
Moon stars are rare.

The bright moon in the sky seemed to be affected by the war, emitting a faint red light indistinctly.

And the battle in Liangshan City has also reached the most critical moment. At this point, the two sides can only rely on their blood to continuously attack the enemy.

The city tower was already covered with corpses, but the expressions on the faces of all the people remained the same.

It's not that they are cold-blooded, but that everyone has become numb to death at this stage of the battle.

One side wants to protect the last homeland, and the other side wants to maintain the rule of the empire. Under this irreconcilable contradiction, both sides are like crazy beasts.

It is impossible to stop before winning or losing. Although these Principality coalition forces are poorly equipped, they are still young and strong soldiers, and they still have blood.

The Liangshan Army, which had been in decline, gradually stopped its decline after receiving Pan Feng's support.

The two sides have been fighting on the city tower for several hours, and there is still no winner.



A loud noise changed the stalemate of the battle.

The imperial guards finally dug a hole into Liangshan City.

When the group of soldiers entered the city, Pan Feng felt that something was wrong, and the seaport he had just boasted about collapsed instantly.

Even though he was overwhelmed with self-confidence, he had to admit that the situation of Liangshan City was over and beyond human power.

But even so, as the backbone of all soldiers, he couldn't show the slightest fear.

"Brothers, follow me!"

Pan Feng burst out with the courage to see death as home, "Take back the position and beat these bandits back."

"Rush, rush, rush~"

The army of Liangshan ignited a terrifying fighting spirit, their homeland was behind them, and they had no way to retreat.

When the last line of defense falls, some people will give up resistance, and some will hold on until the last moment.

The Liangshan Army is obviously the latter.

All the generals from Pan Feng down showed their responsibility as generals at this time, and they all rushed to the front.

Not one flinched.

At the end of the fight, some people had already lost their weapons, and even their soul power had already dried up, but they still did not give up resistance and used both hands and feet.

The one with the severed arm bites the enemy with its teeth.

Although the city was broken, the advance speed of the Tiandou coalition army was extremely slow, and it only advanced three meters in two hours.

The cruelty of this war has far exceeded Jiang Yu's imagination, and it is far more bloody than any game.

Even the air was filled with a strong fishy smell, mixed with sweat and scorched air, it was disgusting.

Not to mention Jiang Yu, even Xue Qinghe and the other guards of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School couldn't accept it.

Even though many of them have killing experience, they are still far from killing as many people in one minute on the battlefield. It is conceivable how powerful this impact is.

Compared with this, the battle of soul masters is simply a game. After all, as long as there is no deep hatred, the battle between soul masters will be done to the end, and life and death are rarely the bets, and wars are obviously not like this.

People who have gone to the battlefield can no longer be called human beings. To be precise, they have become irrational beasts, only left with the instinct to kill. Once there is even the slightest hesitation, they are the ones who die. At this time, few people can maintain reason.

The battle between the two sides intensified.

They fought all night without stopping.

Seeing that the gate of Liangshan City had been breached, Ge Long didn't want to give up this opportunity. If he retreated at this time, it would be extremely difficult to break through the city again.

The dawn of victory is right in front of them, they must persevere, and must not have any wavering thoughts.

Everyone on the Douluo Continent has a martial soul. Although not everyone has soul power, their physique is still much stronger than ordinary people on the Blue Star.

The war lasted all night, and they didn't have any discomfort except for being a little tired.

Many people were as if they had been beaten with chicken blood, with passionate fighting spirit on their faces.

"If you can't take Liangshan City, the whole army will be punished together."

Ge Long was also in a hurry, and let out a roar, and released the soul skills on his body as if he didn't need money.

The besieging Liangshan army was not stupid. They knew that it would be difficult to defeat a Contra with their own strength, so they kept throwing stones around the perimeter to create chaos for Ge Long.

The ones who really restrained Ge Long were Pan Feng and a few powerful generals, who at least had the cultivation base of a soul king.

"The sixth soul skill, Hammer Shaking Mountains and Rivers."

Pan Feng was holding a silver sledgehammer. The hammer was about three meters long. A huge beast was engraved on the handle of the hammer, and there were patterns like thunder and lightning on the hammer head.

Seven dazzling soul rings, two yellow, two purple, three black, tightly surrounded the surroundings, and the position of the hammer head thundered from time to time.

Pan Feng, Martial Soul: Violent Thunder Hammer, with violent thunder and lightning elements, level 77 Assault Soul Emperor.

After the soul ring lit up, the Violent Thunder Hammer was released from Pan Feng's hand, and the power of lightning exploded violently, and the surrounding area was disturbed by a strong electromagnetic field.

"The sixth soul skill, Thunderbolt Cannon."

Immediately after Pan Feng, another middle-aged soul master delivered the strongest blow. His martial soul was a strange creature made of thunder and lightning elements. The horns on his head looked like those of a deer. And very similar to sheep.

After the martial spirit possessed the body, a pair of long antlers grew on the head of the middle-aged soul master, with lightning spots flashing on them.

This is his martial soul, Lord Lei Ci, a mutant martial soul, and judging from the aura it emits, it is obviously a successful mutation.

Much better than that cripple Yu Xiaogang.

The antlers on the middle-aged soul master's head suddenly burst out with a strong thunder, turning into a huge electric ball in the air and smashing towards Ge Long.

"Thunderbolt Boost!"

The soul master holding the yellow circular mask also released an auxiliary soul skill to strengthen the power of lightning.

With a hammer and a ball, he rushed back and forth to Ge Long, and slammed into his body violently. Even though Ge Long was protected by golden scales, he still couldn't hold on for long, and retreated repeatedly after being hit.

Especially the terrifying power emanating from the Thunder Hammer made Ge Long feel a little terrified.

If it weren't for his high soul power, he would have been overwhelmed by the terrifying blow. It seems that it is not unreasonable for Pan Feng to be praised as the unparalleled general, and Ge Long dare not be careless.

"The seventh soul skill, Martial Soul Avatar."

With a loud explosion, Ge Long's entire body swelled up rapidly, transforming into a giant dragon after a while.

"Avatar of the Artifact Soul!"

The seventh soul ring on Pan Feng's body suddenly lit up, and the only one who could fight against the martial soul avatar was the weapon soul avatar.

However, the reason why the Qi Wuhun soul master after the soul sage can surpass the beast martial soul soul master is largely due to the advantage of the Qi soul avatar, so even if the soul power is lower than Ge Long, Pan Feng is not afraid, and moves towards It was convenient to go up to him.

When he was galloping at a high speed, the Thunder Hammer also flew into the air.

And Pan Feng also made an extremely difficult posture. He jumped up into the air, and then shrunk into a ball-like shape. Suddenly, the light of the hammer in the air flashed and sucked Pan Feng into the hammer.

The violent thunder hammer rose against the wind, and did not stop expanding until the hammer grew to about ten meters.

At this time, everyone retreated towards the rear, this is no longer a battle they can participate in.

The vacated field became the stage for Ge Long and Pan Feng. The hammer and the dragon flew up and down and collided fiercely, and the wind suddenly spread outward.

Ordinary soldiers were instantly knocked to the ground.

Only soul masters can resist the blow of this gust of wind.

Ge Long's dragon claws moved towards the giant hammer, but the Thunder Hammer was also quite nimble. Seeing the giant claw attacking, the whole hammer dodged away with a "chuck".

Ge Long's attack was declared in vain.

But he immediately launched a new attack.

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