The rise of greenery

Chapter 307 Poison tricks, fans all over the world are like one

Anyway, he came anyway, Luo Wu might as well go crazy with them, and no one would recognize him.

It is quite exciting to play in such a magical environment.Coupled with the fact that these three girls were quite active, everyone drank a lot of wine.

Unknowingly, Luo Wu played in it for nearly three hours, and finally even his own consciousness became blurred.

When they left, the four of them walked with their arms around their shoulders. It was impossible to be sober at this time. Luo Wu followed them into a large room.

Then something indescribable happened.

When Luo Wu woke up the next day, he was stunned. He didn't expect that the wine last night was so strong that he almost lost his memory.

There are only some intermittent images in my mind, fighting with the three women around me all night?

Now the three of them sleep like dead pigs.

I just don't know if they filmed the video?If there is such a thing, it will be troublesome later.

Logically speaking, it shouldn't be possible. When they left, the three of them were more drunk than themselves, and the battle was just going to happen afterwards.

So now he is leaving?Or wait for them to wake up?

After thinking for a minute, he tiptoed up, put on his clothes carefully, took his mobile phone and left.

This kind of romantic encounter, which is just a joke, must not be taken seriously...

When I got back to the hotel, I found that it was nearly twelve o'clock. Fortunately, I didn't need to train this morning.

Wu Lei lay on the bed, looking at Luo Wu in surprise.

"You didn't come back last night?"

"No. After playing below for most of the day, I fell asleep below." Luo Wu did not deny it.

"An affair?"

"Huh? Why do you care about this? Haven't you always been a good boy?" It was Luo Wu's turn to be surprised.

"Hehe. Aren't you always like this? If you don't come home in the middle of the night, there must be something wrong." I have never eaten pork, and I have seen pigs run away. Although Wu Lei is very good, he is not a rookie. I see this kind of teammates a lot. .

But Luo Wu had the cheek to deny it.

"No, no, absolutely not. Where did you think you were going? You just drank a little too much, so you rested at the local area, and woke up to find that it was already noon. Alas, fortunately, there is no training today."

Wu Lei then changed the subject.

"Have you seen the news? The Qatari goalkeeper who exchanged jerseys with you yesterday was beaten by Qatari fans last night."

"Ah? It's so miserable, why? It can't be because we exchanged jerseys with me." Luo Wu was stunned, feeling like this.

"That's the reason. Their team lost so badly yesterday, but that guy happily exchanged jerseys with you. The fans must not be happy. It's normal to be beaten."

"Then the fans here are really backward." Luo Wu shook his head, "Does that mean I have to bow and apologize? What's the use, what can I do if I'm not as skilled as others, but don't imitate some stupid Chinese fans."

Luo Wu is very disapproving of this behavior.

Football is just football, don't be too demonized.

Then he logged into ins and posted the following paragraph: Qatar fans are the most disgusting fans in the world, why do they beat their own country's goalkeeper violently?You must know that without Saad, Qatar would have conceded at least six more goals. Saad is not Qatar's sinner, he is Qatar's hero!Those who scolded him and beat him were all brain-dead, if they had the ability to kick him up by themselves.

As soon as this passage was sent out, it immediately caused an explosion in the whole of Qatar.

It must be rhythmic.

The news media immediately frantically reported, all kinds of guidance on what Qatari fans should do.

Qatari fans immediately went to Luo Wu's ins to leave a message, abusing wildly.

They were already very useless in losing, but now Luo Wu happened to be their punching bag.

Many Qatar fans who have not yet left the UAE even besieged the hotel where the Chinese team stayed.

Hundreds of people were attacking the entrance of the hotel, and the UAE police were on the verge of a formidable enemy, deploying more than 500 policemen around the hotel.

Paparazzi from all over the world also came to take pictures.

The failure of the shock turned into a silent protest, and the Qataris put up huge banners demanding that Luo Wu must apologize to Qatar, because Luo Wu called the Qataris brainless.

Luo Wu's words that the Qataris are mentally retarded are indeed subject to discussion. Luo Wu is indeed lacking in thinking, so he can actually do without such a scolding.

The Qatar Football Association even called Lippi directly, hoping that Lippi would give an explanation.

Lippi didn't respond, what kind of shit is this, he has to apologize after scolding a few words, he doesn't have the leisure time, if he went to talk to Luo Wu, Luo Wu would also be very depressed.

But the people from the Football Association agreed.

The Football Association leader immediately found Luo Wu, hoping that Luo Wu could apologize to the Qatari fans.

"Are you serious?"

"You want me to apologize to a gang of criminals?"

Luo Wu was quite surprised, and looked at the leader in disbelief.

"This, this... Although the other party is a criminal, you can't scold him like this, right? Westerners are all about democracy. If you don't stand up and apologize, it will have a great impact on your reputation."

"My reputation? I don't care, whatever. I don't expect them to eat, and I won't apologize anyway. Let them dream."

"No, it's not about you alone. Your thinking should be broader. You should also think about the country behind you, right?"

Luo Wu immediately rolled his eyes, the hat was big enough.

"Hey, you're making a lot of sense. That's fine. If you think I've lost face to the country, then forget about expelling me. I won't kick it."

As soon as this sentence came out, the team leader was immediately dumbfounded, and cold sweat broke out behind his back.

What a threat to quit the team.

Can't afford it, absolutely can't afford it.

"Ah... you just pretend I didn't say it, I'm a fool, go to Qatar."

The attitude of the team leader had to take a 180-degree turn. He would rather offend Qatar fans than offend Chinese fans.

If there is no Luo Wu, the Asian Cup is still kicking ass.

Luo Wu was very satisfied with the leader's answer:

"That's right."

"Isn't it just a Qatar? I love it."

"You should feel the same as the Chinese fans. Just one word is cool, don't worry about it."


Luo Wu didn't stand up and apologize in time, and the Qatari fans didn't mean to compromise. The Chinese team was going to the training ground for training in the afternoon, but the windows of the bus in the parking lot were smashed by extreme Qatari fans.

In the end, the Chinese team canceled the training.

Luo Wu once again posted a message on ins - never bow to criminals and terrorists!Ugly Qatar fans!

Not only did he not apologize, but his speech became even tougher.

This time the Qatari fans were even more frantic, but they had no choice but to continue to scold on the Internet.

What is the use?

In the end, it's not over.

It’s just that the players of the Chinese team suffered because of the martial law in the hotel, and everyone dared not go out to go shopping, for fear that the Qatari fans would take their anger out on other people.

In the evening, the results of the semi-finals of the Asian Cup also came out.

In addition to the Chinese team, the other three teams are Japan, Iran, South Korea and the United Arab Emirates.

And the opponent of the Chinese team is the host United Arab Emirates...

Now it's fun.

The UAE also belongs to the team in the Middle East and is still the host, so the entire Middle East world will stand on the side of the UAE.

This time I really want to conquer the Middle East...

On the scorer list, Sun Xingmin once again commented on the number of goals scored by Luo Wu, and both scored [-] goals.

Luo Wu also took the initiative to write on the ins: Sun, good job, come on and kill the Japanese team, see you in the final!

As soon as this sentence was issued, the UAE was also ignored.Luo Wu, isn't this when the UAE doesn't exist?Before the semi-finals, you told me that we will see you in the finals.

Sun Xingmin also responded to him-do his best!

He is not as arrogant as Luo Wu. Although the Korean team is very strong, if they meet the Japanese team, the outcome is unpredictable.

Anyway, the whole Middle East is uncomfortable.

"Manifesto" raised the alarm of the battle - on January 1, all Middle Easterners should stand together!

"Gulf Online" - Kibai is an invincible Chinese!

"Al Jazeera" - Nasser offers a reward of [-] million euros!

Nasser is crazy...

Qatar can't snipe, and now he hopes that the UAE can achieve it.

A bonus of [-] million, what kind of concept is this?

There are several million for one person...

Some media even gave Nasser crooked ideas.

The British "Sun" said: Instead of offering a reward to the UAE players, why not offer this money to the players of the Chinese team?Fortresses are breached from within...

As soon as this news came out, Chinese fans were really on the verge of a formidable enemy.

This news became the headlines among domestic players who know the ball.

Chinese fans left messages one after another.

"Fuck, the sun is ruthless, this is a poisonous plan!"

"Shouldn't such a thing really happen, it would be too tragic."

"Why do I feel a little flustered, I feel that this kind of thing may really happen... It's not like I haven't encountered it before."

"Ah! The national team is about to hold a meeting. This situation must not happen. Damn, if I were hit by millions of euros, I might think about it..."

"Is the upstairs farting? If the Chinese team wins the final Asian Cup championship, do you think the prize money will be less? Chinese players are not as shameless as this."

"So what if you earn a few million less? The Asian Cup championship is a lifetime honor."

"It is absolutely impossible for this to happen. This is news hype, deliberately influencing the morale of the army."


Anyway, the Chinese players also saw the news, and everyone was very depressed after reading it.

"Isn't this an idiot?"

"This is what the media is thinking? What are the fans thinking, are we that bad, alas."

Even Zheng Zhi was angry.

Wu Lei also thought so:

"Hey, Chinese fans are actually the most stupid group of people..."

Luo Wu: "Fans all over the world are the same, just get used to it, so don't take their words seriously, what should you do?"


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