The rise of greenery

Chapter 319 February 2st!Destroyer!


"The Times" rarely wrote a relatively fair article: As far as the first round of the League Cup semi-final is concerned, there is still a certain gap between Haaland and Luo Wu, although Haaland scored a goal in the game, But he couldn't lead the team to victory, and Luo Wu Zezhong led the national team to reverse the opponent and advance to the final with one less player. This may be the difference between ordinary stars and superstars.Haaland still has a long way to go.

"Mirror": The result of the game proved that Luo Wu is still the irreplaceable core of Arsenal. Arsenal lost the game 1:3 at home in the first round, so there is basically no suspense in the second round. Chelsea will advance to the League Cup finals.

"Daily Mail" - Maybe this semi-final will be a watershed moment for Arsenal?But next month the man is coming back.

"Manchester Evening News": Arsenal's morale is low, Manchester United have a chance to beat them in the FA Cup!

"The Sun" - After learning that Luo Wu had played him again, the chairman of Paris Saint-Germain lost his temper in the presidential suite, and then asked the President of the United Arab Emirates to send someone to seal the entire hospital The nurses were arrested and interrogated...


In a well-known bar.

The Arsenal generals were drinking inside, feeling depressed after losing the game, everyone came here looking for excitement.A bunch of beauties surrounded him, and I didn't see how strange they were.

Some Arsenal fans who couldn't stand it laughed at the time.

"It's really kind of you, you dare to drink after losing. If you have the ability, you won the ball."

"I think our captain would only come here to have fun when we won. Now you are doing it the other way around."

"It looks like you will also lose to Manchester United in the next FA Cup game. We can predict that the next shame is coming soon!"

"Drinking should be happy, not like you, bah!"

Erneny, who was sitting with Harland, didn't drink much wine, but his face was terribly red, so he hurriedly found a chance to slip away.What the fans said is not wrong, it was indeed like this before, and now it is indeed too embarrassing.

Not far away, Naini and Iwobi also slipped away.

They didn't plan to come, but Harland, as a newcomer, gave them face by buying them a few drinks.

"What's the matter? Can't you let it out when you're upset?" Harland didn't think he had done anything wrong, and continued to go his own way, drinking from a pineapple glass.

Also staying with him are the Dutchmen De Ligt and Van der Beek.They're still young, so maybe they think differently.


"Make a big deal out of a molehill."

Van der Beek said: "If we don't relax and tighten our nerves, then we may play worse next time. When we were in the Netherlands, the head coach Ten Hag never said about us, he would not care about us. private life, then I play football in a better state."

"It looks a bit different in England."

"Yes, cheers!" De Ligt raised his glass. Don't look at his shy face, he is actually a veteran.

Several people continued to drink in the bar without incident Arsenal fans scorned...

This is also because several of them have performed very well in the competition recently, otherwise they would not dare to be so arrogant.

Today's loss can't be blamed on them. It's because the others played too badly, which hurt them instead.

But no matter what, such arrogant behavior is not good after all...

"But... what about the second round? Can we really win?" De Ligt asked again.

"We are behind, and two goals are still away games. It would be great if the captain was here, and we will definitely win [-]%."

He still had to gulp down a big sip of wine, then reached out and put his arm around De Ligt's shoulder.

"Don't worry, as long as you can withstand their attack on the defensive line, I will definitely be able to break their goal! This afternoon's game is purely their luck, and my luck is not good. I can at least score. With two goals, they will not be so lucky in the next game."

He is so young and energetic, he still refuses to admit defeat after losing the game, and blames it on luck...

United Arab Emirates.

The second Asian Cup semi-final has begun, with Japan facing South Korea.

The main force of both sides is exhausted.

But the game was played very cautiously at the beginning, and there was no spark hitting the earth as expected by the media before the game.

Although the formation tends to be offensive, it is mostly defensive. In the first 10 minutes, everyone was testing each other, and no one took the initiative to press the attack.

They all want to enter the finals. Who dares to say that they will be able to overwhelm their opponents to attack, and then the two teams who know the basics play hide and seek.

There are many stars on both sides, and they may use their personal abilities to solve problems. The South Korean team has Son Heung-min and Hwang Hee-chan, and the Japanese team has Takuma Asano, Takumi Minamino, Yuto Nagatomo, etc.

Gradually, the Japanese team took the lead. After all, their teamwork was better than that of the South Korean team, but South Korea's defense was stronger and they played very aggressively.

The two sides can't stand their opponents.

On the South Korean team, Sun Xingmin and Huang Xican are more likely to cooperate or work alone.But the offense invested too little, and there were almost no chances. Sun Xingmin misfired for the first time in the first half of this cup.

He even only got one chance to shoot, but Huang Xican also shot three times, but the deviation was outrageous.

The Japanese team had more shots, and there were three excellent opportunities to change the score on the field, but they all missed it.

The remaining opportunities were basically fired from outside the penalty area, which also did not threaten the South Korean team's goal.

But the possession rate of the Japanese team is getting higher and higher, and the South Korean team is playing more and more passively.

Only at the end of the first half, the score was still 0:0.

The fans of the Asian Cup have been spoiled, and this kind of game is really unbearable.How can there be no goal?

But the second half of the game is still the same. Neither team is willing to take the initiative to attack.

Time grinds and grinds, and the game becomes more and more boring as the game progresses.The fans still haven't waited for a goal.

It was not until the No. 805 minute of the game that the Japanese team seized an opportunity for the South Korean team to make a defensive mistake. The captain of the Japanese team Tomosuke sent a long diagonal pass. The South Korean team's central defender made a mistake and the ball was caught Takumi Minano unloaded and changed the score to 1:0.

But just when people thought that the Japanese team had advanced to the finals, the game came to stoppage time, but the South Korean double stars played an amazing cooperation. Sun Xingmin and Huang Xican played two-on-two in a row near the midfield, all the way to the Japanese team. In front of the penalty area, Son Xingmin finally scored the ball into the upper right corner of the goal.

The game was tied and the two sides had to go to overtime.

But overtime was played more cautiously, and neither side had the ability to score.

In the end, a penalty shootout took place.

Son Heung-min was the first to step onto the field and sent the ball into the goal of the Japanese team.

Takumi Minano was the first Japanese team to take a penalty kick, and he also lived up to expectations.

But then Sun Xingmin's teammates let him down. Hwang Hee-chan actually missed a penalty, and the Japanese team's second appearance was Asano Takuma, who shot the ball in.

After the Japanese team temporarily took the lead, the South Korean players lost confidence after taking the penalty kick.

In the end, the South Korean team lost 2:4 in the penalty shootout and advanced to the final with a total score of 5:3.

The Japanese team will compete with the Chinese team for the championship of this tournament.

Son Heung-min missed the appointment...

He knelt down on the turf, weeping silently.

He failed to meet Luo Wu in the final...

The Chinese team also ushered in the opportunity for revenge.

There is no better opponent than the Japanese team.After the game, the Chinese media began to build momentum for revenge.

The Chinese only think about revenge.

Knowing the Ball Emperor - February 2st!Destroyer!

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