The rise of greenery

Chapter 43 Football God, the Strong Respect

Under a big tree outside the fence of the mansion, a middle-aged man with a relatively thin figure lay flat like a big character, with a pair of broken glasses on the back of his head, but a mobile phone on his chest was intact. This guy still protects the phone when it falls.

Obviously, this is a paparazzi who was hiding on a big tree to take a sneak shot, but accidentally fell off.

Fortunately, it wasn't concrete, otherwise his head might be about to burst.

The security guard was very human, and wanted to call an ambulance for him, but this guy quickly got up, and nothing happened, and he ran away like a thief...

Turning around, the security guard reported the situation to Luo Wu, and Luo Wu was also very helpless, he wanted to secretly take pictures of people climbing trees, you can't stop it.

Soon there was news about him again online.

The headline of the "Sun" became - "Perverted Luo Wu!"

——Can you imagine Luo Wu like this?A guy bouncing the ball for ten hours straight on the family soccer field?Yes, this is what actually happened.At two o'clock this afternoon, I squatted on top of a big tree and took ten hours of continuous shooting. I stayed on the tree for ten hours, and Luo Wu also juggled the ball on the football field for ten hours.God, he should have broken the Guinness World Record for juggling?

Originally this was trivial news, but what if it was Luo Wu's news?That's a pretty strong reaction.

Netizens commented one after another: Abnormal!Ten hours in a row, just to break a Guinness record?I believe most players can't do it, right?

"Terrible Luo Wu, how could a player with such willpower fail to succeed?"

"I thought he was not self-disciplined, but in fact he has been doing abnormal things. It seems that his football talent is not accidental, but inevitable!"

"England couldn't find a player like that."

"It is conceivable that he will be the next Cristiano Ronaldo."

"The paparazzi is quite a professional. He stayed in the tree for ten hours and accompanied Luo Wu to break the record! They are all perverts!"

Surprised and praised online.

Luo Wu also cooperated with the paparazzi very well. He uploaded a video of the final summary on ins: I am very happy to break the Guinness World Record for jumping balls. Today I easily completed 47500 jumping balls!

Fans praised it one after another.

At this time, his ins fans have reached 860 million, this terrifying speed is the most abnormal in history, and it has only been ten days.

In addition, the Facebook data he just opened is also growing wildly. Although he only posted a sentence on it: I have opened Facebook, but the number of fans has exceeded 100 million.

But none of this is the scariest.

Three hours ago, Mendes opened Weibo for him in China, and the number of fans directly exceeded 2000 million within three hours!

What is this concept?It is equivalent to the real football fans in almost all of China.The fans who pay attention to Chinese football every day are of this order.Of course, this number will change wildly over time, because there are still many football fans.For example, Messi and Ronaldo have tens of millions of fans in China. Luo Wu, as a Chinese, estimates that the number will double several times.

Luo Wu only found out after seeing the pictures Mendez sent in the chat group.

At that time, he had finished his bath and was lying on the bed.This picture once again made Di Maria in the group sigh.

"Boss, is it fake? Did you buy data for him? It's only been a few days..." Di Maria teased Mendes.

"I have played football for so many years, and the number of fans is less than 1000 million..."

It's really maddening that people compare to people. It's normal for Di Maria not to believe it, because he only has more than 700 million fans on ins, and Luo Wu has already surpassed him in this time.

"Hey, hukou, hukou, if I was born in China, I think I also have hope." De Gea is also envious.

Ronaldo said: "Skills!"

"The premise is to have the ball skills, without the ball skills, no one is miniature."

As the world's number one traffic football star, Ronaldo is of course qualified to say that.

You have to have strength to have traffic.

Di Maria said:

"I have ball skills."

"But the account book doesn't work."

De Gea: "But you don't look good..."


In Asia, in addition to China's attention to Luo Wu, fans from Japan and South Korea are also very concerned.

On Japanese social networking sites, they are discussing Luo Wu rationally and helplessly.

"It stands to reason that only Japan can produce such a player. Why is it in China? It's unscientific? No matter how you look at it, Luo Wu looks like a player in Captain Tsubasa."

"Even a football-poor country like China can have such football geniuses, and it is impossible for Japan not to have them. We have hundreds of millions of people anyway!"

"Our 300 million registered football population, China only has 3 registered population, oh..."

"Don't be discouraged, everyone. Although China has Luo Wu, they only have one Luo Wu. A national team with only one star has no future. Just look at the history of football and you will know. Giggs is to Wales, Lewandowski is to Lewandowski Poland, Shevchenko is to Ukraine, they are all world-class, but their national team is not good. And our Japanese team, almost all players play in Europe, China has only one! When they meet us, they will still Hanged by us."

"Upstairs, there are two Chinese players playing in Europe, and there is Wu Lei, who plays for the Spaniard in La Liga, but it is a Chinese-funded team, and it seems that they go there to see the drinking fountains. "

The Japanese are cautious and proud, but also look down on China.

As for South Korea?

The mentality of South Korean fans is somewhat contradictory, because they compare Luo Wu and Sun Xingmin.

"In terms of technique, Luo Wu's movements are relatively diverse, but in terms of practicality, our Sun Xingmin is stronger. Luo Wu will be injured soon, but Sun Xingmin will not."

"In a short period of time, Sun Xingmin is still the number one brother in Asia."

"In terms of the number of goals scored, Sun Xingmin is also far ahead."

"It's not that Sun Xingmin doesn't know Luo Wu's small skills, it's just that he doesn't need them, and he pursues individual performance too much, which often drags down the whole team. Now football pays attention to team cooperation, not individual show off skills. As time goes by As time goes on, Luo Wu will definitely be known by people, and his performance will definitely decline by then. The first and second games can't restrain him, but what about the third, fourth, and fifth games?"

"Anyway, that guy is far from Son Xingmin."

"Maybe Luo Wu is Korean?"


Screenshots of these comments were sent back to China's God of Football by Chinese fans, and the Chinese fans lost their Coke.The more Korean and Japanese fans complain, the more elated they are.I used to envy Japan and South Korea for producing good players, but China has none.Now China has a world-class player that directly crushes all Asian players.

"I just like the way they jump over the wall in a hurry."

"Sun Xingmin is the number one star in Asia? It used to be, but now Luo Wu is the number one star in Asia! But does Luo Wu care? So what if Sun Xingmin continues to be the number one star in Asia? Luo Wu of our family said it himself, He wants to win the Golden Globe and be the number one star in the world, and his goal is Melo!"

"He still leads the scorer list with five goals in the Premier League. If he wants to catch up with him, Kane, who is closest to him, has to score at least three goals. He has a high probability of ranking first in the scorer list. Hey, he is too strong. As for assists? Maybe no one can catch up with him after ten games!"

"The football world has entered the era of Romero. Luo Wu, Messi, Ronaldo!"

"Show, the Romero era, so apt!"


It's not just in Asia that's sparking buzz.

In Europe, Luo Wu has also become a hot topic.

The French "Team Daily" interviewed Mbappe, who killed the Quartet in the World Cup.

"What do you think of the Chinese who have been in the limelight recently? Before that, people said that you are No. 1 in the future world, but now it seems that this guy may challenge your position."

The Frenchman licked his lips and said seriously:

"I did notice him, he was strong and a little younger than me."

"His skills are quite abnormal, and his goals and assists give people a sense of despair. He is indeed my biggest competitor in the future."

"The two of us are different types of players. I have good skills, but my physical condition is very average. I have no speed and no confrontation. My characteristics are quite distinct. I run faster than anyone else! I can also make more progress. Lots of balls."

Of course Mbappe will not admit defeat.Technically, he admits that Luo Wu is very strong, but he also believes that his speed is an advantage.

So, what do celebrities think?

This is about giving full play to the advantages of the Chinese paparazzi.With a player like Luo Wu, of course everyone wants to hear the opinions of celebrities.

Bin Yan, who was far away in Madrid, Spain, went to interview the alien Ronaldo who had just become the owner of Valladolid in La Liga.

"Luo Wu?"

"I know him, haha."

"Last week, my friend showed me the video of his goals. Well, the pendulum was done very chicly. Although it was not as beautiful as mine, it was really great. I am happy that someone in football has finally inherited it. My unique skill!"

Ronaldo bared his front teeth and smiled really happily.

The pendulum dribble is indeed Ronaldo's unique skill. In the later football world, only two people have done it. Both are French, one is Mbappe just mentioned, and the other is Pogba.But these two people were just putting on airs, not as shocking as Da Luo and Luo Wu.

That's why Ronaldo said he had found a successor.

Now that Ronaldo has been interviewed, Ronaldinho must also be interviewed.

"Luo Wu?"

"I don't know."

"Is he strong?" Ronaldinho was caught and asked by a Chinese reporter of "Global Sports" in a bar in Rio de Janeiro, but he was embarrassed because he didn't know Luo Wu.

"I haven't paid much attention to football lately."

In Ronaldinho's life, football is no longer the most important thing, and beauty may still be in the front.His eyeballs kept spinning around, cruising on the bodies of various women in the bar.

"Ronaldo, watch this video." The paparazzi clicked on the video on his phone and showed him.

Although he nodded, his eyes kept wandering.

However, when he saw Luo Wu's series of cycling, oxtail and pendulum passing and scoring goals, he finally took all his eyes back, and took the reporter's mobile phone in front of him, and brought the video back to the beginning .

"Oh, God!"


"What pervert is this?"

"So strong!"

"Oh, Oxtail is better than me."

"The pendulum is scarier than Da Luo."

"This bike is on the same level as Robinho, this rainbow is extraordinary, and Neymar is no more than that!"

Ronaldinho watched it several times, his mouth kept beeping, and he mentioned the names of several Brazilian stars in a row.

"What's his name?"

"Luo! Wu! Chinese players!"

"Luo Wu, I remember him." Ronaldinho touched his nose, "He is indeed very strong! He is so talented."

"He will definitely be the next strongest existence, and he is very entertaining."

"The Next God of Football!"

The paparazzi has been overjoyed for a long time, but he is holding another mobile phone to shoot the video!Ronaldinho's evaluation of Luo Wu is really too high.

"Thank you. On behalf of Luo Wu, I would like to express my gratitude for your evaluation. I hope you understand what you said!"

Not long after, this interview video was posted on the Internet immediately, and people all over the world saw this interview. This is the evaluation of football wizard Ronaldinho!All major media have reproduced it.

"The next God? Ask Ibrahimovic if he agrees. He hasn't retired yet. But the last time Ronaldinho praised a player like this, it should be Messi. Besides, he hasn't praised like this yet. Over a player!"

"Ronaldo also had an interview before, saying that he had found an heir. The two Brazilian players respected Luo Wu very much."

"There is also Mbappe, Mbappe also thinks that Luo Wu is his competitor."

"Have you seen the ins posted by De Bruyne? De Bruyne was also amazed at Luo Wu's assist ability. He said that Luo Wu had scored his assists in ten games in one game. He said that Luo Wu was not human at all. It's a monster."

De Bruyne is now the world's number one assister, and even he is convinced.And in the first round of direct confrontation, De Bruyne was completely defeated by Luo Wu, and he is now defeated.In the football world, the strong are respected.

"More than that? And Neymar, Neymar posted Luo Wu's extraordinary video on Facebook, and then said: Seeing him, it seems to see himself when he was young! Neymar also has a very high evaluation of Luo Wu, saying Luo Wu is like his young self. So many top superstars praise Luo Wu."

Luo Wu's prestige soared.Before long, he will become a household name and gain both fame and fortune...

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