The rise of greenery

Chapter 41 Luo Wu and Ronaldo grab the headlines

"Sister, what do you want?"

"How can I go out without clothes?"

Luo Wu's thinking was a little confused.

"Why don't you go back first, I don't want to have any special relationship with you. Just treat it as a drunken behavior."

Why are you so scared for the first time in your life?I didn't even realize what it was like last night.And now it seems that things are not over?

Luo Wu has little experience in dealing with this kind of thing.

He still turned around and looked at Adwan who was lying on the bed unscrupulously. He gritted his teeth and said harshly, "Do you think I'm easy to bully?"

"You have to know that you took the initiative to enter my room last night, and I was the passive party. There are cameras outside, and they can even film you forcibly entering my room."

"Although I'm a man, I'm also a victim, aren't I?"

"You are acting against the will of a man."

"Heh, I can tell you the same thing, and if you say it, do you think the fans believe you or me?"

"Fake!" Luo Wu frowned, "You really went too far."

"What on earth do you want? I didn't provoke you. Even if we slept, it was your wish? Let me tell you the truth, I never thought of having any relationship with you at all, I still insist on my Not drunk."

It's crazy!

"Hehe, you won't admit it after sleeping. I didn't think about it, so may I ask you, what did I do wrong? I didn't threaten you, so why are you in such a hurry?" Adwan turned lazily The body is in stark contrast to Luo Wu's mood.

It seems to be the same, why am I nervous?Luo Wu thought.

"Then can you call someone to send my clothes back?"

"I'm going back to the training ground."

He doesn't want to continue to face the cunning Adwan, he wants to leave, but now he only has a pair of underpants left on his body, he can't just walk out of the hotel alone, the whole of England will know!

"never mind,"

"I asked someone to give it to me!"

He called Bellerin.


"Get me a suit of clothes, any clothes will do, hurry up..."

"Don't ask so many questions. Anyway, you can send it to room 9 on the ninth floor. I'm going crazy."

After hanging up the phone, he went into the bathroom to take a shower, and when he came out again, he found that Adwan was gone?

Just ran out naked?No way?

It didn't occur to him that Adwan only lived on the same floor, and it was possible to go back in his pajamas.


"What a crazy woman!"

He finally breathed a sigh of relief and just sat down on the sofa when his phone rang.


"Didn't you ask Adwan to put such intimate photos on ins?" Bellerin called.

"I just came out of the clothing store, but I saw the news about you and Adwan on the Internet."

"Water?" Luo Wu was confused.

"What did you say? I didn't understand. Say it again."

"Go online and watch it yourself. The Internet is full of news about you and Adwan. That is, Adwan posted a photo of you sleeping with her arms around her on Instagram, and then it was put on the headlines on social media."

Luo Wu: ...


Sure enough, she is a vicious woman. Isn't this obviously using her to hype her?

He immediately turned off the phone and clicked on a random website.

Sure enough, he made the headlines.

A very coquettish ins screenshot!

The accompanying text is:

"It was a pleasure to have such a wonderful evening with Luo Wu."

In the picture, Luo Wu fell asleep with his eyes closed, with his right arm around Adwan's neck. Adwan's eyes were wide open, obviously taking pictures of them with his mobile phone.


"It's really too insidious!"

"Damn, stinky woman, you wait!"

Luo Wu was annoyed, and he couldn't just be used by Adwan.

When we chatted together last night, I thought she was a very pure woman. I didn't expect that from the beginning, she wanted to use herself to become famous, or would she put the picture on the Internet now?

Isn't it just to be famous, what is that for?

He immediately found out Adwan's mobile phone number, and was going to send a message to scold her.But it stopped halfway through.

If this woman sends another screenshot, won't she be able to wash herself off even if she jumped into the Yellow River?

Definitely keep calm.

To fight this woman, you must use your brains, and you must not be reckless...

He finally chose to call his agent Mendes.


"Did you see the news?"

"I see." As expected of a professional, Mendes knew about Luo Wu's news immediately.

"This England is reporting."

"It's nothing, it's nothing to make a fuss about. They didn't say that you raped her. It's just to make you famous. If you are interviewed by the media, you just don't say anything."

"It's fine if you think about it that way. Since you've already put him to sleep, let him take advantage of you. Is this easy to understand?"

"That's it, I'm dealing with a pretty tricky thing!"


Mendes really hung up the phone just like that. It seemed that there was really something important to deal with.

And what happened to me was just a big deal?Was it just taken advantage of by Adwan?


Luo Wu was still a little unbalanced.

But after carefully thinking about what Mendes said just now, it seems that he didn't suffer much, didn't he just sleep with Adwan once?I have slept all the time, it seems that people should take advantage of it.


At this time, someone knocked on the door.

Bellerin sent the clothes.


"You can really do it, just like this and Adwan."

"I thought you were a rookie."

"But I think you were used by Adwan, otherwise she shouldn't have posted this kind of photo. How do you face it now? Admit your relationship with her?" Bellerin asked with concern.

"This is too exaggerated."

"I communicated with Mendes, and he said that I can just say nothing, neither admit nor deny, and let the heat pass." Luo Wu explained.

"Uh, that's okay too?"

"Well, it seems that it is not bad to deal with it this way, the heat will pass."

"Since you can let it go, I don't think it's a big deal. There is no singing, no strong people, Yiyeqing is normal. Okay, I put the clothes here, and I have to go back, ah, damn it, Why do I feel that vacation is more painful than training?" Bellerin turned around and was about to leave with a tearless expression on his face.

"What do you mean?" Luo Wu didn't understand again.There is too little life experience, and you have to learn everywhere.

"Dude, don't look for a woman who is much older than you, you will be overwhelmed..."

Bellerin left without looking back, but Luo Wu was still savoring these words.

Soon, he thought of a Chinese proverb - Thirty is like a wolf, forty is like a tiger, and fifty is like sitting on the ground and sucking dirt?

His girlfriend is eight years older than him, so one can imagine...

He will not learn from Bellerin, let alone accept Adwan.

But now the comments about him on the Internet are too explosive.

However, most of them are not negative, but positive.

An Arsenal fan with a male head portrait commented: Our king is so charming, the stadium and love are invincible!Did you find a girlfriend?Adwan?This Indian actress is pretty good.

This message received 15 likes, and the follow-up post is also very experienced.

"Being invincible on the court and in love doesn't prove that he is also invincible in bed? The king needs to come out and verify it."

"I don't understand. This is the king of China. The king of China will not only marry one woman. There is a Chinese saying - three thousand beauties in the harem. This may not be the queen?"

"This Adwan is eight years older than him. Will he absorb all his energy? I'm worried for Arsenal."

"Is this love? I think it's a bit sloppy, especially when Adwan took the initiative to expose the photos. Why do I feel like I'm cooperating with her movie premiere?"

"I'm not optimistic about the relationship between siblings."

And in China.

This news made Chinese fans very helpless.

Fans who know the game have left messages:

"Well, Luo Wu once again did something that surprised me. Maybe he grew up abroad since he was a child, and his way of doing things is completely different from ours. To be honest, I can hardly accept this fact."

"His life is too messy, alas... If he didn't play football well, he would be the type I hate the most!"

"Please, Luo Qiu Wang, can you be more self-disciplined! With such a good football talent, do you want to hurt Zhong Yong?"

"It really turned my football world upside down. If it were any domestic player, he would probably be scolded to death. Luo Wu is still alive and kicking..."

"No matter what, a talent as strong as Ronaldinho eventually degenerated. Don't pamper him too much. Haven't you seen what happened to Ronaldinho and Adriano? I think if Luo Wu If he wants to be selected for the Chinese national team, he should change his mind and be a brand new self, or else..."

Many well-known media people in China also stood up and criticized Luo Wu.

National TV host Bai Yansong commented on Weibo: The football champion is not achieved in one day, it takes ten or even 20 years of experience to cast a football champion like Messi, and a player like Luo Wu who only played two games How can it be the king of the ball, how can it be the hope of Chinese football?Chinese football cannot become another fan circle.I personally think that Luo Wu's football talent is indeed very high, like the most dazzling star in the sky, but judging by his recent actions, he is more like a shooting star, fleeting!

Wang Qinbo of "Sports Weekly" also wrote: No matter how talented a player is, he should be strict with himself, and should not always bring negative effects in front of the public. Although Luo Wu is a good player, he is Chinese, so There should be Chinese morality.It is said that the national team has issued a call to him, and I think he needs to calm down.Back then, Evergrande players couldn't play with tattoos, but now Luo Wu, a player who makes trouble all day long, is really suitable to enter the Chinese national team?

Former national football player Li Yi also ridiculed on Weibo: If we made a little shit back then, we would have missed the national team. It seems that the times are different now?It's daylight again?

The same thing triggers completely different thinking in China and the West.Of course, Luo Wu still hasn't paid attention to domestic evaluations. He doesn't know how many Chinese fans are worried about his future.

Even though Luo Wu didn't actually do anything wrong...

At this time, Luo Wu has returned to Abhishek's mansion, and the lawyer is in the process of connecting with him. Abhishek really gave him the mansion as a gift. He has never made such a heroic friend!


He signed his name on the gift document, and this mansion worth £1000 million will belong to him from now on.

Click, he took a gorgeous photo of the mansion, then clicked on Instagram, and wrote a line of words: Thanks to my good friend Abhishek for giving me the gift, thank you very much!

As soon as the content was released, it immediately attracted crazy crowds.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fack!"

"What's the situation? Who is Abhishek? Is the gift a mansion for him? My God, this mansion is at least ten million pounds?"

Downstairs immediately popularized: "Abhishek is a rich man in India, a famous construction group tycoon. A boss worth tens of billions, a small gift of 1000 million, don't be uncommon..."

"Fuck, I want to have such a good friend too."

"Why don't I have such a good friend? I don't need a villa, I just want one hundred and eighty thousand."

"Upstairs, that's why you don't have such a friend, because once you have one, he won't just give you one hundred and eighty thousand!"


The news soared all the way, and soon became the new headline, overwhelming the previous news of Adwan.

As for the third headline?

It belongs to Cristiano Ronaldo.

Cristiano's news is similar to Luo Wu's first news, except that Adwan's news is to show affection, and Ronaldo was sued!

Still old news!

German "Der Spiegel" broke the news that an American woman claimed that Ronaldo raped her in 2009. At that time, the two parties reached a settlement out of court, but she now asks the court to retry the case.

According to reports, the woman is from Las Vegas. She said that Ronaldo raped her in a Las Vegas hotel in 2009.She also said that Ronaldo paid her $37.5 in hush money afterwards.

In fact, "Der Spiegel" reported this news last year, but Ronaldo denied the accusation at the time, saying that it was voluntary.

Now, the news is back.

Although they are all headlines, they are firmly suppressed by Luo Wu's two news. Luo Wu's news is full of joy, while C Luo's news is full of tragedy. It is really a heaven and an underground.

However, the popularity of Ronaldo's news quickly rose, and it finally reached Luo Wu. After all, Ronaldo is one of the best football players on the planet, and Luo Wu's traffic still cannot be compared with him.

So, in the end people are talking about Ronaldo.

This time is quite unfavorable for Ronaldo. After all, he will participate in the Golden Globe selection this year, and with a change of team, Ronaldo will definitely be in trouble...


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