Full-time sword repair

Chapter 751 Kidnapping

"Stop! Second brother, don't mess around, Tianyan Sword Sect is not an ordinary sect, are you sure you've played too coldly?" Kong Funian shouted.

"So what, do you want my son to sacrifice in vain?" The second elder roared unwillingly.

Kong Funian looked like a torch, and said: "Tianyan Sword Sect will definitely not be able to fight for the time being, unless we wait for my king to leave the customs, we can fight against Tianyan Sword Sect."

He paused, and then said: "Of course, Jianzong can't move, but that young swordsman must die! Let Kong Jie get out the portrait of this man, and go to the human race to investigate clearly."

The Second Elder Kong Heming immediately said: "Okay, when the investigation is clear, I will go to the Human Race territory to avenge my son!"

"Second Uncle, I'll go with you, and I want to kill my enemies!" Kong Jie also spoke beside him, his fists clenched tightly, and his nails penetrated into the flesh.

Thinking of Lin Jichen killing his younger brother and nephew, Kong Jie felt no less desire for revenge than Kong Heming.

"Good nephew!" Kong Heming said tearfully.

Kong Funian did not object, and nodded in agreement.

Kong Heming is a demon cultivator at the Dao Enlightenment Realm, so it is easy to kill a junior.

Kong Funian said indifferently: "Since the king's retreat, the deterrence of our peacock demon clan seems to have declined. There are people who dare to provoke our peacock demon clan. It seems that it is time to kill chickens and monkeys."

Kong Funian was arrogant, he looked at Kong Jie and asked, "Did you find the iron-eating beast that made a big fuss in our demon kingdom?"

Kong Jie said ashamedly: "Not yet, but I found out that the iron-eating beast must have escaped to the territory of the human race, probably looking for a place to hide. I have reached a cooperation with a certain force of the human race. I will look for the whereabouts of this iron-eater, and even provide many other information."

"Well done, this person and one bear must die. I want the entire four clans to know that no clan can provoke my peacock clan!"


After coming out of the game cabin, Lin Jichen didn't do anything, and just slept for a day and a night!

When I woke up again, it was already the next day.

After waking up from the bed, Lin Jichen stretched and found a piece of bread and a note on the bedside table.

It seemed that Gu Qiuxue was afraid that he would be too hungry when he got up, so she prepared something for him.

Lin Jichen picked up a piece of bread and gnawed it, and picked up the note by the way.

When he saw the content of the note, he was stunned.

[Xiao Chen, if we are not at home after you wake up, don’t worry, Xiaoyao’s brother has an accident, Ning Ning took her to the police station to report the case, and we will accompany her there, Xiaoyao was afraid that you would be too tired so we didn’t let us call you , eat something after you wake up, don't worry. 】

Seeing this note, Lin Jichen also lost the desire to eat, and hurriedly found his mobile phone to call Gu Qiuxue.

As soon as Gu Qiuxue said that something happened to Xing Liyao's brother, he immediately realized that it might have something to do with him!

Just as he was about to make a call, he did not expect the sound of the door opening to come from outside.

Lin Jichen ran out quickly, it was Gu Qiuxue and the others who came back.

But there was no joy on their faces, instead they all looked worried, and Xing Liyao, who was supported by Gu Qiuxue in the middle, burst into tears.

Lin Jichen's heart skipped a beat, and he hurriedly asked, "How's it going?"

Qin Xiaowei was the first to speak: "The case has been reported, but the person can't be found for the time being."

"What's the matter, Xiaoyao, please tell me carefully, what happened to your brother?" Lin Jichen looked at Xing Liyao.

Xing Liyao had a sore nose, suppressed tears, and said: "Yesterday when I entered the game, a stranger came to me and told me that my brother Xing Sen was dying. I didn't believe it, so he asked me to search the forum for an encrypted post." , After I went to search, I found that it was really my brother, he was beaten so badly, his body was covered in blood, and he was tied up, woo woo..."

Lin Jichen frowned, and asked, "What happened later? Who is that person, is it Wang Jinghao?"

Xing Liyao shook her head and said: "It's not Wang Jinghao, it's just an ordinary player. I don't remember what he looks like. He only asked me to read the post. He also gave me an encrypted phone and said the password was my brother's birthday. I called Once I got there, the people over there threatened me to obey me, otherwise my brother would die."

"Don't think about it, Wang Jinghao must have done it."

Lin Jichen said firmly, and said to Tang Ning, "Sister Ning Ning, don't think about it, it's Wang Jinghao, let's arrest people."

Tang Ning smiled bitterly and said, "We also guessed it was him, but there was no evidence. I also went to the police station to investigate before I realized it. If we contact the Kyoto police now, firstly, we can't find Xing Sen's location, and secondly, Wang Jinghaoda It can be said that Xing Sen was kidnapped by other people, so as to disregard all ties, they will startle the snake, and maybe they will kill people to silence them."

Lin Jichen fell silent. He knew that what Tang Ning said was not wrong. The other party came prepared and would definitely not leave any evidence for them.

When Xing Liyao heard that she would kill someone, she cried so much that she cried.

Everyone helped her to the sofa in the living room and took turns to comfort her. Seeing this well-behaved girl crying so sadly, all the girls couldn't bear it.

Lin Jichen calmed down, walked up to Xing Liyao and sat down, stretched out his hand to gently comfort her on the back.

"It's okay, Xiao Yao, I will definitely help you rescue your brother, I promise!"

Xing Liyao raised her head, with tears in her eyes, and finally couldn't hold back her emotions, she threw herself into Lin Jichen's arms and cried bitterly.

Lin Jichen held her in his arms and comforted her repeatedly, until she calmed down a little, and then asked, "Xiaoyao, did the person on the phone ask you for a condition?"

Xing Liyao nodded, sobbing: "Well, he let my brother go when he said he wanted me to do three things for him, but he didn't say anything, he said he would contact me when the time comes."

Lin Jichen sneered, he had already guessed the other party's purpose.

In fact, ever since Xing Liyao fled to his house, he has always been scruples.

He has two concerns. First, he doubts whether Xing Liyao is an undercover agent sent by Wang Jinghao on his own initiative, deliberately placed by his side.

But after getting along for this period of time, he knew that this possibility was extremely low.

The second is today's situation. He was afraid that Wang Jinghao would use Xing Sen to control Xing Liyao after he knew that Xing Liyao was with him.

With Wang Jinghao's character, he will not let him go easily.

From the assassin's several assassinations, it can be seen that Wang Jinghao is extremely narrow-minded, and he must take revenge.

Speaking of which, the fuse of this incident was caused by him.

Of course, in the final analysis, Xing Sen was too foolish and loyal.

If he had recognized Wang Jinghao's character earlier and escaped with his sister, nothing would have happened.

It's a pity that this guy is as stubborn as a bull, and he doesn't turn back until he hits the south wall, so Wang Jinghao can control him and squeeze his last value.

But this point is a bit similar to Lin Jichen back then.

Didn't he just trust Guo Jie at the beginning and never turn back?

It's just that one is loyal and the other is love.

But no matter what, Lin Jichen decided to rescue Xing Sen, who helped him a lot in Fengyuan Secret Realm.

No matter what, he wants to save people!


Two more~

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