Full-time sword repair

Chapter 1007 The Shangong Hall held a meeting!

After careful selection, Lin Jichen selected three skill books, two martial arts and one spirit.

[Earth Grade Martial Skill · Ice Slash]: Concentrate mana and swing a single sword energy within 30 meters in front. The enemy after hitting can cause 8000 points of skill damage, 100% triggers the deceleration effect, lasts for 10 seconds, and has 70 % chance to freeze the enemy for 4 seconds.

Cooldown: 30 seconds, Mana Cost: 5000 points.

Requirements: Sword cultivators above Nascent Soul Realm can learn it.

Contribution value: 8000 points.


[Earth Grade Martial Skill·Cuo Yuqie]: After performing any martial skill twice, you can move forward within 20 meters and release a controlling sword energy. The enemy after hitting will cause 15000 skill damage and knock the enemy into the air The effect lasts for 3 seconds.

Cooldown: 5 minutes, Mana Cost: 10000 points.

Requirements: Sword cultivators in the Nascent Soul Realm with a root bone of 80 or above can learn it.

Contribution value: 20000 points.


[Earth Grade Spirit Skill Qianji Sword Formation]: After gaining momentum for 1.5 seconds, a large number of spiritual swords are summoned to form a sword formation with a range of 100 meters. Enemies in the formation will receive 3000 points of fixed skill damage every second for 15 seconds. After the magic time is over, all spirit swords will return to the caster to form a 10000 point defensive shield.

Cooldown: 30 minutes, Mana Cost: 25000 points.

Requirements: Sword cultivators above Nascent Soul Realm can learn it.

Contribution value: 30000 points.


The three skill books are all very good sword skills.

This Frozen Ice Slash is equivalent to the enhanced version of the Frost Moon Slash, which can be said to be a comprehensive improvement, and the ice-type sword energy is very useful in duels.

Slow and Freeze are two effects that can annoy enemies.

With this Ningbing Zhan, Frost Moon Zhan can bid farewell to the stage of history.

And Cuo Yuqie is the best. Not only can it be knocked into the air, but it can also do high damage. The only disadvantage is that it has conditions to cast it.

But this is much better than 'Shanglong Duankong'. After all, Shenglong Duankong needs to charge for two seconds, and it is easy to be dodged.

Cuoyuqie doesn't need to store power at all. In the battle with the enemy, if you throw two martial arts at random, and make a sudden move, the enemy will find it difficult to react.

As for this thousand-machine sword formation, it can be regarded as a substitute for Bladestorm. Although it lacks the deceleration effect after breaking through the formation, the damage is much higher than it, and it also has a [-]-point shield.

Moreover, these three skills are only at the introductory stage. If they can be cultivated to Dacheng or Zhizhen, there may be better effects.

Lin Jichen was very moved when he saw these three skills.

But these three skill books require 58000 contribution points.

And his current contribution value...not even half of it.

If you want to exchange three skill books at once, unless you quickly accept the mission of the sect in exchange for contributions.

But even if Lin Jichen is frantically accepting missions now, it will take at least dozens of missions to get them all together.

Lin Jichen didn't want to waste time on this.

But who made Lin Jichen the deacon of Shangongtang, hehe.

After Lin Jichen confirmed the required contribution value, he temporarily left Jingge and ran to Shangong Hall.

With a wave of his hand, he just wanted to randomly draw tens of thousands of contribution points to himself.

The Shangongtang is in charge of the contributions and salaries of the disciples. As the manager, Lin Jichen, is logically able to fill his own pockets and embezzle at will.

Lin Jichen originally thought so too, but the result disappointed him greatly.

With the existence of the game system, he can't change the game data at will, so he can't be blatantly special.

And when it was updated for the first time, the contribution value was no longer allowed to be traded and transferred.

Therefore, ordinary players can only do missions.

However, this is not a problem for Lin Jichen, an old fritter. Data is dead, but people are alive.

Shangongtang can add or deduct part of contributions and rewards according to the performance of disciples in completing tasks.

For example, if you finish the task reluctantly or late, Shangongtang can deduct a small amount for a reason, but if you exceed the quota or complete the task ahead of time, you can add a little more.

The range of this addition and subtraction is completely determined by the deducted contribution rewards.

In other words, the more contributions deducted last month, the more contributions will be rewarded next month.

This amount does not fluctuate much, but it can better motivate the disciples to do the task seriously and prevent the disciples from being clever and coping with it.

And these floating contributions and rewards are fully controlled by the disciples of Shangongtang, which is why Shangongtang is the best fat job in the sect.

Many disciples squeezed their heads and wanted to enter the Shangong Hall.

Of course, there are very few contribution rewards that ordinary Shangongtang disciples can control, and there will be records. Even if someone wants to be greedy, they dare not blatantly greedy too much.

As a deacon, Lin Jichen can manage all floating contribution rewards.

Usually Lin Jichen is not interested in picking wool, but this time, it is a special situation, so he is not polite.

"Meet the deacon!"

When the disciples of Shangong Hall saw Lin Jichen coming, they quickly saluted.

Lin Jichen nodded, pretending to check everyone's work, and even praised them a few words.

"By the way, how much is the floating reward from last month?" Lin Jichen finally revealed his true colors.

Hearing these words, many disciples' hearts suddenly tensed, and their backs felt chilly.

"Deacon Lin is not here to catch corruption..."

Everyone thought to themselves, they were all afraid of being caught.

Floating rewards, but all the disciples of Shangong Hall will be more or less corrupt. After all, such good oil and water should not be taken for nothing.

A leading disciple stepped forward and replied anxiously: "Report to Deacon Lin, the floating rewards left over from last month... there are still 5800 points in total."

"Why are there so few left?" Lin Jichen frowned.

The leading disciple turned pale with fright, and hurriedly explained: "Deacon Qi, this month is already in the middle of the month, and there are quite a few disciples who overfulfilled the tasks this month, so the rewards issued are a little bit more..."

Lin Jichen stared into his eyes, and said with a half smile, "Are you sure?"

The leading disciple tried hard to swallow his saliva, nodded guiltyly, and pretended to be calm.

Lin Jichen had already seen through everything, his face changed, and he shouted: "It seems that I haven't been here for a long time, and there are already moths in the Shangong Hall. All the disciples of the Shangong Hall obey orders, suspend the distribution of rewards, and hold a meeting in the inner hall!"

After saying this, Lin Jichen put his hands behind his back, raised his chest and raised his head, and walked towards the inner hall with arrogance.

That posture and demeanor are like the arrival of an imperial envoy. Without 50 years of bureaucratic experience, this effect cannot be performed.

The disciples were so frightened that their faces paled. After thinking about it, Deacon Lin is going to start cleaning up the house...

Corrupting rewards is not a small crime, ranging from a fine of one year's salary to half a month's hard work, to kicking out of the hall of meritorious service.

The specifics depend on Deacon Lin's mood.

Everyone followed anxiously to the inner hall.

Lin Jichen sat in the front seat with a serious face.

"It's all here, just sit down."

Everyone sat down nervously.


As soon as he sat down, Lin Jichen slapped the table and stood up, which shocked everyone, and even a few disciples fell off the chairs on the spot.


One more~

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