The cooldown of the salty pig's hand takes one day, although Lin Jichen really wanted to stay here until he touched Luo Muxian.

It's a pity that he knows that the Storm Secret Realm is only limited to one day, and it will probably end in a while.


At this time, Luo Muxian woke up slowly and found that she was still lying in the life-saving cave. She sat up quickly and looked out of the cave vigilantly.

He found that Lin Jichen was staring at her with a 'pity' expression.

Luo Muxian suddenly felt bad, and hurriedly checked his clothes, and found that there was nothing messy or abnormal, so he was slightly relieved.

That's right, with the enchantment, Lin Jichen couldn't do anything beastly to him.

Of course, Luo Muxian never forgot the humiliation Lin Jichen brought her before she passed out.

She looked directly at Lin Jichen, shot out a murderous aura, and said coldly: "Lin Jichen, one day, sooner or later, I will tear your corpse into thousands of pieces!"

Lin Jichen chuckled and said, "I didn't expect your butt to be so soft, but your mouth to be so hard. It wasn't this dog hole that saved you, you would have been the soul of my sword long ago."

Luo Muxian was very ashamed and annoyed. Whenever she mentioned this, she felt a pain in her buttocks.

"I admit that your strength is indeed strong, but I have a hundred ways to kill you, so just wait!"

"Okay, I'll wait, revenge is welcome."

Lin Jichen said arrogantly.

In fact, he deliberately stimulated Luo Muxian, hoping that she would come for more revenge, so that he would have a chance to get the remaining two letters to complete the task.

"You'll be there soon, I hope you won't regret it then!" Luo Muxian said coldly, then turned around and didn't want to take another look at Lin Jichen.

Lin Jichen was also happy to relax, so he found a place to sit down and waited for the end.

To be honest, he was already so sleepy that he really wanted to go to sleep now.

He almost ran out of battery in the game cabin.

Finally, with a whirl of heaven and earth, all the people in the secret realm of the storm were teleported out at the same time, returning to the previous teleportation point.

The Fengyuan Secret Realm is also closed, and it will take another year to open it again.

But after a year, Lin Jichen's cultivation level definitely wouldn't be eligible to enter again.

Back at the teleportation point, Lin Jichen found that the number of people was more than [-]% smaller than when he first entered.

There were hundreds of thousands of Sword Sect disciples before, but now there are only tens of thousands.

It can be seen that the elimination rate is high.

This trip to the Fengyuan Secret Realm went smoothly. Lin Jichen obtained two heavenly skill books, Moji Zhenyuanjue and Jinpeng Breaking the Void Step.

Moreover, the restrictions have been lifted and learned by Lin Jichen.

But what Lin Jichen wants to do most now is not to try these two skills, but to get off the assembly line and get some sleep. He hasn't closed his eyes for almost a week.

If it's just a normal game, it's okay to have a game cabin.

The key is that many battles in the Fengyuan Secret Realm exhausted Lin Jichen's energy. If he hadn't been stimulated by the film before and frightened by Xing Liyao, he probably couldn't bear it long ago.

"Little brother~"

At this time, a fragrant wind rushed towards Lin Jichen and fell into Lin Jichen's arms.

"Little sister, I..."

Lao Lin just wanted to talk, but when he saw Nan Gongyue's pair of comfortable 'pillows' approaching him, he couldn't hold it any longer, and felt drowsy, fell on it, and fell asleep...

On the other side is the teleportation point of the Ghost Hall.

Wen Renxun walked towards Luo Muxian with a smile, and said: "Congratulations to the young master for winning the heavenly treasure. I'm afraid the suzerain will be happy for you when you go back, and will definitely rely on you more."

However, Luo Muxian's face was surprisingly ugly. She glanced at Wen Renxun coldly, and asked back: "You mean if I don't get the heavenly treasure, my father will despise me?"

Wen Renxun didn't understand, so he quickly waved his hands and said: "No, no, this subordinate doesn't mean that, I mean..."

"Enough!" Luo Muxian shouted impatiently, and then laughed at himself: "I didn't get any treasure, and I almost died."

"Ah?" Wen Renxun asked in surprise, "Could it be that the young master met some elder?"

"Lin, Ji, Chen!!" Luo Muxian gritted his teeth, with hatred in his eyes.

"It's him? This..." Wen Renxun didn't expect Luo Muxian to be so unlucky that one of the ten people would meet Lin Jichen.

At the same time, it was a pity that if there were still two places in the mushroom cloud at that time, he would have gone in with Luo Muxian, and this incident would not have happened.

In the final analysis, it was Lin Jichen who was so lucky that he narrowly escaped death twice.

Wen Renxun muttered: "Is this kid a child of luck..."

Luo Muxian sneered and said, "Do you believe in such illusory things? Even if Lin Jichen is the son of luck, I will kill him in the cradle!"

Afterwards, she ordered: "Elder Wenren, after returning to the sect, immediately mobilize the Shadow Guards to closely investigate Lin Jichen's every move. I want to know all his information! Don't miss anything!"

"Yes! This subordinate will do it now."

Although Wen Renxun didn't know what kind of enmity Luo Muxian had with Lin Jichen, he had never seen the young master lose control of his emotions one day, he was so scared that he didn't dare to ask anything, and went to do things honestly.

And far away in the Peacock Demon Kingdom, the territory of Ten Thousand Demons, a similar scene also happened.

Kong Jie dragged his seriously injured body back to the tribe, and the elders of the tribe were shocked.

"Kong Jie, where are your cousin and nephew?" Grand Elder Kong Funian looked directly at Kong Jie and asked.

Kong Jie knelt down on the ground and said in shame, "To my father, Kong Yu and Kong Yan... are all dead..."



Kong Funian shattered the Xuanyu stone table with his palm, stood up and asked, "How did they die! Is this how you protect your brother and nephew?"

Kong Jie's eyes were about to split, and he said with hatred: "Father, the children are useless, I couldn't keep them."

The second elder on the side hurriedly asked: "What happened? Could it be that you met elders from other sects? Or a strong man from the ghost clan?"

"It's a... sword repair..."

"Elder Jianzong?"

"No...not like an elder, he only has...a spiritual realm..."


Everyone was shocked!

"Spiritual Realm Sword Cultivator? Could it be Chu Tianhan, the chief disciple of the Sword Sect?" The third elder asked doubtfully.

Kong Jie shook his head and said, "I don't know..."

Kong Funian was even more furious, cursing: "You trash! Even a sword cultivator with a spiritual realm can't solve it, why are you still alive? You are still my son of Kong Funian, you idiot!"

"Brother, don't worry, let him finish."

The second elder's eyes were sharp, and he said with a hostile expression: "Xiaojie, tell me quickly how your cousin and nephew died at his hands."

"It's a formation...he set up an ambush, at first it was..." Kong Jie didn't dare to hide it, and explained everything over and over.

After everyone listened, everyone understood that it wasn't that Kong Jie was weak, but that he was defeated by the opponent's long-awaited powerful formation.

"Human monks are really a bunch of despicable people! I'm so mad! I'm going to Mu Xianzhou and slaughtered the whole family of Tianyan Sword Sect!"

The second elder has a hot temper and is in the pain of losing his son, so he gets up to take revenge.


One more~

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