Full-time sword repair

Chapter 544 Is This Your Sister?

Who doesn't know that the woman in front of him is Nangong Wu's wife, and also Nangongyue's mother, Ling Feihong.

Although Ling Feihong is the elder of Lanxing Fazong, Jianzong is her husband's family.

In the past, I often came to Jianzong to visit my daughter and husband, and those inner palace disciples naturally knew it very well.

As soon as Chen Yuan asked other disciples that this woman was actually Nan Gongwu's wife, he immediately became active.

Nangong Wu is now more and more optimistic about Lin Jichen, that's not good, he has to think of a way.

Blinding Ling Feihong is the best way, if he can deal with Nangongyue's mother and get her appreciation and favor, then he still has hope!

So he ran to salute first.

"Chen Yuan, the disciple passed on by the elders in Xianangong, has met the teacher's wife!"

Chen Yuan was polite, with his head held high, and he tried his best to put on a gentleman's posture, praying that Feihong would pay attention to him.

Nan Gongyue, who was standing on the other side and was about to take Lin Jichen to meet her mother, was dissatisfied when she saw it. What is this guy doing for fun?

Ling Feihong looked at him and said with a smile, "You are Chen Yuan?"

Chen Yuan was overjoyed, sure enough, his wife knew him!

"It's my disciple. I've heard the master mentioned my wife a long time ago. I've always wanted to visit my wife, but unfortunately I didn't have the chance. Please, my wife. The master is healing the injured disciple. I'm afraid he won't come out so soon. Please sit down. Wait a moment, or should I call Master to come out?"

Chen Yuan invited with a gracious face.

Ling Feihong shook his head, and said: "I didn't come to see him, so don't call him, you can go and do your work."

With a bitter expression on Chen Yuan's face, he could only respectfully respond and step aside.

At this time, Nangong Yue had already swooped in.


Ling Feihong hugged Nangongyue dotingly, and said with a broken smile: "She is such a big girl, she still looks like a child."

"My daughter will always be a child with my mother, and a child with a mother is like a treasure." Nan Gongyue said coquettishly.

Ling Feihong smiled, but her eyes were on Lin Jichen who came after him.

In the arena just now, Ling Feihong had been paying attention to Lin Jichen's competition, and was also very surprised by his strength.

A rookie disciple who has been in the sect for only half a year has such strength, and even defeated Mo Shaoku, the strongest disciple of the Xieji sect.

This surprised her so much.

But because of the distance, Ling Feihong didn't see what Lin Jichen looked like.

Seeing it up close for the first time now made Feihong's eyes brighten, and he thought he was such a handsome young man.

The face is like a jade crown, the eyes are like bright stars, the temples are like a knife cut, and the eyebrows are like ink paintings.

Originally Chu Tianhan could be regarded as a good-looking talent, but in front of Lin Jichen, he was inconspicuous.

Ling Feihong can understand why her daughter likes him so much, he is indeed a rare young man.

Moreover, there was an indescribable aura about him, it was absurd for her to think that the young man was a little... coquettish?

This kind of flattery is not a sissy attitude, but a kind of attraction to women.

Well, just looking at the appearance, Feihong can't find any reason to deduct points, full marks!It can't be more perfect.

Ling Feihong looked at Lin Jichen with a smile, waiting for him to speak first.

Lin Jichen came over at this time, looked at Ling Feihong strangely, and then asked Nangongyue curiously: "Hey, little senior sister, why is your sister here too?"

Nangongyue and Ling Feihong were both taken aback.

"How can I have a sister? This is my mother." Nan Gongyue explained.

Lin Jichen looked at Ling Feihong in disbelief, and said, "How could your mother be so young? If everyone hadn't called Elder Ling, I really thought it was your sister."

Nangong Yue: "...."


Ling Feihong couldn't help laughing, and couldn't help crying and saying: "You really know how to talk nonsense, can't I see it at such an age?"

Lin Jichen shook his head again and again, expressing that he couldn't tell.

Ling Feihong didn't say anything, but the arc of her mouth proved that these words were very useful to her.

Women, who doesn't like being praised for being young.

This was the first time she had seen such a subtle compliment, and it really hit her heart.

Immediately, Lin Jichen scored even higher in her heart.

Lin Jichen chuckled, bowed and bowed, and said seriously: "Junior Lin Jichen, I have met Elder Ling."

Ling Feihong nodded approvingly, and said: "I heard Yue'er often talk about you. Today in the arena, you can defeat Mo Shaoku. It is indeed remarkable. You have such strength just half a year after joining the sect, which shows that you are extremely talented. No wonder Sect Leader Leng made an exception to accept you as his disciple."

"Elder Ling praised me, this junior is just lucky." Lin Jichen smiled gently.

Feihong was more satisfied with Lin Jichen, invited Lin Jichen to sit on the stone chair next to him, and called Chen Yuan: "Go and make a pot of good tea."

With a bitter look on Chen Yuan's face, he sadly went to make tea.

Ling Feihong turned her attention back to Lin Jichen, and asked with a smile, "I heard that you rejected the invitation of the Qianlong royal family, so you didn't become a son-in-law?"

Lin Jichen confessed honestly: "It's not my refusal, it's my master's refusal."

&n... said that I am too old and entered the industry too late, and now I should focus on cultivation..." Lin Jichen had no choice but to make an excuse, which was what Leng Feiyan said to Ji Hongyue.

"That's true, but it's also possible that your master is afraid that such an excellent apprentice like you will be robbed by the Qianlong royal family." Ling Feihong thought that this possibility was even greater.

That's right, Lin Jichen is so outstanding, of course Jianzong will do his best to cultivate him, and he may be the pillar of Jianzong in the future.

In case of marrying the Qianlong royal family and being abducted by the Qianlong royal family with a beauty trick, Jianzong will suffer a lot.

"Maybe...isn't it?" Lin Jichen had no choice but to bite the bullet and continue.

Ling Feihong suddenly smiled and said: "But it's okay, your master is afraid that the Qianlong royal family will snatch you away, but Yue'er will not have such worries. Yue'er is a disciple of Sword Sect. If you two can be together, Your master will definitely agree with it."

"Mother, what are you talking about..." Nangong Yue blushed, and buried herself in Ling Feihong's arm like an ostrich.

Lin Jichen was a little flustered, Master... would he agree?

He dare not think...

"Okay, but don't worry about it, Yue'er is still young, and you are still young, so you can wait another two years."

Lin Jichen heaved a sigh of relief after hearing this, he was really afraid that Feihong would look at him and ask him to propose marriage directly...

Ling Feihong continued to comfort her: "Don't worry, I know that Yue'er's father has always been unhappy. He told me about this when he came to Lanxing Fazong before. I haven't seen you, and I don't know you, so I don't know how to support you." Still agree."

"But don't worry now, I agree with you two being together, if Yue'er's father disagrees, I'll take care of him."

This tone is clearly standing in line for the son-in-law.

Chen Yuan, who brought the tea, just heard it, and his expression was even more distressed, and he almost didn't cry.

Is there any hope for him...


One update~ I was doing nucleic acid from [-]:[-] pm to [-]:[-] am. I was really going to faint. I didn’t come back until now. I’m so tired~

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