The rise of greenery

Chapter 308 Warranty

The national team is also facing a formidable enemy. Since the establishment of the Chinese football professional league, it has often encountered such nasty things.

Many professional players took the risk and really did such an immoral thing.

The leaders had to take it seriously, and a special meeting was held.All members are present, including coaching staff and players.

The meeting is held by the top leader, and one can imagine how exaggerated the importance of the meeting is.

Of course, because the Chinese team's performance in this Asian Cup is very good, it naturally pays more attention to it.

But when the national team leader called the roll call, he found that there was no Luo Wu, and Luo Wu did not attend the meeting at all.

This is awkward.

The team leader was thinking what Luo Wu was up to again, he probably forgot the meeting time, he must have not come on purpose, he had knocked on the door one by one to notify them in place before.

I also repeated it twice on WeChat.

But he didn't say it directly, but walked up to Wu Lei and asked.

"Wu Lei, was Luo Wu in the room when you went out?"

Wu Lei immediately replied:

"Ah, he had already gone out before I came out, I thought he had already arrived at the venue."

Wu Lei was telling the truth, he didn't lie to him, Luo Wu had indeed come out before.

"That's strange, why did he go there?" The team leader had no choice but to take out his mobile phone and call Luo Wu.

But the other end of the phone couldn't get through, and Luo Wu turned off the phone.

Isn't this obvious?

The team leader was very angry, but he didn't dare to show it. After putting the phone away, he regained his calm expression, found the leader and whispered something.

"Leader, everyone is here except Luo Wu, but when I called his cell phone, it was turned off and he couldn't be reached. What do you think?"

The leader's face was calm.

"Don't worry about him, we'll just have a meeting."

Then he waved his hand and dismissed the leader.

I thought the leader would be furious, but I didn't expect that the leader didn't care at all, or didn't dare to win Luo Wu.

At this time, Luo Wu ran to the gymnasium on the fourth floor to play. He really did not come to this meeting on purpose.

Because he thinks this meeting is an insult to professional players.

You can't assume an event that didn't happen.You let the players come to the meeting. Isn't it obvious that you don't trust the players?

Isn't this just bullshit?

So Luo Wu chose to go to the gym to keep fit, whatever he likes.

He was at the meeting, and the leader really started to speak out a lot of big ideas. The players in the audience could only bite the bullet and listen. No one dared to be serious. The last link was actually to sign a letter of guarantee.

Guarantee that you will not engage in unprofessional behavior during the game.

Fortunately, Luo Wu was not here, otherwise he might explode directly.

To even write a guarantee letter after playing a game, how big of a fuss is this.

Of course, everyone had no objections, and signed their names on the guarantee letter seriously. Anyway, no one wants to win the game, and if they win the championship, they can get rewards.

This time the Football Association really thought too much...

Luo Wu returned to the hotel after staying in the gym for more than an hour, and only then did he hear Wu Lei complain about it.

After Luo Wu finished listening, he was indeed a little uneasy. He thought that if he didn't attend the meeting, he would be fine. He didn't expect that there would be such a disgusting thing as writing a letter of guarantee.

Luckily I didn't sign it myself.

In a fit of rage, he really wanted to expose such a disgusting thing the Football Association did.

But right now the national team needs to unite and work together to reach the Asian Cup final and win the final championship. If he blatantly provokes the problem of the locker room, he will mess up his own position and disturb the morale of the army.

This thing absolutely cannot be done.

But I couldn't stand it.

How to do it?

In a flash of inspiration, he suddenly thought of a very interesting idea.

Then he took out his phone and wrote a paragraph on ins.

——Nasser can think about it, spend 10 billion euros to buy me, maybe I am happy, and then I will pretend not to play, if he can really give 10 euros, I am really a little excited...

Obviously this is a joke.

A joke that mocked Nasser.

But most people don't know that this is also laughing at the Football Association, because the Football Association is in trouble.

Such a joke immediately caused a frenzy on the Internet.Of course, the Football Association also discovered Luo Wu's remarks in the first place.

"Is he crazy?"

"How dare this guy say anything!"

The boss of the Football Association was really angry and cursed in his hotel room.

But he didn't dare to accuse Luo Wu face to face.

Can only be angry at his secretary.

The secretary hurried to help him put out the fire.

"The leader also calmed down. This guy is just like that. In fact, he has no malicious intentions."

"He said these words to provoke Nasser on purpose. With his character and patriotism, it is impossible for him to accept 10 billion euros. Don't worry, if other players say that, it is worthy of anger. It is Luo Wu If you say it, you should treat it as a sword in your hand."

It was the secretary who had a thorough understanding of Luo Wu.

"But! It's not okay to be so wretched. It can't be because he plays football well and always has privileges. It's unfair to other players, and doesn't it make us look funny? Make us clowns?" The leader was still very depressed.

"I always feel that he is also secretly mocking us."

Leaders are pretty smart.

"Leader, you think too much. In fact, he grew up in the West since he was a child. His thinking is different from ours, right? You just let him do it. Besides, if you can't win the championship, let's talk about it."

The subtext of the secretary's words is: If Luo Wu can't help the Chinese team win the Asian Cup, then he will be punished later.

What a black-bellied secretary...

If Luo Wu heard this conversation, Luo Wu would probably give them two slaps, and then let the Football Association make a choice, either kill them all, or leave by himself...

"Well, then just pretend that nothing happened to me and let him go."

In the end, the boss of the Football Association compromised.

However, the network effect caused by Luo Wu's words has been climbing all the way, and it has also become the hottest topic in Europe.

Many fans called Nasser and asked him if he should think about it.

But Nasser still has to face, how could he respond.Knowing that Luo Wu was joking and mocking him, he didn't want to hand over his face to Luo Wu...

But this hatred is so great that there will never be a solution in the future.

The Middle East fans were also screaming, naturally they were on the side of the UAE and Qatar.

The whole world is eager for this game to come as soon as possible...

And the spinach company also opened a handicap for the semi-finals early, but in the end it was only a tie...

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