Luo Wu is very low-key, compared to the arrogance of the Japanese.

Let them be arrogant in their mouths first, and when we meet Zhenzhang in the game, he doesn't need to bicker with such unknown pawns.

In the past few days, the preparation training of the Chinese team is very easy, basically there is no training with a lot of exercise.

If this was the case in the past, the Chinese team must have been training in a closed environment, and it is impossible for media reporters to approach, but now that Lippi has opened up the training ground, many fans flock to the stadium every day, and Luo Wu's autograph is soft.

The paparazzi are no exception. They followed the Chinese team almost all the way to shoot, but they couldn't shoot anything.

Luo Wu also rarely accepts interviews, but other team members are different. They seem to enjoy the feeling of being interviewed.

After all, the results were too poor in the past, and no one dared to appear in front of the media. Now that they have reached the final of the Asian Cup, they can puff up their chests.

Zhang Xizhe from Guoan is my favorite to be interviewed.The ball has not been played for a few minutes, but people are the most enthusiastic about interviews.

I don't know what face he has, and he has made no contribution at all.But this guy dared to say anything in front of the paparazzi.

In an interview with the German media "Bild", Zhang Xizhe recalled his time playing football in Germany.

"I was in the same team as De Bruyne when I played in Germany. At that time, De Bruyne's technical level was still very average. But he got the chance to play, and I didn't. Maybe this is the difference now. .”

"If I had enough playing time at that time, I think I would have made great progress."

How thick-skinned he is, he can only sell cars because he doesn't have the strength to play, and now he actually says that it's because he doesn't have enough playing time that he hasn't made enough progress?

This brain circuit is really quite strange.

But these words of his were heard by Luo Wu, Luo Wu could only laugh without saying a word, he really wanted to refute Zhang Xizhe, but what's the use of refuting?

Just let him live in a dream, he deserves that he can't kick it out...

Look at Wu Lei, although he said he was going to a Chinese-funded team, but he relied on his own efforts step by step to sit on the main position.

Sometimes Luo Wu felt that the brains of some Chinese players were really kicked by donkeys, and they didn't take pictures of themselves by urinating.

All the players of the Japanese national team are from overseas teams, while the Chinese team only has two overseas players. This is the gap.

Who is kicked out not by strength, but by mouth.

But Zheng Zhi, who was sitting in a wheelchair, had something to say, which made him feel uncomfortable.

"This guy is really stunned, and he has to talk about his German experience every time. If it were me, I would be embarrassed."

"You don't even have a minute of playing time. Does this count as studying abroad? Well, to be honest, it's quite embarrassing. It's better not to study abroad."

"It is said that he is the best attacking midfielder in China. What a fart the attacking midfielder is. I haven't seen him pass a good ball."

"Tell him, he just ignores you. This guy is hopeless."

It seemed that Zheng Zhi didn't like him very much, he dared to say that openly in front of Luo Wu.

"This time I really hope that the naturalized players will come sooner, otherwise I really don't see hope."

"Many fans say that Chinese players must have Chinese blood, but Chinese players don't have a patriotic heart and fighting spirit. What's the difference? It's too narrow."

"I heard that some of them have a lot of opinions now. Their clubs called the leaders and said that they should arrange some time for them to play."

I should be talking about Guoan players. Several Guoan players are currently unable to get a chance to play.

"Isn't this nonsense? If you want to play, you have to rely on your own ability. What kind of leadership do you rely on? I didn't make it out of nowhere, it was said by those insiders."

Zheng Zhi has a lot of friends, and some seniors work in the Football Association, so it's easy to get some news.

"But Lippi didn't agree, and he didn't accept their approach at all. Haha! It's a bit quieter, otherwise it was a mess before, and everyone wanted to play. Every time the starting lineup is surprising, the result of the game is even more disgusting... ..."

"Brother, just calm down. The past is over. As long as we don't go the way we used to, it will be fine. If it's really the same as before, I have my own opinions. Anyway, I won't get used to them."

Zheng Zhi said again: "Who knows whether to leave or not? Chinese football is also a society of human feelings. If you think about being able to enter the national team, the annual salary will be doubled several times. Then if you win the Asian Cup this time, everyone will get a lot of money." Bonuses, and maybe a house as well."

"This cake is huge."

"Believe it or not, if you say you want to quit the national team, everyone can kneel down and beg you not to quit?"

Luo Wu raised his eyebrows.

"It's not that exaggerated, is it?"

"It's not an exaggeration at all, it's all money. So you see how well everyone is serving you now, even the leaders dare not speak out."

"Isn't it for this championship?"

"I feel ashamed of myself too."

"Actually, I think so too."

Luo Wu: ...

Zheng Zhi said again:

"No way, who doesn't like money. But my difference is that everyone has to work hard together and work together. You can't just enjoy the results and make other people work hard, right, that's what I hate the most reason."

"I won the championship this time, and I am also happy in my heart, but there are still some things that I can't let go of. We have actually had many opportunities over the years, but there are some ulterior reasons that make us always play poorly, alas!"

Luo Wu comforted:

"Don't think about it. As long as I'm here one day, I won't let these nasty things happen."

"But it's actually happening, and you can't stop it. It's happening all the time." Zheng Zhi shook his head.

"Honestly, do you think these guys are the best players in China? Are there any better players?" Zheng Zhi stared at Luo Wu and asked.

"I don't know, after all, I'm not familiar with the domestic situation."

"Yes." Zheng Zhi asked himself and answered, "So after the Asian Cup is over, you should fully support Lippi. Let him choose people according to his own ideas, and never let some people reach in. enough!"

The more Zheng Zhi said, the more excited he became.

Almost 40 years old.

"I know it doesn't seem right to talk about this before the final, but I don't feel comfortable talking about it. After so many years, I'm getting old."

"Understood. It must be uncomfortable to worry about the matter. It would be much better to say it out. If you retire later, you can actually serve in the Football Association. If you become the chairman, you can call the shots?"

"I'm the chairman? Can I be me? There are so many people staring at this position, it's not my turn."

"Then Yao Ming will become the chairman of the Basketball Association? You can do it too. Then we will find an elected chairman and push you to be the chairman."

"Also... I hope..."

"Anyway, when the time comes, the miasma must be cleared..."

"Anyway, Zhang Xizhe and his ilk won't be able to enter anymore, I've really had enough..."

It turned out that Zheng Zhi had so much pain.

I thought he was the boss of the national team, so he said what he said.


After half an hour...

The dialogue between Luo Wu and Zheng Zhi was surprised on the top of the ball emperor, and it was on the headlines!

Then it became the number one hot search!


I don't know how the news got out.

At that time, Zheng Zhi and Luo Wu had no one else around.

I guess it was secretly photographed?

Otherwise, how could such a terrible thing happen?

Luo Wu and Zheng Zhi instantly stood on the cusp of the storm.

The bad media is viciously taking the rhythm, and every headline seems to raise people's blood pressure.

"Zheng Zhinu exposes the shady scenes of the national team";

"Zhang Xizhe turned out to be a cancer of the national team";

"Zheng Zhi couldn't bear it anymore, and confided the inside story of the national team to Luo Wu";

"Zheng Zhi Bombards Zhang Xizhe and the Football Association".


But the rhythm was not brought up, and the Chinese fans were almost one-sided, standing on the side of Zheng Zhi and Luo Wu.

Because the content of the chat between the two of them is real, fans believe them.

Instead, Zhang Xizhe and the Football Association were scolded miserably...

The national team was embarrassed and was preparing for the Asian Cup final, and this kind of thing happened.

It was Zheng Zhi and Luo Wu who said these words, the most representative figures of the two national teams.

How can we engage in disunity at a time like this?

It's okay to criticize Zheng Zhi, but how can you criticize Luo Wu?

The national team is in a dilemma.

Especially on the training ground, when everyone is facing each other.

But it's not a big deal, it's not Luo Wu and the others who are embarrassed, but Zhang Xizhe and the others.

Luo Wu is now the core of the team, and everyone is on his side. A fringe figure like Zhang Xizhe will have no friends.

Now that the matter was exposed, Zhang Xizhe and the others lost face even more.

This requires no choice at all.

So Zhang Xizhe and the others were rejected and marginalized invisibly.

Perhaps it is a good thing for the Chinese team. It will be much easier to handle things in the future if they can make things public.

When interviewed by the news media, Lippi simply admitted it directly.


"Sometimes we really can't help ourselves when we choose players. Many things are not decided by us. This is not a rare thing, it has always been there."

"Now that it's made public, I think it's a good thing."

"We definitely need the best players to play and not rely on relationships."

"Players like Zheng Zhi and Luo Wu are the wealth of Chinese football. If they dare not tell the truth, then who else dares to speak the truth."

"If football could be a little bit cleaner, the results would be a little bit nicer, wouldn't it?"

Shame on the Football Association...

All reversed.

However, the Football Association has not yet come forward to express its position, and it is estimated that it is not easy to express its position.

If you deny what Zheng Zhi said, that means standing on the opposite side.

If you admit it, it means that the Football Association did not act before and did a lot of bad things.

Disgusting on both sides...

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