Full-time sword repair

Chapter 1009 This fucking is Lin Jichen!

"Brothers! The president said, whoever can reveal the land-grade golden ax in Xing Sen's hand will be rewarded with 500 million in cash and a luxury house!"

Outside Taniguchi, Zhang Chang shouted.

All the members of the Wanshi Guild rushed to Taniguchi one after another as if they had been beaten with chicken blood.

Gritting his teeth, Xing Sen held a giant axe and fought against the continuous stream of enemies.

"Split the mountain with a blow!"

The giant ax lit up with a golden light, and as Xing Sen slashed down with the axe, dozens of players around were blown away, with tens of thousands of damages flying above their heads.

Xing Sen was fighting fiercely, holding the ax tightly, he would never let them explode his ax.

This is the land-grade golden weapon that Lin Jichen gave him. If he was blown up so easily, he would be ashamed to see Lin Jichen.

However, as soon as he repelled a group of players, more players rushed forward.

Even many expert players made their moves one after another, wanting to get the bounty, 500 million in cash and a mansion, this temptation is too great.

If they were asked to kill Lin Jichen, no one would probably want to.

But it was just killing Xing Sen, even if the opponent was the number one axe repairer, he would definitely not be able to withstand the siege of so many people.

Seeing the continuous crowd, Xing Sen could only continue to hold on.

More and more players fell under his axe, among them, several well-known masters were also ruthlessly beheaded by Xing Sen!

But these people are like zombies, beating more and more.

Xing Sen's mana was about to be exhausted, even though Xing Liyao continued to give magic support behind him, the two siblings still couldn't withstand so many attacks.

Especially when Wan Shi's Dharma Xiu came to the scene later, if he threw a bunch of skills at random, Xing Sen's blood volume would drop a lot.

Especially when one or two supernatural powers fell, Xing Sen's blood volume dropped faster.

At this moment, Xing Sen couldn't run in time, because a bunch of nannies were throwing air banning spells all over the sky, and he couldn't fly even if he wanted to.

Seeing that Xing Sen was in danger.

Zhang Chang excitedly said to Wang Jinghao who was beside him: "Boss, he is dying. I think the ax in his hand will definitely explode. He is famous. I deliberately asked my subordinates to molested his sister and lured him to attack." ,Hahaha."

Standing aside, Wang Jinghao nodded approvingly: "You did a good job, but you're the one who is reliable."

Wang Jinghao then looked at Xing Sen who was struggling to support Taniguchi, and then at Xing Liyao who was in the valley, his eyes flickered with sinisterness.

These two brothers and sisters should have belonged to his personal slaves, but were poached away by Lin Jichen.

Seeing Xing Sen, who was always looking forward to him, turned against him and worked hard for his enemy, Wang Jinghao was full of anger.

How could his old king be wronged like this?

Although he was banned and investigated in reality, in the game, he can do whatever he wants.

And because Li Fengwen was imprisoned, the Blood Fiend Guild was disbanded, Wan Shi absorbed most of the Blood Fiend's members and masters, and now the guild's strength has skyrocketed.

Even if it is the Moon Shadow Guild, Wanshi is completely worthy.

Moreover, during this period of time, the two sides have fought several times because of boss and territory issues, and Wanshi can gain the upper hand every time.

Blood Fiend is not a small guild, after all, it is one of the top ten guilds. It is combined with Wanshi, and the combined strength of the two guilds has surpassed that of Moon Shadow.

In addition, Lin Jichen has not participated in the battles among the players for a long time, without this annoying spirit, Wanshi is now smooth.

This further fueled Wanshi's arrogance.

"Why hasn't it been done yet? Qin repairs throw a few more controls, bow repairs come with two special skills or supernatural powers, even if the terrain is narrow and difficult to hit, there is always a probability of hitting two, I don't believe this can't handle him!" Zhang Chang urged.

The Faxiu and Gongxiu who were behind were also ready to act after hearing the words.

There was a sudden movement from the army in the back row, and noisy and chaotic shouts followed one after another.

"What are you arguing about!" Zhang Chang scolded in dissatisfaction, looking in the direction of the voice, he froze on the spot.

I saw a large number of Dharma and medical practitioners falling down like wheat, as if they had been hit by a domino spell.

A vague figure in the crowd is like a killing god, with a sweeping gesture, killing all players in seconds.

Because the distance was too far and the opponent moved too fast, Zhang Chang couldn't see who it was for a while, so he commented leisurely: "I thought Lin Jichen was already invincible in the world, but I didn't expect someone to be braver than him. Which warrior is this? ?”


Wang Jinghao gave him a big competition on the spot, and said angrily: "This is Lin Jichen the fuck!"

Zhang Chang was astonished and panicked immediately, and said, "President, what shall we do?"

Wang Jinghao calmed down, and snorted, "What are we afraid of? Thousands of us are afraid of Lin Jichen?"

Wang Jinghao felt that although Lin Jichen was indeed very strong, with the development of the game, the strength of most players has also improved.

In the past, everyone's realm was too low, their damage was low, and they didn't have any powerful skills, so Lin Jichen was able to be so arrogant.

But now most of the members in his guild have Nascent Soul Realm, and many of them have even learned supernatural powers. If they use it together, Lin Jichen will definitely not be able to stand it!

"Let Feng Jiuyou lead the body repair team to the top, don't let him kill the back row, just pull some people to contain Xing Sen, and kill Lin Jichen first!"

Wang Jinghao commanded, and Zhang Chang followed suit immediately.

Soon, Xing Sen found that the pressure had dropped sharply, and when he looked up, he realized that it was Lin Jichen who had come to support him.

"Brother Lin is here!" Xing Liyao was overjoyed.

"Xiao Yao, don't be distracted, hurry up and help me deal with these people, so that I can help Brother Lin!" Xing Sen became more aggressive after speaking, wishing to chop these people into pieces immediately so that he could help.

On the other side, Wan Shi's army has already set their sights on Lin Jichen.

Feng Jiuyou, the number one trainer in Bahuang, personally led the team, blocked Lin Jichen's attack, and also hugged the other squishy players so that they would not be hurt.

"Lin Jichen, I've heard about you for a long time. I always wanted to fight you when I was in Huafeng Prefecture, but unfortunately I didn't."

Feng Jiuyou looked at Lin Jichen with fighting spirit in his eyes. He is the number one master in the eight wildernesses, and he can also be ranked in the top three positions in the physical training profession.

Lin Jichen looked at the first body cultivator in his previous life, expressionless, and said sarcastically, "You follow Wang Jinghao, and you will cry sooner or later."

"No way, Wan Shi is treated so well, why don't I wait, you should take care of yourself first!"

After Feng Jiuyou finished speaking, the figure moved instantly.

A palm print was taken suddenly!

"Returning Soul Palm!"

The powerful force erupting from the palm is enough to break gold and jade.

If Lin Jichen, who was a Dharma practitioner in his previous life, would feel honored and even a little proud when he meets the challenge of a prestigious top player.

But now, Lin Jichen doesn't like it at all.

Although the strength of the players has already caught up with the npc, many powerful players are actually no worse than some elite disciples of the sect.

But for Lin Jichen, they... are still far behind!


Three shifts~

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