"Xiao Linzi, you said you're training us like this, you really don't plan to build a guild?" Ren Lan asked curiously.

Gu Qiuxue and Niu Naitang also looked at Lin Jichen. If a player like Lin Jichen established a guild, everyone would definitely respond.

"Building a guild is too troublesome, I won't build it." Lin Jichen replied very decisively.

Ren Lan was a little disappointed, she still wanted to be the vice-captain, or a fitter or a double-bonus red stick to fight for Lin Jichen.

However, Lin Jichen suddenly changed the subject and said: "But after a while, I plan to form a small team. I don't need too many people, and I will clear some extremely difficult dungeons together or complete some hell-level missions together, and kill some people. Difficult bosses and more."

He doesn't want to have a guild, but it's perfectly fine to form a small team.

He will draw the most trusted people into the team, and then spare no effort to train them to form his own forces in the future.

His power may be pitifully small in number, but its combat power is no weaker than any Grand Council.

The players who can enter his team must be super strong with one enemy against ten thousand!

At present, he can only recruit players, but after the world merges in the future, he can even recruit NPCs, such as... Fang Qingzhu.

"This is fine too! Then I want to be the vice-captain!"

Ren Lan said excitedly, but immediately changed her mind after glancing at Gu Qiuxue: "I was wrong, sister Qiuxue, you should be the vice-captain."

Gu Qiuxue smiled, and said, "I can't be the vice-captain, you should come, I'm too soft-spoken, I'm not suitable at all."

"No, no, it's up to you to be the nurse. You are the team's strongest nanny. You are fully qualified to be the nurse, and only you are the most qualified."

"I can't, it's you..."

Hearing that the two women began to shirk each other's position as vice-captain, Lin Jichen couldn't help crying and laughing. This team has not been seen yet, so why are they thinking of the vice-captain.

"By the way, does our team have a name? What's the name? It must be a domineering one!" Ren Lan asked.

Lin Jichen really didn't think about it. In his previous life, the guild he created was called 'Ye Lan Ting Yu', which was chosen for him by a very familiar female player he knew back then.

The female player's name is Yuzujiang, and her real name is Zuoyou. She only came into contact with the game two years after the public beta test. She is a girl with some disabled legs and feet in reality.

When I ran into Lin Jichen in the field of a game, I have been secretly in love with and worshiping him ever since.

She was the oldest guild veteran who followed Lin Jichen, helped Lin Jichen take care of the guild, worked hard and never complained, and was also one of the few people who witnessed Lin Jichen's guild grow from nothing, from weak to strong.

It's a pity that Guo Jie later found out that she liked Lin Jichen, and kicked her out of the guild out of jealousy, and spread rumors that she was promiscuous and liked to be a mistress.

Afterwards, Yuzujiang was raped by the Internet, and she was heartbroken and retreated.

At that time, Lin Jichen was also very angry when he found out, and had a big fight with Guo Jie, but Guo Jie used his superb acting skills to turn black and white into crying pear blossoms with rain.

After all, he really liked Guo Jie at that time, and he didn't want other women to intervene.

A year later, he heard from friends in the guild who had a good time with Yuzujiang that Yuzujiang was married.

I went on a blind date in my hometown and got together with a dentist, although Yuzu Jiang seemed reluctant.

But she still obeyed her parents' arrangement and agreed to the marriage, and she became pregnant not long after.

Lin Jichen also sent a blessing, but unfortunately the other party didn't seem to receive it.

Then, two years after the world merged, the city of Yuzujiang experienced a level-[-] beast tide, and the whole city died, including her husband and children.

Thinking of this, Lin Jichen remembered the little girl who was always by his side and spoke a very friendly Sichuan dialect.

I always like to call Gua Wazi, Ha Er, do you want claws?He drummed me up!Be aggressive!

Yuzu Jiang was always chattering around Lin Jichen, crying and laughing a lot.

She has low self-esteem in reality, but she completely opened her heart in the game and lived a very free and easy life.

She also likes to play pranks on good friends in the guild, and then run behind Lin Jichen to seek shelter when things happen.

With her in the guild, it is a lot more fun, she is like a pistachio in the guild.

It's a pity that she hasn't played this game yet, and Lin Jichen hasn't met her yet.

"There is no rush for the team. At least I will wait until I break through the Nascent Soul Realm before I can think about it. The most important thing right now is the Immortal Ascension Conference. The more you step forward, the richer the rewards will be, so you madam, you have to break through as soon as possible." With spirit." Lin Jichen exhorted.

"Got it, wait for me to break through the spirit, hehe, I don't want to kill the Quartet!" Ren Lan said with great enthusiasm, eager to start the rematch later.

Lin Jichen finally succeeded in persuading him, and then he spooned a mouthful of tofu nao into his mouth. The salty tofu nao filled the mouth, and then it was drawn into the esophagus like jelly.

Lin Jichen sighed comfortably: "Sister, the salted bean curd you made is delicious~"

Gu Qiuxue smiled and said, "I know you like salty bean curd, but both Xiaolan and Tangtang love sweet bean curd."

Lin Jichen glanced at Ren Lan, and said with a puzzled expression, "Is there anyone else who likes to eat sweet bean curd? What's so delicious about it? Salted bean curd is the god, and sweet bean curd is heresy!"

At this time, Ren Lan patted the table dissatisfied, and stood in line for the sweet party: "What are you talking about, what is so delicious about salted tofu curd, sweet tofu curd is sweet and fragrant, it is perfect, sweet in the south and salty in the north, Xiao Linzi, your ass is crooked gone."

Lin Jichen smiled and said, "Haven't you heard a sentence? People are doing what the sky is watching. A high-sugar diet leaves hidden dangers. If your blood sugar is too high, you will lose half your life. Join the salty party to keep you safe."

"Cut, aren't sweet tofu curds all sugar? Our sweet party is the yyds! The salty party is the difference!" Ren Lan shouted.

Niu Naitang finally supported Ren Lan this time, she waved her little hand and said, "Sister Ren is right, Tangtang also loves sweet bean curd."

Is she supporting Ren Lan?Oh no, what she supports is sweet tofu curd...

The four of them chatted and laughed. After supper, they each took a bath and went back to the house to rest, not planning to enter the game.

The game cabin can only last for seven days.

They have all been in the game for several days, and they have to sleep well today.

Lin Jichen was the last one to take a shower, and when he came out, all the lights were turned off.

He quickly fumbled back to the room and asked in a low voice, "Sister?"

"What... what's wrong, Xiaochen?" Gu Qiuxue replied nervously.

Lin Jichen was overjoyed and said, "I'll just see if you're here if it's okay."

Gu Qiuxue's pretty face flushed instantly, she buried her head in the pillow, and said with a bit of shyness and a bit of grievance, "Xiaolan won't let me sleep with her..."

Lin Jichen was happy, and comforted: "It's okay, it's okay, sister, she won't accompany you, I will accompany you!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Jichen's people had already got into the mattress...

Not long after, Gu Qiuxue's shy voice sounded in the room.

"Ah! Smelly little dust, don't cross the boundary..."


Three shifts~

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