The rise of greenery

Chapter 320 The Arrogant Japanese

"Baga, this time we miscalculated. We didn't expect to meet the Chinese team. We should bring everyone here. The current Japanese team is not the strongest team in our country."

"Should have brought Shinji Okazaki and Shinji Kagawa! What an idiot, without them two, how can we resist them? It's all Mori Yasuichi's fault! This guy is too conceited, why did he use the Asian Cup to train his troops? .”

When the Japanese team advanced to the finals, Japanese fans began to worry. They felt that the Japanese team did not pull all the main players over this time, which was a very failed decision.

You must know that for this Asian Cup, the Japanese coach Mori Yasuchi did not recruit famous stars such as Kagawa Shinji and Okazaki Shinji.

Fans blame Mori Yasushi for this reason.This year's Asian Cup Senbao brought many young players, but some old players did not bring it.He thinks that even these players are enough to win the Asian Cup, but now that the opponent in the final is the Chinese team, it is different.

Moreover, in this Asian Cup, the strength shown by the Japanese team is not as strong as people imagined. Almost every game is just a small victory by one goal. The best game played, on the contrary, was played tonight. In this game, there was only one goal in the regular game.

But at the press conference after the game, Japanese coach Mori Yasuchi was full of confidence.

"I'm not afraid of the final. I have a way to deal with the Chinese team. Football is always a team sport of [-] players, not the performance of a certain star. Many people criticize us. Now we play conservatively, but our defense is better. It must be watertight, and that is exactly what we will continue to do in the future, because we will face many world-class teams in the World Cup."

"Only by doing a good job of defending can we go further. You can actually refer to last summer's World Cup. The so-called world-class teams actually can't take advantage of their opponents. Football is already a sport that almost does not allow mistakes. .”

"Everyone also saw the Korean superstar teammate tonight. Sun Xingmin's goals in this game are second only to Luo Wu, but the Korean team also lost to us. Sun Xingmin was powerless, and then we had the last laugh. So I don't Don't worry about the final, we will beat them with the best team spirit!"

Mori Bao cited the example of Sun Xingmin.

But the Japanese paparazzi didn't buy it: "Mr. Mori Hoichi, maybe you forgot that Sun Xingmin is Sun Xingmin and Luo Wu is Luo Wu. There is a difference in strength between the two of them. Why don't you talk about the UAE? The UAE coach will never agree with you." statement!"

"It doesn't matter whether he agrees or not. That's because you haven't seen that the overall strength of our Japanese team is higher than that of the UAE. We have almost no weaknesses in every position."

Morihoichi is really confident.

"Why do you think your team can defend Luo Wu?"

"No, we use offense as defense." Mori Baoyi shook his head, "We are playing against South Korea, we dare not advance aggressively, but if we are playing against the Chinese team, we must use offense instead of defense."

"I'm pretty sure the Chinese team's defense can't withstand our offense."

The paparazzi asked again: "Then you mean that the Chinese team is not as good as the Korean team?"

"I mean the flaws of the Chinese team are quite big, their defense is fatal, I believe the head coaches all over the world can see it, so we have to take advantage of this. This is destined to be an offensive battle! "

Takumi Minano, who was silent at the side, suddenly complained: "They are not a team, and they just rely on Luo Wu to play alone. It's too shameful."

"We can't win such a team, so we just disband it."

Unexpectedly, Takumi Minano was even more arrogant.

"Except for Luo Wu, the rest of the Chinese team is really not very good. To be honest, I think that as long as we bring out our overall strength, it will not be a problem at all."

Minano Takumi's words mean that, except for Luo Wu, the other players of the Chinese team are rubbish...

When the news reached the Chinese team, it immediately caused an uproar.

“Little Japan for dog days,”

"The tone is quite arrogant."

"Do you really think they are invincible in Asia? Look down on us so much!"

Wei Shihao lay on the massage chair aggrieved.

"They haven't beaten us in these years. They are like turtles in the Champions League."

"That's different." Huang Bowen, who was also lying on the massage chair, disagreed with Wei Shihao's opinion.

"These guys don't play in China, they are all from overseas. The level and strength are still far behind. Let alone, we will definitely suffer in terms of possession rate by then."

"What's the ball possession rate? A high ball possession rate doesn't mean you can score more points. We have Luo Wu, right?" Wei Shihao looked at Luo Wu not far away, "As long as you put the treasure on Luo Wu, you're right. .”

"It's hard to say. I still say the same thing. Our defense is too bad. This is still a game of scoring goals. This Moribao looks very real. This final is very difficult. Japan's cooperation with those players , It’s terrible, I’m worried that we won’t be able to withstand it, after halftime, I guess we have a big problem with our physical fitness, and our brains hurt.”

Luo Wu is not optimistic.

"If we fight against them, I think we are even more dangerous."

"This time we're going to play hard."

"Kicking... well, that's really unpleasant." Wei Shihao thought about it, and it made sense.

"But the Japanese are too crazy, especially that Takumi Minano! Can we not teach him a lesson?"

"Damn, don't take us seriously at all..." Thinking of Minano Takumi's words, he was very upset.

Huang Bowen said:

"Minano Takumi is indeed quite arrogant, he really doesn't know the sky and the earth."

"After staying in Europe, I really don't pay attention to Asian players. When the time comes to make him suffer a little bit, I really think we can't cure him. When Sakura played against him in Osaka before, he was still a substitute."

Huang Bowen was also unconvinced. When he and Evergrande dominated Asia, Osaka Sakura and Minano Takumi were nothing.

"But now they have the capital of madness. If you want to extinguish their arrogance, you have to torture them." Luo Wu sat up and rubbed his left shoulder.

"We also watched the game. The Japanese team is a level stronger than the South Korean team. Although everyone only drew 1:1, the Korean team has been ravaged by them."

"This Japanese team didn't try their best until the end..."

"Is it so awesome?"

Wei Shihao didn't quite believe it.

"Didn't you almost lose?"

"Luck, how many chances did they have? The South Korean team didn't deserve to lose. This time we must be very targeted, so take it easy..."


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