what do you mean when you said that I can't go on like this..."

Lin Jichen suddenly realized that this silly girl misunderstood what he meant.

"Damn! What kind of language comprehension ability do you have? I mean, you can't continue to be so carefree. You need to be vigilant and have a sense of crisis. I'm not trying to sell you."

Hearing this, Zhao Baige realized that her thinking was wrong. Instead of being angry, she laughed through tears.

"That's good, you don't want to sell me, hehe..."

Zhao Baige wiped her face with her hands again as she spoke, but she didn't know that when she was making alchemy just now, she touched dust with her hands.

After wiping his face, well, his clean little face turned into a tabby cat again.

Lin Jichen couldn't help laughing, and just wanted to remind, but Zhao Baige asked belatedly: "Boss, you just said that I need to be vigilant and have a sense of crisis. What do you mean? Are you telling me not to go out of the city? Someone will murder me outside the city." ?”

With a serious expression on Lin Jichen's face, he said in a deep voice, "I'm not saying you're vigilant in the game, but in reality!"


"That's right, you should keep a low profile as much as possible, and don't casually expose your identity as Zhao Baige."

"Huh? But my real name is Zhao Baige..."

Zhao Baige smiled wryly, and then said whimsically: "How about I change the name of the game? Does this game have a name change card, boss, can you buy me one?"

Lin Jichen rolled his eyes and said, "This game doesn't have a name change card, so you might as well go to the Public Security Bureau to change your real name."

"That's not impossible, so what should I change my real name to..." Zhao Baige tilted his head and pondered.

Lin Jichen teased, "Then change it to Zhao Heige."

"Zhao Heige...Don't, don't, it's so ugly!"

Zhao Baige shook his head repeatedly, with rejection written all over his face.

Lin Jichen didn't want to tease her anymore, and comforted her: "There's no need to change the name, the name of the game is the same as the real name everywhere, and I also use my real name, but no one doubts that I am Lin Jichen in the game. Could it be that there is a murderer in the game? It’s called Zhang San, so Zhang San in reality is a murderer.”

"Boss, is your real name Lin Jichen? I thought it was a name you chose yourself. Your name sounds nice, hee hee"

Zhao Baige seemed to have found something in common, and began to be silly again.

Seeing that she hadn't entered the state at all and couldn't grasp the point, Lin Jichen was both angry and funny.

He can only tell about the assassination experience he encountered.

Five minutes later, Zhao Baige's face was dull, and his eyes were full of shock and fear.

"Boss... are you really being targeted by the killer organization? This is not a joke, isn't that something that only Li will encounter..."

Lin Jichen sighed, and said, "I really hope it's fake, but I'm very responsible to tell you, if it wasn't for my blessing and destiny, I would have died a long time ago."

"How can there be such a bad guy? If you can't beat you in the game, you want to take revenge in reality. Then, boss, are you not injured?" Zhao Baige said indignantly.

"I'm fine, so I don't want you to be fine. You have to remember that from now on, you should act in a low-key manner and don't reveal your identity in the game at will, including your parents. It's best not to say anything."

"Ah? That..." Zhao Baige suddenly became embarrassed.

Lin Jichen felt something was wrong, so he asked, "What's wrong?"

Zhao Baige blushed pretty, and confessed honestly: "My parents... know about it. I told them that I am now an alchemist in the game and can earn a lot of money. They are very happy, and it seems that it has spread to the neighbors. There went..."

Lin Jichen frowned, and said: "Then there may be hidden dangers, but it's okay if you didn't disclose your identity in detail, and it should be fine, but you have to remember, if someone asks you in the future, don't talk about the alchemist again." Just say something else, and try to keep a low profile in the future, if a stranger finds you, you will deny that you are an alchemist, and then politely refuse."

"Then what if...they don't accept it..." Zhao Baige asked in fear.

Lin Jichen said seriously: "Turn on the recording on your mobile phone with you. If the other party threatens you, you should call the police. If the police intervene, even if there are bad people, they will not dare to face you."

"Well, okay!" Zhao Baige nodded vigorously.

Lin Jichen said again seriously: "If the other party doesn't understand the difficulties and retreats, then you must contact me as soon as possible. Have you saved my phone number? Do I need to send it to you again?"

"Saved! I know the boss!" Zhao Baige replied.

Only then did Lin Jichen rest assured that Zhao Baige, who now has a sense of crisis, should be safe.

After all, no matter what she is, she is only an alchemist and has not yet become an alchemy king.

In addition, Zhao Baige never made enemies with anyone, so an alchemist wouldn't let those bad guys take such a big risk to kidnap them.

Thinking about it, Lin Jichen felt that he might be a little too cautious.

"You don't need to be too nervous. I'm talking about the worst possibility. This kind of possibility is very small. You shouldn't encounter it. It's just to prevent problems before they happen. Be vigilant."

"But hearing what you said, I still feel terrible. When I go offline, I will tell my parents and let them stop talking about it."

Zhao Baige said suspiciously: "At first, my parents wanted to take me to travel at the end of this month, but I can't go. What if I get caught in a strange place."

"If caught, they will definitely kidnap me, beat me up, and force me to make alchemy for them."

"I even threatened my parents' lives, ah, no, no, I won't travel, and I don't want my parents to travel..."

Lin Jichen couldn't laugh or cry, it's over, the crisis class was a bit fierce, and this girl was stunned...

He can imagine that if this girl is allowed to imagine like this, she may feel that there are dangers and bad people everywhere around her.

Lin Jichen could only comfort him: "Don't be so nervous, I'm only talking about the worst and smallest possibility. The possibility of you encountering it is very small, don't worry."

"No, boss, you are right! Take precautions before they happen. When I go offline today, I have to install a surveillance camera near my home, learn from your attitude, boss, and check the surveillance every day before going to bed. Then I will buy an automatic monitor for my parents. The alarm, you can call the police if there is any danger, I have to 'clarify' with my relatives, I am not an alchemist, I am a craftsman, emm... what else, let me think about it..."

Zhao Baige couldn't listen anymore, and was completely caught in a sense of crisis and couldn't extricate himself.

Lin Jichen covered his face, it's over, this child is useless...


two more

My relatives came to see me today, having a dinner together, I was delayed for a day, sorry sorry

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