Sword Douluo, the emperor of Douluo

Chapter 83 Only a Sharp Arrow Shoots Tang 3!Thousands of strong men dig holes together!

Liangshan City.

This place is less than five hundred miles away from the border of the Star Luo Empire, and three hundred miles away from this city is the frontier city controlled by the Heaven Dou Empire, so the trade between Liangshan City and the Star Luo Empire is extremely frequent.

Especially the dragon fruit grown in the city has become a popular fruit in the Star Luo Empire.

It is precisely because Liangshan City's geographical location is very important that it is impossible for Emperor Xue Ye to allow the Principality of Liangshan to break away from the rule of the empire.

Originally, he wanted the frontier army to put down the Duke of Liangshan, but he gave up this idea because the Star Luo Empire kept sending more troops to Longxing City, and it seemed to be eyeing the border.

One hair will affect the whole body, once the border is lost, the Xingluo army will be able to line up with the Duke of Liangshan, and the several major duchies belonging to the Tiandou Empire will be in danger.

If they turned to the Star Luo Empire, it would threaten the empire's rule, so after careful consideration, Emperor Xue Ye sent Ge Long to quell the chaos.

Liangshan Duke's Mansion.

An old man in a luxurious brocade robe was sitting upright in the lobby, with a worried look on his face.

"I didn't expect the Tiandou coalition army to come so fast!"

The Duke of Liangshan said in a deep voice: "Everyone, do you have a strategy to repel the powerful enemy? Ge Long besieged the city for ten days. Although the city has sufficient supplies, if this continues, it will only cause panic in the city. This is not a long-term strategy. !"

"My lord, don't panic."

A muscular man as strong as a hill responded calmly immediately. He was wearing a shining gold armor, a fiery red luxurious robe on his back, and a sharp giant ax weighing hundreds of catties on his back. Heavy.

This is the number one general of the Liangshan Principality, the commander of the Liangshan Army, the unparalleled general, Pan Feng.

He is also the strongest soul master in Liangshan, a level 77 assault system soul saint, and the real Optimus Prime of the Principality.

"With my subordinates, Liangshan City will never be lost."

Pan Feng confidently assured.


The Duke of Liangshan couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief. He was very confident in Pan Feng's ability.


At this moment, another person came out, that person's face was like a crown jade, his figure was tall and straight, and he looked quite heroic.

"My subordinates have already made [-] sharp arrows. I only need to defend the city of Liangshan. If the Tiandou coalition forces invade, let the archers greet them."

The person who spoke was Li Guang, one of the three generals of the Liangshan Principality, and his soul power was not much worse than Pan Feng's.

Ever since Zhuge Xuan joined the Heaven Dou Empire, the Duke of Liangshan regarded these two as his right-hand man.

Regarding their strategies, the Duke of Liangshan obeyed everything. After all, he was not good at military affairs, so he entrusted everything in the army to his favorite generals.

Liangshan City, a hundred meters away.

Heaven Dou army camp.

The army has stayed here for many days, Ge Long did nothing but send people to surround the city.

This is undoubtedly a huge test for many soldiers who are eager to do meritorious service.

It's like, a beautiful woman takes off and stands in front of you naked, but you can only watch and cannot move.

Who can bear this!

If it weren't for Ge Long's high prestige in the army, I'm afraid these soldiers would have disobeyed the military order and acted without authorization.

In fact, Gelong also has hardships that he can't tell.

He also wanted to attack Liangshan City earlier.

But Jiang Yu let him besiege instead of attacking.

Ge Long also wanted to know the reason, but Jiang Yu looked mysterious and didn't say anything.

Ge Long had no choice but to trust him, because he knew that Jiang Yu would not hit an unsure stick.

All he had to do was listen to Jiang Yu.

Liangshan City can definitely be breached.

At this time, Jiang Yu was playing Go with Xue Qinghe in the tent, he was waiting, waiting for an opportunity.

Xue Qinghe also knew that Jiang Yu was waiting for an opportunity, so he stayed in the camp to accompany Jiang Yu these few days with peace of mind.

In addition to playing Go, the two also tried other games, but Jiang Yu had the upper hand every time, which also made Xue Qinghe a little unconvinced. It was not until he proposed to play Go that he realized that Jiang Yu was not very good at playing Go , So Xue Qinghe took Jiang Yu to play chess in the tent every day.

I don't know why, but she just likes to see Jiang Yu deflated, the more miserable Jiang Yu loses, the happier she is.

Jiang Yu even suspected that Qian Renxue had been an undercover agent for a long time, so she developed a perverted mentality.

In the evening, a thick mist suddenly rose in the sky, covering the entire Liangshan City.

And what Jiang Yu was waiting for was the dense fog.

As soon as he came here, he inquired about the weather changes here. After learning that Liangshan City would experience heavy fog once a month, Jiang Yu suggested that Ge Long not attack the city yet.

In ancient times, Zhuge Liang borrowed arrows from a grass boat, and now there are Jiang Yu grass figures borrowing arrows. When the thick fog rose, Jiang Yu asked Ge Long to push out the thousand grass figures that had been made in advance.

There are not many other things around the camp, but there are countless blue silver grasses, more than enough to make straw figures.

In order to be more authentic, Jiang Yu asked them to put a thin layer of armor on them, even wearing a portrait of a painful person on their faces.

If someone familiar sees it, they will definitely recognize who this person is... Tang San, after all, there is no one more suitable for Lan Yincao than him, and of course this is also Jiang Yu's bad taste.

After placing the more than a thousand straw figures neatly on the cart, Ge Long ordered the soldiers in heavy armor to push the cart to the direction of Liangshan City. Under the cover of the thick fog, these armored straw figures In an instant, the defenders on the city were blinded.

Seeing that the enemy army was attacking at this time, the general defending the city immediately ordered his subordinates to shoot arrows.

A round of volley is a thousand sharp arrows, and after a while the straw man's body is full of sharp arrows.

After they were done, the Tiandou heavy armor pushed the wheels and retreated in the direction of the camp.

The army defending the city, seeing the enemy's retreat, instantly showed a brimming smile on their faces, looking smug.

It wasn't until after all the arrows were fired that he realized that something was wrong. The arrows were all gone, and the enemy army didn't decrease at all. Could it be that all the arrows were shot empty?

It wasn't until the dense fog cleared that the general guarding the city suddenly realized after seeing the thousand or so straw men under the city.

The enemy is really cunning, and he can even think of a strategy of using a straw man to pretend to be a soldier, which is incredible.

No wonder they were able to break through the major defense lines in such a short period of time and approach the Liangshan city.

After the heavy armored soldiers pushed the straw man back again, Ge Long led [-] coalition troops from the major duchies to attack the city gate. The imperial guards have always been the main force of the siege, and now it is time for these coalition forces to contribute their strength up.

The main force of the imperial guards was not idle either, and they all dug holes in the camp at this time.

The location pointed by the entrance of the cave is Liangshan City.

The Liangshan garrison's arrows were all gone, so they could only lift stones and throw them down the city. Fortunately, there are plenty of stone resources in the city, and there will be no shortage of them for a while.

However, there is also a problem here.

Although the impact of the stone is strong, it is very convenient for the enemy to dodge if they are prepared.

The hit rate is indeed inferior to that of arrows.

Half an hour later, the coalition forces climbed up the tower, but the defenders on the city were not built, so they immediately fought back wave after wave of enemies who climbed up the tower.

The guarding army is obviously very experienced in defensive warfare. With his full mobilization, whenever there is a gap in each position of the tower, he can always send troops to fill the gap in time.

It has really been done, and where it is missed, it will be made up.

Fortunately, Ge Long followed Jiang Yu's suggestion and made two-handed preparations, and did not put his hopes on these coalition forces.

Just as the battle at the city gate was in full swing, the big hole in the tent was also advancing smoothly.

Tens of thousands of strong men moved towards the entrance of a hole at the same time, and the things in the big hole kept coming out, and the whole hole became deeper and deeper, and it went deeper by tens of meters every few minutes.

According to this progress, it won't take long to dig from the position of the Tiandou camp to Liangshan City.

The day the city breaks is just around the corner.

Liangshan Duke's Mansion.

When the enemy launched a fierce attack into the city, Pan Feng left the Duke's Mansion and led his soldiers towards the tower, and Li Guang also dispatched elite soldiers to set up strong defenses at various main roads near the Duke's Mansion. .

He placed wooden fences, spikes, and other various fortifications at the intersection of the street.

All the soldiers are all ready to go, and even some large-scale attack equipment are all in place.

In this way, even if the enemy breaks through the city, they may not be able to break through the defenses around the Duke's Mansion.

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