Full-time sword repair

Chapter 545 How can there be such a good thing for free to the master?

"Okay, it's getting late, I should go back, Xiao Lin, I'm afraid you spent a lot of energy fighting Mo Shaoku today, so take a good rest."

It wasn't long before Ling Feihong called Lin Jichen 'Little Lin'.

It is conceivable that she is very satisfied with Lin Jichen, and she always speaks with a smile on her face.

"Yes, let the elder walk slowly."

Ling Feihong complained a little: "Still called Elder Ling? From now on, call me Auntie."

Nangong Yue blushed even more.

Lin Jichen smiled awkwardly, but changed his tune: "Auntie, go slowly."

Ling Feihong nodded in satisfaction, got up and said goodbye.

Before leaving, he did not forget to take Nangongyue away, saying that he wanted to tell her something.

Although Nan Gongyue was somewhat reluctant, she still couldn't hold back her mother, so she reluctantly said to Lin Jichen: "Junior brother, I will come to see you tomorrow."

Ling Feihong shook her head and laughed, it seemed that her daughter's heart had been completely stolen.

Lin Jichen sent the two of them away, when Ren Lan had already knocked on the door, he had no choice but to go back to his room to meditate, and retreated offline.

Walking out of the bedroom, Gu Qiuxue had already prepared supper, a few side dishes, and four bowls of tofu nao.

The three girls sat together, waiting for him.

"Why did you take so long to come out, there won't be any beautiful women looking for you?"

Ren Lan asked carelessly.

Lin Jichen thought to himself, what a pity that this woman quit being a detective, she is a beautiful woman, but she is the mother of the little senior sister...

"No, the elder just talked to me a few words, saying that I performed well today, and even rewarded me with a bottle of earth-grade medicine." Lin Jichen said nonsense.

"I'll go! Dipin elixir? It's so good! I also won three games, why didn't our elders give me anything."

Ren Lan was a little unbalanced, and buried her head in the bowl of tofu.

Lin Jichen sat down with a smile, and while stirring the tofu in the bowl, he comforted him: "It should be up to the opponent. The stronger the opponent you win, the easier it is to get rewards. I only got one reward. The opponent is Mo Shaoku , is still a demon cultivator."

"Well, I hope that in the rematch, I will also arrange a few magicians as opponents, so that I don't beat them to the ground." Ren Lan said ambitiously.

However, Lin Jichen reminded: "Don't underestimate those opponents. The opponents in the rematch are much stronger than those in the preliminary round. If you meet an opponent like Li Xinghun, you will be finished. Surrender early when the time comes. Don't hold on, you will die!" It will be relegated in the future."

"Relegation? Is it so serious? Isn't it that players will only lose some experience when they die?" Gu Qiuxue asked in surprise.

Lin Jichen nodded: "This Immortal Ascension Conference is different from usual, and the player's death penalty is also very high, and once you die, it means that you can no longer participate in the competition."

"So perverted? Then I'd better be careful." Ren Lan said with lingering fear.

But Lin Jichen asked again: "Is any of you about to break through the spirit?"

"I'm still a little bit short. Now I'm at the late stage of Jindan, and I'm still short of half the experience to break through. I'm sure I won't be able to break through this time at the Immortal Ascension Conference." Gu Qiuxue replied.

"Brother Lin, Tangtang is only at the middle stage of Golden Core."

Niu Naitang was finally willing to take the time to look up from the delicious food on the table and speak.

Ren Lan spoke instead, and said, "My master taught me the skills once, and it happened to be full, but the breakthrough materials were not found. Didn't you say that you must have a breakthrough at the level of heaven, so I haven't made a breakthrough."

"What kinds of materials are there?"

"Ah, the treasures of heaven, material and earth are different, but there are spirit transformation pills."

Lin Jichen made a decision immediately: "I'll go online tomorrow to deliver the materials to you. I happen to have Dragon Bone Green Gold and Demon Blood Stone in my hand. You don't have either of these?"

"What? You have dragon bone green gold and demon blood stone? Let me go, have you found all the most difficult materials?" Ren Lan was surprised.

She naturally knew how rare these materials were.

"Well, if you have all the materials, break through first, and your strength will go up to a higher level after attaining the spiritual realm."

"I don't want it." Ren Lan surprisingly refused.

"That must be the material you used to break through. You can use it yourself. I'll wait for nothing. The key is to increase your combat power as soon as possible."

"You are number one on the list, the expectations of all players, I thought about it, in fact, even if I break through to the spirit, I may not be the opponent of people like Li Xinghun."

"You're right, these guys are too strong, they're not something that current players can beat."

Ren Lan refused very simply. Since playing this game, she doesn't know how many favors she has accepted from Lin Jichen.

Equipment, elixirs, materials, spirit stones, etc., as long as she lacks anything, Lin Jichen will give her whatever, without any worries at all.

She only needs to concentrate on improving her fighting skills, and then accumulate powerful skills and master them well.

That's why Ren Lan's game journey is so smooth and he becomes so strong.

But Ren Lan didn't want Lin Jichen to sacrifice his chance to help her, and she would feel very sorry.

He owed so much favor in the first place, if Lin Jichen is still asked to give her the materials for the breakthrough, how can she pay it back?

Lin Jichen didn't expect that she refused for this reason, and said happily, "Don't worry, I have multiple copies of the materials."

"Stop lying to me, then why don't you break through the spirit?" Ren Lan asked suspiciously, she is not so easy to deceive.

"I didn't break through because I lacked a top-grade elixir."

"I have it! I'll give you mine!"

Ren Lan said pleasantly that she was finally able to exchange a little favor.

Although a Spiritual Transformation Pill is like the difference between a glass of water and a bucket of water compared to the favor she owes, but it is a little bit to pay back~

Lin Jichen shook his head and said, "No need, my master will come over in two days, I just ask her for it."

"Your master will give you the Spiritual Transformation Pill for free? Impossible, my master gave this Spiritual Transformation Pill after doing an extremely difficult task." Ren Lan said.

"She will send it to me, don't worry."

"I don't believe it, how can there be such a good gift for Master?"

Ren Lan obviously didn't believe it, who are you lying to, how can there be such a good master in the world?Why can't she touch it?

Could it be that the masters in Jianzong are all so generous?Free delivery of pill equipment?Why didn't this master give his body to his apprentice?

Just hearing it was an excuse, trying to fool her, no way!

Lin Jichen muttered in his heart, how could his master be called Master Baigui, that's called Master Baby!

"Don't worry, I said there is one, you can take the materials to break through with peace of mind, not only you, but also my sister and Tangtang, I have all the breakthrough materials." Lin Jichen lied.

But this is not difficult for him, he now has more than 20 demon blood stones.

Although there are only two green dragon bones, it's okay, at worst, he can use the same method to attract other Cangming soul snakes.

As for the Haoyu in the center of the earth, it is just a matter of taking a few more trips to the burning place.


Unable to resist Lin Jichen's insistence, Ren Lan had no choice but to passively owe another favor.


Two more~

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