Full-time sword repair

Chapter 1008 There are bad people in the crowd

Lin Jichen slapped the table suddenly, scaring all the disciples of Shangong Hall to the point of dying.

"It's too much! I didn't expect such loopholes and mistakes inside us!"

Lin Jichen criticized indignantly.

All the disciples bowed their heads in shame, not daring to look at him.

Lin Jichen refused to let go, and said, "Everyone is looking at me! Think about it carefully, what is the original intention of Shangongtang, serving disciples, serving sects, serving disciples, is the purpose of our Shangongtang!"

"But what about you, since you've filled your pockets and withheld rewards, alas~ my heart hurts, it hurts!"

Lin Jichen said heartbrokenly that the disciples were all ashamed.

At this moment, a female disciple tremblingly handed over a cup of tea.

After Lin Jichen took it, he blew on it, took a sip, put it down gently, and sighed.

"This deacon was reported by the disciples of the masses, saying that you withheld rewards, filled your pockets, took all the rewards for yourself, and have a bad attitude, cover up your friends, and maliciously target others. Wu Qing, as the team leader disciple, what do you want to say? Is it?"

Wu Qing stood up and said with a look of injustice: "We didn't have it~ That's definitely an injustice, a big injustice."

"Injustice? I don't think so. Is there any groundless reason?" Lin Jichen asked suspiciously.

Wu Qing said with a mournful face: "Deacon, I dare to guarantee with my life that there is absolutely no such thing. There are bad people among the crowd~"

Wu Qing is about to cry, who poured dirty water on him, it's so wicked!

"That's it, okay, I trust you once, but are you sure you didn't do anything?" Lin Jichen said in a calm tone.

Wu Qing didn't dare to hide it now, he hesitated and said: "I will report to the deacon, I did embezzle some rewards...but that's all, there is absolutely no such excessive thing behind."

"Hmph! Isn't the reward for corruption too much?" Lin Jichen slapped the table again, full of style.

Wu Qing was ashamed and admitted his mistake: "I made a mistake, please punish the deacon."

Seeing the effect, Lin Jichen was secretly delighted and hesitated for a long time, as if he had made a decision against his will.

"Oh, that's all, I think you are the first offenders, and you have a good attitude of admitting your mistakes, so this deacon will not pursue it this time."

"However, you have a quarter of an hour to hand over all the floating rewards that were embezzled last month! If there are still stubborn ones, this deacon will definitely not forgive them!"

When all the disciples heard this, they felt relieved, how could they dare not agree.

Wu Qing was the first to confess: "I report to the deacon, I'm greedy for 3500 contribution points."

Seeing this, the other disciples also confessed.

"I was greedy for 1800 points."

"I was greedy for 1500 points."

"I'm greedy..."

Everyone confessed one after another and took out their contributions. The contribution value of floating rewards is the only one that allows Shangongtang to control the transaction.

In this way, almost all disciples came up to hand in their contributions.

In the last round, there were more than 5 contribution points.

In addition to the contribution value, there are many other rewards, such as spirit stones, medicine pills, materials, equipment, etc., worth at least a million spirit stones.

It can be seen that there is too much oil and water in Shangongtang.

"If you know your mistakes, correct them, and you have a good attitude of admitting your mistakes. This time, I will not pursue the matter. In order to prevent you from repeating it, these floating rewards will be temporarily kept in my custody. From today onwards, all floating rewards , must be strictly recorded! I will come to review every month, and if such things are found again, I will report them to the punishment hall and deal with them strictly!" Lin Jichen said with a straight face.

"Yes!" All the disciples agreed in unison, but everyone looked a little disappointed.

After all, this is the most attractive aspect of Shangongtang. It would be too painful if it couldn't make money.

But Deacon Lin's majesty is here, and everyone dare not act rashly.

Lin Jichen is not only the deacon, but also the head disciple, who dares to mess with him.

Lin Jichen saw that the heat was coming, so he changed the subject and said, "However, you can rest assured that as long as you work hard, at the end of each month, this deacon will give you individual rewards based on your performance, to ensure that what you earn is no more than what you earn by embezzling yourself." Few come!"

As he said that, Lin Jichen took out a large pile of spirit stones, threw them on the table, and said, "This is my personal spirit stone, and I will treat it as a reward for you this month. If you want equipment and elixir, you can also Record it, and the deacon will issue it together next month."


At this time, everyone's enthusiasm was instantly ignited, and the disciples changed their faces in a second, and they were very excited.

"Thank you Deacon Lin!"

Lin Jichen nodded in satisfaction, and slapped a sweet date, this is called the way of controlling people!

Then he took out part of the floating contribution and asked them to deal with this month's reward distribution.

The rest of Lin Jichen stuffed them into his pocket blatantly, under the pretense that he was afraid they would embezzle again.

And now that there are so many rewards in the account, it is absolutely no problem to deal with it for half a month.

Lin Jichen also used these contributions for personal use with peace of mind, including other rewards, and used the contribution points to exchange for skills.

As for pills, equipment, etc., I will sell them in my own shop, hee hee~

As a deacon of the Shangong Hall, you can't be greedy for nothing, even though this is the wool of the precious master's sect.

But it’s not good to give the wool to someone. My boyfriend who is the head of the house, it’s not too much to get some oil and water (smirk).

Even if Master knew about it, she probably wouldn't care, after all, she is the head of a super sect.

In reality, it would be equivalent to the richest man in the world like Jiang Luoyu, if she was greedy for a small amount of money in her company, that would be a drop in the bucket, not worth mentioning~

Lin Jichen stayed in the Shangong Hall for a while, said some words of encouragement, and after gaining the loyalty of a lot of little fans, he left satisfied.

Lin Jichen quickly turned back to the Jingge, and with a wave of his hand, he exchanged the three skill books and learned them on the spot!

Lin Jichen had learned three new skills, and just wanted to discuss with Li Mu or the elder brother, but he didn't expect that someone sent a message from the friends list.

Lin Jichen opened it and saw that it was from Xing Liyao.

"Brother Lin, my brother and I were surrounded by people from Wanshi. They said they would kill us back to the Foundation Establishment Stage. There are too many of them, and we may not be able to escape."

After Lin Jichen saw this message, his face darkened.

"Don't panic, Xiaoyao, where are you?"

"My brother and I are doing missions outside Eternal Winter City."

"Okay, I'll be there right away, let Xing Sen hold on, and run if it doesn't work."

After Lin Jichen put down these words, he immediately left.

Outside the city of Everwinter.

Thousands of members of the Eternal Guild surrounded a brother and sister in a snow valley, bombarding them non-stop.

Fortunately, the snow valley where the two are located is narrow and only a few people are allowed to enter at the same time.

The man is also smart, holding a huge ax to block the entrance of the valley, and fighting these members of the Ten Thousand Worlds, he is quite brave.


Two more~

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