Full-time sword repair

Chapter 749 Let's touch, let's touch!

In this mushroom cloud, only two of the ten places are left.

Lin Jichen and Luo Muxian were in the same room.

It's just that there is no so-called ambiguous atmosphere. After this battle, the two have probably become life and death enemies long ago.

Seeing that Luo Muxian was still in a coma, Lin Jichen had nothing to do with her.

This life-preserving cave is blocked by an enchantment, even if he wanted to take the opportunity to do beastly things, he would have no chance.

Lin Jichen turned his head and came to the tomb of Dang Jinchuan's soul first, and opened it with great interest. Unexpectedly, there was a surprise.

A ground-grade purple long knife, a pair of ground-grade purple boots, a skill book on knife repairing skills, more than a dozen wind gems, several wind spirit fruits, and even dozens of middle-grade spirit stones.

This is all explosion

"I didn't expect this kid to be so fat!" Lin Jichen teased, and unceremoniously packed up all these things and accepted them.

This can't be blamed on him being immoral, Dang Jinchuan was killed by others, and he would not be able to get back these things unless he picked them up, so he had to "reluctantly" accept them.

On the other hand, Dang Jinchuan, who came out of the knife sect's resurrection point, found that his favorite knife was gone, his shoes were lost, and even most of the spoils of his hard work in Fengyuan Secret Realm were lost.

"Fuck! Fuck! Why am I so unlucky every time I meet Lin Jichen!"

Dang Jinchuan roared up to the sky, and was so angry that he cursed in public. He was always stingy and mercenary, but his heart was bleeding when he suffered such a huge loss.

He thought for a while, and then he had an idea. Although he was not killed by Lin Jichen, Lin Jichen might have killed his murderer because he was so strong, and he might be able to ask Lin Jichen to get back those spoils.

He hastily sent a friend invitation to Lin Jichen, but he didn't expect it to fall like a mud cow into the sea, and there was no movement.

Dang Jinchuan, who refused to give up, sent dozens of friend invitations in a row, and the other party finally connected.

"Brother Lin, did you kill that dog witch? Can I return my spoils?" Dang Jinchuan asked quickly, his tone very polite.

"Don't mention it, I couldn't beat her either, I was killed by her, and I'm at the Zongmen's resurrection point now." Lin Jichen said with his head downcast.

"Ah? How is it possible? I met that witch at the Immortal Ascension Conference. She wasn't even in the top ten. How could she be your opponent?"

"Oh, you don't know, this witch seduced me, I couldn't resist the temptation, I accidentally fell into her tricks, squeezed me dry, and then killed me when I was weak." Lin Jichen made up.

"Fuck, can it be like this? Why didn't I die like this?"

Dang Jinchuan was shocked.

He was dubious, thought for a while, and said to Lin Jichen: "Brother Lin, no matter what I say, I blocked the sword for you. Can you make up for my loss this time, little brother? Your family has a great career. If you don't compensate me, you will be fine." It’s a bit unkind, you say yes.”

"Ah, what are you talking about? I only have 99% of the energy left in this game cabin, so I won't talk anymore, I'm going to get busy first."

After Lin Jichen finished speaking, he directly deleted Dang Jinchuan.

If this guy speaks well, he might be able to give him something back. I didn't expect this kid to engage in moral kidnapping. I'm sorry, Mao won't give it to you.

After Lin Jichen deleted Dang Jinchuan, he hurriedly asked Gu Qiuxue about their situation.

Several people have different records.

Ren Lan went straight in and beat the level with his fists, and he was exhausted enough to defeat the other nine by himself.

Jiang Luoyu is similar, she is in charge of her own side, and the first Dharma cultivation in the whole server has already seen her strength for the first time, and her strength is not bad.

Tang Ning met an NPC senior sister from the same school and cooperated with her to win the treasure, but Tang Ning only got [-]% of the share.

Gu Qiuxue was lucky. When he entered, a Nascent Soul Demon Cultivator took care of everyone else, but he was also in a very bad state.

Gu Qiuxue made the last move and picked up a big leak.

As for Niu Naitang, this little one had better luck. He met Ling Qing from the God of War Guild, who liked her very much, and even took the initiative to cooperate with her, and even divided the treasures with her, very trustworthy.

After hearing what they said, Lin Jichen felt relieved.

In fact, he wanted them to form a team at the beginning, but he still took the risk to recommend that they act independently, which is also a good opportunity to train them.

Now that everyone has been safe and well harvested, Lin Jichen doesn't have to worry, as long as the Storm Secret Realm is closed, everyone can safely exit the Fengyuan Secret Realm.

Lin Jichen walked to the entrance of Baoming Cave again with nothing to do.

Seeing that Luo Muxian was still awake.

He suddenly came up with the idea of ​​pulling wool.

Lin Jichen's sword couldn't hurt her because of the barrier.

After thinking about it, Lin Jichen suddenly had a whim, the attack couldn't work, so would the salty pig's hand be of any use?

Lin Jichen immediately decided to try it out!

【Ding!You used a salty pig's hand on Luo Muxian!Theft was successful!Undetected!Steal 1 piece of royal blue equipment!The number of times the salty trotter has been used is 9/10! 】

【Ding!Luo Muxian's favorability towards you +1 point!Current favorability: -59 (Hate to the bone)]

It really works for me!

Lin Jichen was overjoyed immediately, he didn't expect that his poor hands would not be affected by the enchantment.

So what are you waiting for, let's touch it!Touching her to get water... ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh until she's clean and slippery!

【Ding!You used a salty pig's hand on Luo Muxian!Theft was successful!Undetected!Steal wind gems x50!The number of times the salty trotter is used is 8/10! 】

【Ding!Luo Muxian's favorability towards you +1 point!Current favorability: -58 (Hate to the bone)]


【Ding!You used a salty pig's hand on Luo Muxian!Theft was successful!Undiscovered!Steal 1 book of land master magic skills!The number of times the salty trotter is used is 7/10! 】

【Ding!Luo Muxian's favorability towards you +1 point!Current favorability: -57 (Hate to the bone)]


Lin Jichen started to use salty pig's hands crazily, because the other party was unconscious, and he didn't worry about being discovered at all, and he succeeded every time.

The only thing that made Lin Jichen a little speechless was that the woman's hatred for him was too high.

He remembered that the other party had only a dozen points of hatred towards him last time, but now it has soared to 60 points.

Well, I really hate him to the bottom of my heart, how can I soar so much all at once?

But Lin Jichen didn't care, anyway, the two were enemies, and whether the other party hated him or not didn't affect him at all.

【Ding!You used a salty pig's hand on Luo Muxian!Theft was successful!Undiscovered!Steal the best Heling Pill x1 piece!The number of times the salty trotter is used is 4/10! 】

【Ding!Luo Muxian's favorability towards you +1 point!Current favorability: -54 (Hate to the bone)]

Lin Jichen was overjoyed, he didn't expect to find the Heling Pill.

[Extreme Heling Pill: Free attribute points + 800 points, which can enable immortal cultivators in the middle stage of spirituality to break through the bottleneck of stagnant cultivation and enter the late stage of spirituality. 】

Lin Jichen chuckled, and put it away bluntly, his cultivation experience was almost full.

At that time, you will be able to upgrade quickly without having to do any more tasks, so happy!

The ten times of salty trotters are finally used up, and the results are quite fruitful. The only fly in the ointment is that the letter has not been touched again.


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