Full-time sword repair

Chapter 748 How Did Your Butt Bloom?

Luo Muxian's mood at the moment was mixed. She never thought that one day she would have to sacrifice her appearance to save her life.

Although she looked calm, she secretly clenched the jade hands in her sleeves.

She kept comforting herself in her heart, in order to survive, for the sake of the treasure, she had to endure everything, isn't it just being kissed, it was like being bitten by a dog!

When Lin Jichen is tricked into the life-preserving cave by himself, he can laugh at him wantonly, and when the secret realm is closed, let Wen Renxun kill him to vent his hatred!

After thinking about everything, Luo Muxian gradually calmed down, and after Lin Jichen kissed herself, she immediately asked him to hand over the treasure to drill into the dog's hole.

However, after closing his eyes for a while, Luo Muxian still didn't notice any movement, instead he heard a faint humming sound.

Just as she was about to open her eyes, Lin Jichen shouted, "I want to kiss you!"

Luo Muxian was so frightened that she hurriedly closed her eyes again.

At this time, she felt that her lips really moved, a very slight touch, a little numb, and a little...painful...

"Is this just kissing? Kissing still hurts?" Luo Muxian thought naively, and didn't dare to open his eyes. He just suppressed his nausea and wanted Lin Jichen to finish the job quickly.

But she gradually discovered that this guy seemed to be a bit aggressive, kissing her face after kissing his mouth.

All parts of her face began to have this numb and painful feeling, like ants crawling and itching.

Unable to bear it anymore, Luo Muxian opened his eyes and wanted to push Lin Jichen away.

But found that he pushed a wave of air.

Lin Jichen was not by his side at all, but stood aside and looked at her with a smile.

And Luo Muxian also quickly discovered that her face was covered with poisonous horned bees at some point!

what! !

Luo Muxian screamed subconsciously, mobilizing his mana, and knocked back all the poisonous bees.

The poisonous horned bee was frightened and fled away, obediently returning to Lin Jichen's side.

Luo Muxian quickly realized that Lin Jichen didn't want to kiss her at all, but was messing with her!

For a moment, she was furious.

"Lin Jichen! I'm going to kill you!"

Luo Muxian lost his mind and was about to do it, but found that there was severe pain on his face!

The mouth also became numb and swelled at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Soon, Luo Muxian's small cherry mouth became a pair of sausages.

The face that was originally white and hastily swelled into a pig's head, and even the charming big peach eyes were swollen into buns at this time, leaving only two slits.


"You bastard, the ghost knows how many men you have slept with. I don't bother to touch you, a kind of person who sleeps thousands of people. You should save your tricks to deceive Chu Tianhan, a big injustice! Hahaha. "

From the first time he saw Luo Muxian, Lin Jichen felt that this woman was absolutely flirtatious.

After hearing what Luo Muxian said to Chu Tianhan in the backyard of the Buddha Sect, he was even more certain that the two must have an affair.

Maybe Luo Muxian had captivated Chu Tianhan with his looks, and then threatened him to lose to him in the Immortal Ascension Conference.

So he couldn't arouse any interest in this kind of woman, just like seeing Guo Jie, he just felt disgusted.

At that time, he wanted to sneak attack directly, just kill Luo Muxian.

But when he saw the necklace magic weapon on Luo Muxian's neck, he knew that even a sneak attack would be useless, at least this woman had a heavenly defense magic weapon.

It's not that easy to kill her.

It's better to disgust her first.

So Lin Jichen secretly released the big flies and asked them to make a fool of Luo Muxian.

"Do you think I don't know that you are the last one to come in? You are still pretending to be a tiger, fighting against others, where is your elder? Let him kill me?"

Lin Jichen laughed and laughed, laughing so hard that he couldn't straighten up.


Compared with anger, Luo Muxian is more concerned about his appearance now.

Women are all beautiful.

She hastily took out a mirror and looked at it, and she almost fainted from fright.

Where is Luo Muxian in the mirror, it's a pig's head.

"Lin Jichen! You must die! I will kill you!"

Luo Muxian, who was so ashamed and indignant, completely lost his mind and went straight to Lin Jichen.

Lin Jichen had been waiting for a long time, sneered, and chopped off with his sword, without any intention of sympathizing with the fragrance and cherishing the jade, every move was a deadly move.

The two of them twisted their intestines in this hole... Cough cough, bah, it was a fierce battle.

The sword energy and the magic energy staggered and collided.

Both of them went straight to each other's life gate with all their moves, and they made deadly moves, without any intention of showing mercy.

But soon, Luo Muxian realized that he was really no match for Lin Jichen.

Among the younger generation of cultivators, Lin Jichen was worthy of being the leader of the Immortal Ascension Assembly, suppressing Luo Muxian everywhere, beating him to the point where he was powerless to fight back.

Fortunately, Luo Muxian really has a heavenly defense magic weapon, which can always resist Lin Jichen's sword energy.

But this magic weapon can't be carried forever, Luo Muxian knew in her heart that when the energy in the magic weapon was exhausted, she might not escape death.

After she calmed down a little, although she was very unwilling, she still decisively chose to retreat.

It is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years, not to mention that she is a woman, as long as she is alive, this revenge will be repaid sooner or later!

After making a decision, Luo Muxian shook Lin Jichen back, dodged and fled, and escaped into the depths of the cave with lightning speed.

A hole the size of a dog hole appeared in front of Luo Muxian's eyes.

This is the special life-saving hole in the mushroom cloud.

It can only accommodate one person, and those who hold the treasure in the mushroom cloud cannot enter.

When Luo Muxian saw the hole, he endured the humiliation and got in anyway.

However, just before her whole body got into it, Lin Jichen behind her swung his sword and slashed at her.


Lin Jichen's sword hit Luo Muxian's buttocks unexpectedly.

The buttocks were not protected by a magic weapon, and a big opening was directly torn open, and the skirt was also cut open, revealing half a piece of obscene pants, and a white butt.

As if struck by lightning, Luo Muxian flashed into the cave like lightning. The barrier at the entrance of the cave was triggered, and Lin Jichen slashed over, but was completely blocked by the barrier.

Lin Jichen secretly said that it's a pity that he still couldn't kill this vicious woman.

At this time, Luo Mu shrank in the small hole, enduring the severe pain from her face and buttocks, an unprecedented humiliation made her want to die of shame and anger.

She Luo Muxian is so big, she has never been so humiliated!

Lin Jichen was still outside the cave, and he did not forget to tease: "Oh, why is your butt blooming?"

"Lin Jichen, I, Luo Muxian, swear in this lifetime that I will kill your entire family! Exterminate the entire family!"

Luo Muxian looked at Lin Jichen outside the cave, and the killing intent in his eyes had never been so tragic!That look seemed to swallow Lin Jichen alive!

Lin Jichen giggled, and said nonchalantly, "Don't bother, I'm Yasuo, my family has already died, and I'm the only one left."

Luo Muxian was at a loss for words for a moment, and his depression condensed in his chest.


Luo Muxian, who couldn't get over his anger, was so angry that he vomited blood, his eyes went dark, and he passed out directly in the cave.


Three shifts~

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