The rise of greenery

Chapter 306 Meet Messi!The bar was attacked!

The score of 7:3 quickly spread all over the world. The Chinese team won the quarter-finals. Now they can wait for their opponents. No matter who the opponents are, the ultimate goal of the Chinese team is to reach the finals and win The last champion.

Lippi said bluntly at the press conference: "The Qatar team performed very well tonight. Here we are."

"I've made no secret of our goals, and now we've taken another step forward, the next step is to reach the final, no matter who the opponent is."

"We need stronger opponents. Now we are fearless. We need to play more games against teams like Argentina or Brazil. Only by beating teams like Argentina can we understand our own strength, so that we can adapt World Cup venue."

When did Lippi become so arrogant?The opponent he wants is actually a world-class team like Brazil or Argentina.

I don't know how Brazilians or Argentines will feel after hearing this.

"Mr. Lippi, are you too optimistic? As far as tonight's game is concerned, although you won Qatar, your defense also conceded four goals. If you meet Brazil or Argentina, you can still To fend off their attack? Wouldn't it concede more balls?"

Lippi smiled, and then said: "We may concede more balls, but I would like to ask if they can resist our attack when they face us? I think it is unlikely, we have absolutely The ability to create enough trouble for the opponent on the offensive end. In fact, we don’t have any pressure at all. It’s not that we are afraid of the opponent, but the opponent is afraid of us. , Do they dare to say that they will definitely beat us?"

Lippi actually wants to call out the head coaches of other world-class teams through the news media, wanting to make an appointment?

Among them was an Argentinian paparazzi, his face was full of disdain, and then he said: "Mr. Lippi, I can help you contact the Argentine coach and the Argentine Football Association. I hope I can help you arrange a friendly match to satisfy your needs." desire."

When Lippi heard it, he was immediately happy.

"Really? That would be great, and it would be great to be able to do that, thank you."

Lippi couldn't tell that the paparazzi was mocking him, so he was quite happy.

He added:

"It's best to put it on China's home court. After all, the football atmosphere here is quite lively. Argentina can make a lot of money here, but they will lose the game. This is the best result."

The Argentinian paparazzi's face turned dark instantly, it's because Chi Guoguo doesn't take Argentina seriously, it's all right for Luo Wu to say that, why is Lippi so arrogant?

"Mr. Lippi, do you really think that a Luo Wu can beat the whole Argentina? You have to know that he is not Maradona, even if it is Maradona, he is not a general who always wins. Individual team sports, not one-man sports, and you're going to be laughed at."

If it was Luo Wu's arrogance, he would have to bear it. Even Lippi is so crazy. He is in his seventies, isn't his brain failing?

All the reporters after the press conference were stunned by Lippi's remarks. Of course they liked such remarks very much, which can become the talk of fans all over the world after the game.

Then they sent Lippi's remarks to the Internet.

Sure enough, someone responded soon.

The Argentine media and Argentine fans were very unhappy.

"Argentine Independent" wrote an article at the first time - this is an insult to Argentine football, and it is also a disregard for Maradona and Messi, a man who has never won the World Cup and has only entered the World Cup once The national team in the finals dared to step on Argentina's head!

"Ole" - can't bear it!Italian Lippi has now challenged the argentine team, if argentina dare not respond, it will be too shameful, messi should lead his national team mates to the eastern lands to trample them and beat them all over the ground Find teeth!

The Brazilian media next door were watching the jokes, and Global Sports published a cynical report-the Chinese team has a high probability of beating Argentina at home. After all, their team has a real superstar who can decide the game at any time , This is not comparable to the players in the Argentine team.In fact, now everyone can compare the performance of Luo Wu and Messi, and then you will find that Luo Wu is the best player in history, and Messi is obviously not. He doesn't even have a national team championship, let alone What an Olympic champion.

——Maybe the Argentines don't recognize it, but why not have a game?They need to prove themselves, but they should not dare.

The Brazilian media was fanning the flames.

Originally a game belonging to Asia, the flames of war burned to South America.

Soon the paparazzi found the Argentine coach Scaloni who was on vacation.

Scaloni was on vacation in Bali, and when the paparazzi found him, he was playing on the beach with his sexy wife in big shorts.

He didn't pay attention to the Asian Cup at all, so he knew nothing about Lippi's words. When the paparazzi told him all this, he seemed very surprised.

He also has self-respect.

"I didn't hear what Lippi said, but I don't think the Chinese team can win. If Argentina loses to the Chinese team, then Argentina doesn't need to play in the World Cup."

Obviously, Scaloni looked down on the Chinese team and didn't take the Chinese team seriously at all.

"I know they have a superstar, but you can't lead the team to win with one person, and we also have a superstar in Argentina, but he fights with a bunch of equally good players, these are two completely different teams. team, so I think Mr. Lippi is too arrogant, he should think about how to win the Asian Cup."

"It's even a question of whether they can qualify for the World Cup qualifiers. In my memory, it seems that the Chinese team has never appeared in the World Cup?"

Scaloni doesn't know much about Chinese football. If Luo Wu hadn't appeared, he wouldn't have read relevant news at all.

"Wait, are we talking about the same time and space?" Scaloni suddenly raised his left hand to his ear, pretending to be puzzled and asked the paparazzi.

The paparazzi smiled slightly and told him seriously: "Yes, of course it is a topic in the same time and space, so would you agree to play a match with the Chinese team?"

"This is not a question I should answer. You should ask the Argentine Football Association. If the Argentine Football Association agrees, we don't mind visiting China at the right time."

"As far as Lippi's remarks today are concerned, I believe that Argentine players are also eager to try. They must really want to prove themselves."

"If we do lose this game, I don't think any player deserves to go to the 2022 World Cup, except maybe Messi."

Scaloni's remarks are probably intended to be heard by his disciples, and also to stimulate his disciples on purpose. You can't even win the Chinese team, so why play in the World Cup.

Of course, he didn't say it dead, he excluded Messi.Anyone can be offended, but Messi must not be offended.Everything depends on Messi.

Almost at the same time, Messi, who was far away in Barcelona, ​​Spain, also accepted an interview with the paparazzi, asking similar questions.

but.Messi and Scaloni are different. Scaloni did not watch the game, but Messi watched the game.

"I watched the whole game and it was a mediocre game, both sides were attacking very well, but the problem is that they are pecking at each other, it always looks good, doesn't it? In Europe, there is a murder every week, I don’t know why Mr Lippi said that, but if he challenges us, we will definitely be happy to play against them.”

Messi's voice is a little bad.

"Argentina is one of the best teams in the world. I don't think the Chinese team can beat us. To be honest, we have already discussed it in the group before you interviewed us. I think it is a good thing for us. Argentine disrespect, so personally, I accept their challenge."

Messi's words were amazing. It seemed that he was really stimulated by Lippi, and he actually agreed to the challenge in front of the paparazzi in his own name.

He did discuss Lippi's remarks with his national team teammates in the group. After Lippi said that, the most excited person in the chat group was his good friend Aguero.

Aguero scolded the street directly in the group, scolding Lippi and the Chinese team as shit, and then Luo Wu also suffered indirectly. His impression of Luo Wu is extremely bad, and he has always stood by Messi side.

Another person who is very excited is Di Maria. Di Maria also thinks that Lippi is too arrogant. He thinks that the Argentine Football Association should arrange to play a match with the Chinese team now. It is really unbearable.

The same is true for Messi. Although he was very low-key in the group, he has now revealed his true thoughts in front of the media.

The next news is awesome.

The headline of Spain's "World Sports Daily" reads: Messi received it!Messi decided to meet the challenge of the Chinese team.

"Daily Sports Daily" wrote even more hatred - Messi said that he would lead the Argentine team to defeat the Chinese team led by Luo Wu, to prove that he is the best football player in the world!

"Marca" - Messi said: let the horse come!He is ready.

"Aspen" - Messi is not calm, he decided to accept China's challenge.

The English media is watching, "The Times" - Messi has encountered the second challenge in his career, he wants to prove that he is better than Luo Wu, but if he fails, his reputation will be ruined.

"Manchester Evening News" - Luo Wu is the number one in the football world?Messi said no!

"Daily Mail" - Argentines are angry!They think that the Chinese team is not their opponent at all, but the question is that if the Chinese team wins the Asian Cup, then the Chinese team will play as the Asian Cup champion. What is the identity of the Argentines?In the past 20 years, they have never won the Copa America.


In this way, the news of the Asian Cup became hot, and the flames of war spread to South America.

And when all this burned, Luo Wu was belated. He never thought that Lippi would be so arrogant. It didn't look like something done by an old man in his seventies, but it happened.

"Why would Lippi do this?"

Luo Wu asked Wu Lei who slept in the same room with him, "This shouldn't be."

"I don't know." Wu Lei was even more confused. Anyway, he couldn't understand it, and it was the first time he encountered it in his life. Ever since he entered the base of Chongming Island when he was six years old, he had never seen such arrogance. head coach.

No coach he's ever worked with has been this arrogant.

Lippi is not such a person.

In the past, the Chinese coaches played games with a learning attitude, but now they directly call Argentina, saying that Argentina is not the opponent of the Chinese team.

"Honestly, this is so fucking scary. I've never experienced it. You probably have to ask Lippi about it."

"Yes, I guess I can only ask him, but there is nothing to ask. I think he is right, isn't it Argentina? Why can't you beat them?" Luo Wu smiled and looked at the phone. news.

"Have you seen Messi's response? Messi is very upset now. I feel that they definitely want to play against us, wishing to kill us. In fact, it is quite good to play a game, at least you can really test it What is our strength? If we can beat Argentina, it will be really fun. Of course, if we lose, it will be no big deal. We are a weak team."

At this time, a person suddenly entered the door.Because Luo Wu didn't close the door, there was no need to knock on the door when visiting.

"You guys are too naive."

"The coach said that on purpose. He not only stimulated the opponent but also stimulated us. In fact, these words were not for the Argentines, but for us. This can be said to be a psychological tactic."

The person who came was Zheng Zhi in a wheelchair, and Huang Bowen was behind him helping him push the wheelchair.

"Captain, why are you here? Shouldn't you return home for treatment at this time?"

Wu Lei raised his eyebrows and looked at Zheng Zhi.

Luo Wu was thinking about what Zheng Zhi said, did he tell us?

"How should I say it?" Luo Wu couldn't figure it out.

"Of course he deliberately stimulated us. Lippi now definitely thinks that we have the ability to challenge the world's top teams, but maybe our confidence is not enough or our strength is not enough, so he said that on purpose. Once we really play a friendly match against Argentina, we If we win, the confidence will naturally be improved enough, but if we lose, the result will be different."

Zheng Zhi was silent for a moment and then said:

"I got a message from the leadership of the national team. After the Asian Cup, the national team will undergo major adjustments. Standardized players will gradually enter the national team, while older and less capable players will leave, such as I'm like this."

"I may never have the chance to play for the Chinese team again." After finishing speaking, Zheng Zhi lowered his head, and even his eyes became dim.

"What do you mean? That is, the leader above said that you will not be allowed to represent the Chinese team in the competition?"

"Who came up with a bad idea? If you say that you are not good enough, it's okay, then you can't play for the national team, but if you want to say that you are excluded because of your age, this is too much. With your competitive level and state Age can be ignored. Let me tell you, captain, in this team, I have not found a stronger midfielder than you, except me."

"I said it from the bottom of my heart." Luo Wu said.

"It's useless. That's what it means." Huang Bowen interjected at this time, "I am also one of them. I heard that the list has been drawn up long ago. After the Asian Cup is over, we will not have the opportunity to enter the national team again. .”

Luo Wu was puzzled:

"Who is so arrogant? The national team is playing in the Asian Cup and has reached the semi-finals. Is there such a leader who would say such a thing? It's too stupid. What if our morale is hit? .”

But Zheng Zhi said again: "There is nothing difficult to understand. It is deliberately letting out the wind. It has been expressed very euphemistically. It is deliberately telling us to play this Asian Cup well. This is your last Asian Cup. , If you don’t cherish it, there will be no more chances in the future. Although we are very sad, it is indeed a fact. We must seize this last chance. We have to leave, which is understandable.”

"Huang Bowen, do you think so too?" Luo Wu looked at Huang Bowen.

"It doesn't really matter to me. Anyway, I'm old and I've earned the money I should have earned. Leaving is not the worst thing. At least no one said that we occupy the latrine and don't shit." Huang Bowen shrugged, looking calm.

"As long as I can win the championship in this cup, I have no regrets. After all, this is the championship that Chinese players dream of." Huang Bowen squeezed out a smile.

"Really? Don't you want to participate in the World Cup?" Luo Wu asked again.

"I think so, but you have to be realistic. Now that there are so many naturalized players, it will not be easy for us to squeeze into the squad. The age must be placed here, so we have to be sensible."

This is a fact. When you are older and have stronger players, why use you unless your performance is better than those guys.

Luo Wu is not a person who talks about feelings. In the arena, he must speak with strength, so he doesn't know how to comfort them.

Zheng Zhi said again:

"Don't talk about it, talk about something else."

"Didn't we talk about the football school in China?"

"A few big brothers are also very interested, see if you can let them join together."

Luo Wu fell silent as soon as he heard it, and didn't speak in time. Who are the big brothers? If the buddy is not serious, what's the point of the football school?

So he asked cautiously.

"Which big brothers are they?"

"Captain, to be honest, not every big brother can play football. Not everyone is like you. He was also a top student when he was studying. You can't play football just because he plays well. do you understand me?"

"There are many people who are good at football, but after changing their identities, most of them will not be able to achieve success, so I accept you does not mean I accept others."

Luo Wu's words were very straightforward.

"You even know that I'm a top student?" Zheng Zhi was surprised by this.

Few people know about his studies when he was a child, and he never told anyone. It’s not that he is bragging. He used to be the first in the class when he was studying in elementary school, and he was also the first in the class when he was in junior high school, but he stopped studying. Go play football.

There is only one less academic master in the arena.

The brain is a good thing...

Luo Wudao:

"Hehe. I read it from a novel. In it, you are still the main character. All kinds of things about you when you were young have been picked up. Although it is a novel, I quite agree with it. Otherwise, you are still the protagonist today. It wouldn’t be such a high achievement, would it?”

"By the way, you haven't said who the big brothers are?"

Zheng Zhi looked away, and then said his name.

"Fan Zhiyi and Xie Hui. It's just the two of them. If you ask me to recommend others, I'm embarrassed. In fact, my thoughts are similar to yours."

Luo Wu smiled and said:

"Ah, it's the two of them. That's no problem. Fan Zhiyi's character is very good. What do you think he said in these years is not right? With him around, it's really reliable. As for Xie Hui, he He is also a man of God, this guy's family background destined him to be a smart guy. That's fine, I agree to this."

"Ah? Now I agree, I thought you would be very embarrassed, so you admire the two of them?" Zheng Zhi was surprised again.

"Of course. In fact, you are not the first person to mention it to me. Someone told me about it before." Luo Wu spread his hands, "When I was in England before, Sun Jihai told me about this Yes. At that time we discussed that since everyone was so interested, we might as well form a team and add Sun Jihai at that time. Let’s see if we do well or the guys from the national team do well. "

The guys from the national team should refer to Shao Jiayi and Yang Chen.Now the older generation of former international footballers have successively entered the national team to hold different positions. This may be a heritage.

But the problem is that it is not certain if there is this ability.From Luo Wu's point of view, he doesn't quite approve of it, because many people haven't even read the book, so how can they do things well?It's not just about playing football.

Wu Lei has been listening silently. He is still young and can play in the national team for at least five or six years. He doesn't have to worry about whether he can play football.But when it comes to playing football, he feels that no one can compare to his teacher Xu Genbao.

Xu Genbao is the godfather of Chinese football. Without him, Chinese football might have died 20 years ago.

It is precisely because of Xu Genbao's national team that there are so many international players trained by him, and Chinese football can still survive.

"Luo Wu, I once heard my coach Xu Genbao say that he wants to retire, but he has been unable to let go of his football school and has always wanted to find a successor. Originally, he hoped that Fan Zhiyi would take his place. Yes, but he thinks, Fan Zhiyi's temper is too hard, he always causes troubles, he is a little worried, if you are really interested in starting a football school, I think you should have a good chat with the old man, there is such a team If you come to set up a football school, it must be much easier than one person."

"Ah, old man Xu? The old man is going to retire." Zheng Zhi immediately raised his eyebrows, "I haven't heard Fan Zhiyi say that before. If he did, we can talk to the old man."

"Hey, didn't I just say that the old man just didn't trust him, so he didn't hand over the school to him. Maybe Fan Zhiyi also thought about going out to make his own way, and he still felt uncomfortable."

"Okay, I'll ask my agent to talk to him later on." Although Luo Wu wasn't overjoyed, he was still very excited. If he could take over the Chongming Island football training base, it would be a ready-made school system. There is no need to start from scratch at all.

He doesn't need to take care of this kind of thing himself. He's just a professional football player. Let these retired guys do it.

"Okay, let's stop here for today's discussion. Brothers, do you want to go downstairs for a few drinks? They have all faded out recently."

As soon as the words came out, everyone quickly waved their hands and shook their heads, and Zheng Zhi was the first to refuse.

"Let's forget about drinking. I don't dare, and you should never go. If you are caught by media reporters, the news the next day will be absolutely horrible."

"Yes, yes, you must not do this. Otherwise, the image will be completely ruined. You can think about it in the club, but no one dares to challenge this in the national team." Huang Bowen also refused.

"I'm definitely not going." Wu Lei also stood in line.


They are all startled birds, there is a feeling of turning pale when talking about it.

Luo Wu smiled.

"What are you thinking? When I say drink two drinks, I don't mean drink. Can't you have a drink? The key is to relax and have some fun..."

"You really think I'm going to drink? I'm not that stupid."

"That's not okay. I was seen by the paparazzi, and I will definitely write scribbles tomorrow. Even if you don't drink, they will write that you go to drink, and then all kinds of messes. Believe me, this is definitely not a good thing. I have experienced too much .” Zheng Zhi still shook his head.

"Well, during the national team competition, don't do this, jumping into the Yellow River won't clean you up." Huang Bowen continued to echo Zheng Zhi.

"Well, I think what you said is right. But I still want to go downstairs to play, these days are really boring, of course I won't harm you, can't I cause trouble for you?"

Luo Wu didn't force it either, saying it was understandable.

Everyone was relieved.

Then Luo Wu went downstairs to the hotel alone, and got into the bar.

The bar is not very lively, it looks deserted, after all, it is in the Middle East, not everyone can drink in the bar.

Especially those who believe in a certain religion, no matter men or women, they are not allowed to drink alcohol...

There were not many girls in there, some were blonde and blue-eyed, sitting together in twos and threes, and many people's eyes fell on Luo Wu.

As soon as he sat on the bar, he was recognized immediately, but they were all men.


"Who is that guy?"

"Luo Wu!"

"Ah, it's that fucker!"

have to,

It seems that they met Qatar fans. The moment they saw Luo Wu, everyone immediately became excited.

Luo Wu did not participate in the post-match press conference today, and everyone couldn't find fault. I didn't expect to meet Luo Wu now.

Everyone had been drinking, and they were obviously agitated, so one of them walked over with a bottle of wine.

"Hey, bastard!"

"You bloody bastard, you made us miserable today."

"I'm going to fix you right now!"

"It caused me to lose so much money!"

Luo Wu turned his head and saw a guy reeking of alcohol standing in front of him. He didn't look very old, he wasn't very tall, and he had a fierce look on his face.

But immediately behind him, three more partners appeared.

Everyone glared at him.

Gambling with dogs, you are still to blame for losing money while betting on dogs?It's really okay, I thought they were complaining about the national team, but it turned out that it was just for gambling.

Luo Wu looked disdainful.

"What do you think, fight?"

"If that's the case, you'd better go together, but let me tell you first, if it's a man, don't call the police after the fight." Luo Wu didn't care, he could easily deal with these four guys alone.

"Stinky boy, you are awesome at playing football. If you fight, I can knock you down with one punch."

"Then you come up here." Luo Wu hooked his fingers, "I won't pay your medical expenses, you asked for it yourself."

These four guys were clearly dazzled by the alcohol, the one standing in the front really picked up the beer bottle and threw it at Luo Wu's head.

Fortunately, Luo Wu's reaction was quick, he immediately shrank to the right, avoiding it abruptly.

Then he immediately raised his right leg and kicked the guy's crotch.

Ruthless and accurate, it is directly a tactic of indiscriminate use.

Isn't it hard to fight?Especially when dealing with so many people, if he acts kindly, he will be the one who gets beaten.


The other party let out a shrill scream, immediately sat down on the ground, and then wailed in pain while clutching his crotch.

It is estimated that he lost his fighting power in an instant.

But the three men behind rushed up, one grabbed the wine bottle on the table, one grabbed a chair, and the other rushed up with bare hands.

The guy who rushed forward was the unarmed guy. He swung a right uppercut and tried to hit Luo Wu directly on the left cheek, but how could he hit Luo Wu with such a clumsy movement? Luo Wu easily dodged with his head down. He went over, and then hit his chin with an uppercut.

A touch of scarlet flew out of the opponent's mouth in an instant, mixed with a strong smell of alcohol, and then he staggered to the side of the bar.

But immediately after another guy with a beer bottle hit Luo Wu's head and smashed it down. This was to make Luo Wu's head open. He took out the beer bottle, but the beer bottle still hit his left shoulder.


It's a ruthless attack.

Luo Wu felt a sharp pain in his left shoulder.In fact, during the game today, he encountered two such impacts from his opponents.

His left shoulder was injured, and now a beer bottle fell down, which aggravated his injury again.

It's just that after the game, he didn't talk about it with the team doctor and Lippi. He didn't think this trauma was enough for him to talk about it.

Even if you say it, it's useless, he will definitely play in the semi-finals.

Now an accident happened, his left shoulder was smashed by a beer bottle, but Luo Wu ignored the pain, and swung his right fist again, hitting the opponent hard on the forehead.


Although the strength of his fist was not stronger than that of his feet, when he swung his fist at such a close distance, the opponent flew two meters away in an instant, and then smashed hard on the table.


Another heavy fall.

The opponent lost another person.

The guy who rushed over with the chair in the end stopped suddenly and didn't dare to go up.

Luo Wu's aura is really scary, in just a short time, he has killed three people, only a fool would continue to charge forward.

The man quickly threw away the chair, turned around and ran away, ignoring his teammates.

The total time was less than 30 seconds, Luo Wu clapped his palms, and continued to return to the bar, as if nothing had happened just now.

"Have a glass of vio."

Although the three guys behind him were lying on the ground and howling in pain, Luo Wu didn't care at all.

The waiter at the bar was taken aback and didn't react in time.Luo Wu had to repeat it.

He didn't notice that the blond girls in the distance were holding their mobile phones. He wanted to take a picture of this scene, and probably wanted to upload it to social networking sites.

"Those women in the back seem to be taking pictures of you with their mobile phones?" The waiter reminded him while getting him a drink.

Luo Wu turned his head and looked over, and it was true that three women were taking pictures of him with their mobile phones.

He just walked over, smiled at them, and said, "What's so good about this, delete it. I didn't get my consent."

The three women are all very good looking, with a strong figure, a proper top-quality big ocean horse, and they look alike, look like triplets of three sisters?

"'s already been posted." One of the beauties said timidly with an embarrassed look on her face, "But I can delete it right now."

Luo Wu rolled his eyes.

"That's too late, it's probably already forwarded."

Well, it doesn't matter, didn't you just beat up a few guys?I love it.

He turned and walked back.

Originally, I wanted to invite these three beauties to have a few drinks, but they have all faded out recently, and I feel that my eyes will shine when I see the girls.

But it seems that I can't feel sorry for my girlfriend, so think about it or forget it.

But this place should not be able to stay. If you see him causing trouble here on the Internet, many paparazzi will come over.

He sat down and drank some drinks, and was about to check out and leave when the girl who had put the video on the Internet just now walked over.

"I'm sorry, I've already deleted the video, I checked it out, and it seems that only three of them were reposted."

"There should be no problem?"

"Water? Three? Do you think there's any difference between three and three hundred? As long as one gets out, it means that it will be a headline in a while, so there is no difference at all. You don't have to apologize, I actually It doesn't matter."

Luo Wu couldn't help taking a look at this girl, only then noticed that this girl's height was quite scary, standing in front of him, she felt at least 1.7 meters and five heads, the same as him, and her figure was also budding, Looking at it makes people drool.

"Then what should we do? This must have had a great impact on you."

"Cold salad, what can you do?" I took out the money and handed it to the waiter, then turned around and was about to leave.

"Hey, how about I buy you a drink? We have a party in a while."

"No." Luo Wu said coldly, he didn't want to have another piece of news. ——Luo Wu got involved with some woman in the Middle East.

This is scary, fighting is minor, flirting is major, and he's not single.

He left anyway.

The three guys on the ground before leaving were still wailing on the ground, it seemed that they were really hurt.

Unexpectedly, just as Luo Wu was about to walk into the elevator, the girl caught up with him just now, got into the elevator, held down the elevator door, and walked in two other girls.

"What are you going to do?"

"You're not going to come back to your hotel room with me, are you?"

If this is the case, it would be too exciting, Luo Wu doesn't mind very much.

"Follow me." The girl took the initiative to press the button for the nineteenth floor after closing the elevator.

"No. I don't want to be used by you. Just now you saw that I can knock down three men in half a minute. You don't want to have such a miserable result."

But for these three women, they didn't seem to feel a trace of fear at all. Instead, their eyes intertwined and they smiled slightly. Two of the women even hugged Luo Wu's arm.

Well, it looks like I had an affair tonight.

But isn't it too dangerous to go to the nineteenth floor?What if it's a trap?

Although he was feeling uncomfortable all over, Luo Wu's IQ was still normal.

After the elevator on the nineteenth floor opened, Luo Wu broke free from their arms and did not get involved with them.

"You're scared?"


"I won't go with you, don't tempt me again."

He is not a saint.

Luo Wu stood at the door, looking very determined.

"Put this on." Like a magic trick, the beauty pulled out a black mask from her body, which should be made of cloth, and looked like a black butterfly.

"That way you won't be recognized."


Luo Wu couldn't understand it even more. He wouldn't encounter any religious ceremony, would he?Immediately, he fantasized about a movie made by Tom Cruise called Eyes Wide open.

Just when he was hesitating, the beauty had already put on a mask for him. This black mask covered half of his face, so no one should be able to recognize it.

Then these three beauties also put on masks for themselves, but the colors of their masks are blue, purple and green.

Immediately afterwards, two beauties grabbed his arms again and pulled him forward vigorously, while another one behind him was pushing.

This is really weird.

As a result, just after walking a few steps, one of the girls pushed open a door, and in an instant, a deafening sound rushed towards his ear bones.

It turns out that there is a nightclub on the [-]th floor.

Middle Easterners really know how to play.

Then he was pushed in.

Although the lights were quite bright, everyone was wearing a mask like Luo Wu, so it was impossible to be recognized, which was very suitable for Luo Wu to appear here to play.

The restless music also made Luo Wu excited instantly.

Well, let’s indulge once today, isn’t this God’s will?

He found a good excuse for himself...

There should be nearly 1000 people in the nightclub, and everyone is twisting their bodies in the madness of the music, each of them looks like a crazy demon.

Hormones and alcohol are in the air, and everyone is a different person than usual.

But no matter how crazy the result is, in the end it's nothing more than sex...

This is the real purpose...

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