The rise of greenery

Chapter 42 I want to break all the records!


"Does that girl want money again?"

Luo Wu was watching the screen in the chat group, and everyone was asking about C Luo.

Ronaldo, who has a good relationship with Ronaldo, asked very directly.

But Ronaldo didn't show up, and several people started discussing in the group.

Spanish goalkeeper De Gea said: "It must be money. I have spent all the money before. It is obvious that I want money, but it is very shameless to jump out at this time. I advise everyone, don't make it easy. Go to bed with a new girl, and she is likely to be pua."

"Yes, yes, yes, who knows if there is some purpose behind my back, anyway, I don't dare to provoke them casually, I don't know how many pictures are sent by girl fans every day on my ins background, to be honest, I don't even I don’t dare to watch it, because I’m afraid I won’t be able to bear the bait.” Di Maria also jumped out and gave a thumbs up.

De Gea immediately sent a sneaky smile, and said: "Angel, you must be a routine. How can girls like you if you look like that? It must be for your money. I will It’s different, hey, it’s hard to tell the truth from the fake.”

Di Maria immediately sent a few bomb emojis to De Gea.

Doesn't that mean he is ugly?

"It means that my boss is unlucky. Everyone knows this shit. Sigh, if this woman keeps going on like this, it may affect the boss to win the Golden Globe." Cancelo also stood up and expressed for Ronaldo worry.

"The reputation of the Golden Globes will change."

"I heard that the odds of the best players in Europe have been led by Modric. These bosses are really dangerous."

Then he @c Luo again.

"Boss, what should we do?"

Ronaldo finally came out: "I don't care. Hell is dealing with it. I don't want to talk about it, and I hope everyone will stop discussing it. It's disgusting."

But c Luo soon @了罗武: Little guy, your news is explosive enough, you should also be careful, the woman who approaches you for no reason must have an impure purpose, you are still young, learn more...

Is this considered Ronaldo's passing on art?

Luo Wu replied almost in seconds—I got it, Brother Luo!I will be very careful in the future...

I have been spying on the screen, can you reply quickly?

Unexpectedly, the topic immediately shifted to Luo Wu.

Di Maria: "Boy, you have surpassed Cristiano when it comes to picking up girls."

"However, Cristiano is not as lucky as you. They didn't say you raped her."

"Could this be the reason why you're so handsome that the woman doesn't want to wrong you?"

De Gea: Angel, you have become smart again, you are so handsome, it will indeed make it easier to solve some troubles...

Ronaldo: fk, fk, fk,[email protected]De Gea.

This means that Ronaldo is not attractive enough or handsome enough.

Luo Wu: To be honest, I didn’t feel like I slept with her last night at all. I didn’t even drink too much. I clearly remember falling asleep when I got back to my room. Nothing happened to her in the middle, but I After waking up, I found that she was sleeping next to me, what a fucking dog!Then everything became unclear.

De Gea: No, you definitely drank too much. Your memory only stays at the moment you lie down. After that, you will lose your memory. Unless your stuff is not good, otherwise there will definitely be some stories, and it’s her Active, hey, you missed the beauty.But the question is, aren't you going to post it this morning?How comfortable is it when you wake up?

Luo Wu first sent an ellipsis, and then wrote: No, after waking up, we didn't even have physical contact. When I took a shower, she left.

Ronaldo: Well, you are really lucky, she just needs your fame, not your money.

Cancelo: That means, call her now and tell her to go to the hotel, and she will come back?Boy, you are so lucky...

They are all old drivers, Luo Wu felt that he could not continue chatting with them, and would make himself evil, so he quietly exited the chat room, ready to go back to his rented house to pack his things.

Since he accepted Abhishek's gift, he would naturally move into the mansion, otherwise wouldn't it be a waste?

It's just that when I got back to the door, the paparazzi had been waiting for a long time.


"Is Adwan your girlfriend?"

Luo Wu showed a charming smile, but neither affirmed nor denied.According to Mendes, whatever they ask, they don't answer directly.

"Ro, why did Abhishek give you a mansion worth 1000 million?"

Luo Wu still shrugged and did not answer.

He is not obliged to clarify what to reporters and explain to the world what is not?It's all his private life, for better or for worse, he hasn't broken the law, and he hasn't committed a crime.

In the end, the paparazzi received a cold reception, and Luo Wu closed the door.

But when he was about to pack his things, he realized that there was actually nothing to move, just a few sets of clothes, and the rest belonged to the landlord. There was some food in the kitchen, but there was no need to bring it.

So this moving is very easy, just pack your luggage.



There is also a football in the living room, which is a souvenir of his five sons in his career debut, and he must take it away.

Of course the paparazzi were still here when they walked out of the house again.


"Luo, are you going to move to a mansion?"


"I won't be here anymore. Also, you can't get close to the place where I live. There are special security guards, and you will be driven away." Luo Wu threw the car into his Aston Martin.

In a few days, this car will not be driven anymore, because BMW has specially customized a car for him, and it will be sent to London soon.As the spokesperson of BMW, he can only drive BMW cars most of the time.


He pumped the gas pedal twice, and finally the sports car drove away...

The mansion on the outskirts of London has returned to tranquility, and Abhishek left with his harem, leaving the mansion to him, along with a team of security guards.

The empty mansion is a bit deserted, after all, there are too few people.Luo Wu felt a little regretful about moving here, the house was too big but he only felt lonely.

The only thing that makes him happy is that there is a seven-a-side football field behind the mansion, which can meet his training requirements.Having nothing to do, he finally changed into his equipment and started training on the football field.

Shooting is what he needs to do most now, because that side mission has not been completed, and he is eager to get the reward.

Practiced all morning.

It was at lunch time that he realized that he lacked a good cook, or nutritionist.

Originally, he planned to post a job offer on ins, but after thinking about it, he might be tricked again, so he called Mendes and asked Mendes to solve these matters.

Mendes is the professional.

I originally wanted to go to the training ground in the afternoon, but Luo Wu thought about it. Going to the training ground means going to the gym, taking a bath, and doing some physical training. Isn't it okay to do it at home?

So he called Emery and told him that he could do all this at home because he had a gym, a swimming pool, a football field...

Luo Wu said that when there is a teaching competition, he will go back to the training ground to practice.

These requirements are very excessive. How can there be a professional player who does not train with the team?This is not professional at all, and there is no such precedent in football history.

For example, that football elf, Ronaldinho.

When Ronaldinho played for Paris Saint-Germain, he seldom went to the training ground for training, and sometimes he didn’t even show up once a week. Even if he did, he would go to the massage room to sleep because he was in the Clubbing...

This is a real bull.

And now, Luo Wu also intends to do the same.

But he is not like Ronaldinho, because he doesn't want to go to the training ground the next day after clubbing, but because he can train better and more conveniently in his own home.

Unexpectedly, Emery actually agreed!

He gave Luo Wu this special power.

Therefore, that afternoon, after Arsenal's first-team players assembled, Luo Wu was missing.

The teammates thought that Luo Wu hid because of today's two news items and did not dare to come to the training ground, but in fact Luo Wu was working hard at home to set a Guinness World Record.

Jumping world record.

Originally, he gave up this record because it was too time-consuming, but now it is different, he juggles the ball at home by himself, no one bothers him.

A security guard stood next to him, setting up a video camera and several bottles of sports drinks.

The other two guards were in charge of the calculations.

It will take Luo Wu at least 8 hours to break the world record for penalty kicks. This is a challenge that requires physical fitness and patience, and there must be no mistakes in the middle. All previous efforts were wasted.

But Luo Wu did just that.

It is really easy for him to bounce the ball, the ball cannot leave his side for more than half a meter, it is just very boring.

For this reason, he also asked the security guard to play some rhythmic sports music to stimulate his nerves.

The first hour was okay, it passed quickly,

It was disgusting in the second hour, but Luo Wu persisted.

Then, the third hour, the fourth hour, the fifth hour.

It was completely dark, but the stadium lights were as bright as day, and Luo Wu continued to challenge the record.

Even the security guards were eating bread, he was hungry, but Luo Wu still focused on juggling the ball.

Everyone dared not speak, but they were shocked in their hearts.

I thought that Luo Wu was just an extremely talented football player, but he was very brain-dead and arrogant in his private life, but he didn't expect Luo Wu to challenge the Guinness World Record for juggling the ball so seriously.

These security guards are not ordinary security guards, but retired soldiers who have experienced real wars, so Luo Wu's challenge for five consecutive hours really shocked them.

This is a very patient man!

They no longer regard Luo Wu as a brain-dead young man, but feel awe.


"Be careful."

"Just pass it to me, don't touch my ball."

Luo Wu, who was sweating profusely, wiped his sweat and reminded the security guard to hand over the water to him.

Of course the security guard didn't dare to spoil Luo Wu's good deeds. After unscrewing the bottle, he carefully handed it to Luo Wu.On the contrary, Luo Wu is very free and easy, drinking water while juggling the ball, it doesn't seem to have any effect.

After drinking, he asked again:

"How many?"


The security guard in charge of counting was a little excited.

"Keep that pace and you'll be a lot ahead of time."

"Hold on for another two hours!"

"Very good!" Luo Wu also nodded with satisfaction, and then continued to concentrate on juggling the ball.




The football field is very quiet, except for the sound of Luo Wu bouncing the ball.

The security guards waited quietly, waiting for the moment when Luo Wu broke the record.

Although I don't know why this shit record was broken, it doesn't make any sense.

Time passed by second by second, and Luo Wu's data kept increasing.

During this period, Luo Wu drank water again and kicked the ball high. The time was too long. He had to change something, otherwise even he himself would be numb.

"It's coming, it's getting close."

"Come on!"

Seeing that it was approaching the Guinness record, the security guards also became excited.

And it was already ten o'clock in the evening!






"Boss, it has been exceeded, do you want to continue?"

The security guard reminded.

"Continue, at least a few hundred points ahead, lest the data is inaccurate, and the game is useless." Luo Wu thought that the data is man-made, and if the inaccuracy is a little less, the record will not be broken. So to be on the safe side, it takes a few hundred more.


When the stat hit 47500, he jerked his right foot up and pumped the ball high into the night sky.


"My legs are going to cramp!"

He lay down directly on the ground, his legs were so soft that they couldn't be softer.

"Damn Guinness World Records, finally broke."

"Boss, get up quickly. You shouldn't just lie down after exercising for a long time. You have to stand, at least with a chair?" One of the security guards hurried over and helped Luo Wu up.

"Drink water."

"drink more water."

"Just take a rest."

The security service is really thoughtful.


"Thank you."

The security guard finally asked curiously: "By the way, boss, why did you have to break this Guinness World Record?"

"It doesn't make sense, does it?"

"Is it because you're so boring?"

Luo Wu took a sip of water and told him the answer.

"Do not,"

"It's because I don't like it. This football record belongs to someone else."

"So I have to beat it."

"I'm going to break all football records!"

Security guards: ...

Is it that simple, so capricious?

At this time, in the woods not far away, there was a sudden howl of ghosts and wolves.



It looked as if someone had slammed it down from the tree.

Who the hell is climbing trees in the middle of the night?

"Go and see!"

The security captain immediately issued an order.

"Probably paparazzi."

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