Sword Douluo, the emperor of Douluo

Chapter 85 So You Are Such Renxue!


A roar came out from the giant dragon's mouth, and then the third soul ring on its body lit up.

In an instant, the air was filled with strong air pressure, and the huge pressure rushed towards the violent thunder hammer. Pan Feng's consciousness desperately wanted to escape the pull of this gravitational force, but he couldn't break free. Instead, he was getting closer and closer to the giant dragon. .

This is Ge Long's third soul skill, Gravity Squeeze.

Although he took the defensive route, he did not lack powerful soul skills. With Ge Long's current soul power, he could already release ten times the force of gravity.

So even with the strength of the Crazy Thunder Hammer, it lost control under this ten times the gravity.

The dragon's claws grabbed the giant hammer violently, and then turned 360 degrees in the air. After completing this set of movements, Ge Long threw the hammer held by the dragon claws to the mountain wall outside the city.

At this time, Pan Feng was still in a dizzy state, unable to react at all.


The huge hammer hit the mountain wall, and the fist-sized stone suddenly fell downward.

There was a pain in Pan Feng's soul. The martial soul and the host are one, and the severe impact of the martial soul will naturally feed back to him, the host.

It is precisely because of this close connection that some soul masters are backlashed by the martial soul and become idiots.

Pan Feng's current state is very uncomfortable, but because of this, his dizzy state was relieved.

"The more you are at this time, the less you can panic."

Pan Feng calmed down and calmed down. After releasing the weapon soul avatar, he could use all the soul skills below the seventh soul skill without restriction for 10 minutes.

During this period of time, the power of the soul ability will be 130% of the original, and the defense will be increased by 190%, but the disadvantage is that his own attributes will be weakened by 50.00% after each use, and it will take seven days to recover.

"The third soul skill, Lightning Lightning Dragon Drill."

Pan Feng muttered silently, the third soul ring on the hammer's body lit up, violent thunder and lightning burst out from it, gradually covering the entire giant hammer, and finally formed the shape of a dragon, under the control of Pan Feng's consciousness Next, the giant hammer spun rapidly and flew in the direction of Ge Long.

Jiang Yu, who was fighting fiercely with the enemy at the gate of the city, only saw the sledgehammer in the air pass over everyone's heads like a huge electric drill, and knocked the dragon into the air with a "bang".

Because of the shock of this aftermath, hundreds of soldiers were suddenly shaken beyond the railings of the city tower, and fell to the ground like hail.

Falling from a height of tens of meters, you can hear the sound of their bones breaking, and everyone has turned into a bloody mess, which is unbearable to look at.

Immortals fight, mortals suffer.

These soldiers with low soul power just lost their lives after being affected by the aftermath of the battle between the high-level soul masters.

I have to say it's a pity.

Even so, there were still people fighting one after another. Even Xue Qinghe released the Swan Martial Spirit. Although the Martial Spirit inherited by the Heaven Dou Imperial Family had no offensive power, it also had miraculous healing power.

Xue Qinghe released three soul skills in a row, and the healing light waves scattered towards the soldiers. After the light entered their bodies, their wounds also healed a little.

A huge circle of light appeared in a radius of [-] meters around Xueqinghe, and the people in this circle instantly reduced their negative states and became sober.

At the same time, Xue Qinghe's pupils also shot out a ray of light, and everywhere they passed was a burst of fresh air.

After inhaling this breath into their bodies, the soldiers suddenly felt that their fatigue gradually disappeared and their physical strength also recovered.

Xue Qinghe's first three soul skills are called Healing Light Wave, Purifying Aura and Powerful Light.

On the battlefield, these few soul skills of his are far more useful than attacking soul skills, and will even reduce soldiers' casualties.

Seeing that Xue Qinghe had healing soul skills, the enemies rushed towards him in a swarm.

Fortunately, Xue Qinghe was surrounded by people from Jiang Yu and Qibao Glazed Tile School, so the crazy Liangshan army was stopped on the periphery, and everyone released powerful soul skills.

Even Jiang Yu was no exception.

The Scarlet Firmament Sword Formation was launched, and each sword light took away the life of an enemy, and his heart gradually became calm from excitement, and there was no room for softness on the battlefield.

After these days of experience, Jiang Yu is no longer the kid whose hands trembled when he killed a soul beast.

His ability to endure gradually increased. If it is said that the Earth Fire Rock Valley honed his cultivation, then this trip to the Liangshan Principality has tempered his will to be extremely firm.

In order to save soul power, Jiang Yu carefully poured soul power into every part of Chixiao Sword. After releasing soul skills many times, he found that his control over soul skills became more and more mature.

It turns out that some shortcomings of wasting soul power have also been greatly improved. The Scarlet Firmament Sword Formation, which originally required [-]% of the soul power to be released, has dropped by [-]% compared to before.

Jiang Yu couldn't help but be delighted by this discovery. Originally, the quality of his soul power was higher than other soul masters under the transformation of Hongmeng Ziqi, but now he has also reduced the consumption of soul power, so the leapfrog challenge is not for him What a problem.

According to Jiang Yu's estimate, it might not be a big problem for him to deal with a soul master now. In order to know his current strength, he found a senior soldier of the soul master level.

The enemy looked to be in his early thirties, and his spirit ring configuration was relatively poor. There were only three yellow spirit rings, not even a thousand-year spirit ring.

His martial soul is a blue crocodile, and the muscles on his body look unusually developed.

The sharp crocodile claws exuded bursts of cold light, and the head and tail had jagged strong blue bone plates.

Because of the possession of the martial spirit, the muscles of the man's arms also swelled a lot, and his nails also grew tens of centimeters, but they did not turn into crocodile claws.

But there were a few sharp teeth protruding from his mouth, and the man made a terrifying sound when he opened and closed his mouth, which undoubtedly inherited the powerful bite force of the crocodile.

Jiang Yu had seen this kind of Wuhun in the records of the Wuhun Temple, and if he remembered correctly, it was called Gangli Crocodile.

"You are the one."

Jiang Yu held the Akasaka Sword in his hand, and came to the Gangli Crocodile Soul Master in a flash. The sword quickly shot out several sword lights, and flew towards him.

Soul Master Gangli Crocodile did not panic.

He saw that he bit all the steel-like sword blades to pieces with one mouth, but what he didn't expect was that the terrifying flame contained on it did not go out just then, but erupted completely.

Jiang Yu's Scarlet Heaven Sword contained Emperor Fire, the Emperor of Ten Thousand Fires, far surpassing Ma Hongjun's Phoenix Flame.

The worst thing Gangli Crocodile Soul Master did was to use his mouth to accept the attack from the Akasaka Sword, even though the muscles in his mouth had become as hard and powerful as those of the crocodile.

However, under the erosion of the emperor's fire, it was still burned to pieces, and the entire mouth was completely rotten.

The angry Soul Master Gangli Crocodile instantly lost his mind, and rushed towards Jiang Yu.

This is his third soul skill... Push.

Soul Master Gangli Crocodile's arms suddenly swelled again, and its strength increased by one and a half times compared to before.

Jiang Yu didn't dodge, but chose to slash with his sword. Gangli Crocodile Soul Master didn't dare to touch Chixiao Sword head-on when he saw the power coming from Chixiao Sword. Wander around.

"This man is also smart!"

Jiang Yu sighed, he didn't expect that he could weigh the pros and cons and choose an appropriate strategy in a state of rage.

It doesn't look like a fool at all.

In this way, the two fell into a stalemate, until Jiang Yu deliberately left a loophole to attract Gangli Crocodile Soul Master to take action, he really didn't see that it was a trap.

Just as he stretched out his arms to hit Jiang Yu, Jiang Yu flew behind him in a volley jump, and then thrust his sword backwards and pierced Gangli Crocodile Soul Master's abdomen.

The soul master of the soul master level fell like this.

Although the spirit ring configuration of Gangli Crocodile Soul Master is only average, and his spirit is not top-notch, he is a real spirit master, Jiang Yu!

He is just a level 23 soul master.

But he was able to leapfrog and kill a soul master.

This talent is rare even in the entire continent.

After seeing Jiang Yu's performance, Xue Qinghe was also slightly surprised. She even had an intuition that Jiang Yu's talent was enough to keep pace with her.

Qian Renxue couldn't help but a strong fighting spirit ignited in her heart. There had never been a genius soul master worthy of his attention. Jiang Yu's appearance allowed her to find an opponent.

She is a god-given martial soul, the owner of a seraph, so what if she is born with full soul power, but she is born with a soul power of level [-], and she is directly a great soul master.

Although Qian Renxue was determined to win Jiang Yu over, she also regarded him as an opponent of the same level. If she had the chance, she would definitely press Jiang Yu under her crotch and ruthlessly trample him.

Of course, she will definitely save some effort.

It wouldn't be worth it if Jiang Yu ruined it.

Might as well keep it and play slowly.

Thinking of Qian Renxue, a smile appeared on Qian Renxue's face.

Jiang Yu, who was in the joy of victory, suddenly felt a cold wind blowing behind him.



"It's a hot day, where is the cold wind coming from?"

Jiang Yu couldn't help being a little curious, but his thinking was interrupted by the rushing enemy troops not long after.

Facing the enemy's siege, Jiang Yu was fearless, the wind rustled the corners of his clothes, and he was like a swordsman holding a long sword to meet the enemy gracefully.

Xue Qinghe shot a powerful light at Jiang Yu at the right time, which restored him a lot of physical strength.

Feeling the changes in his body, Jiang Yu knew that Xue Qinghe was helping him without turning his head.

Although this group of enemies were not afraid of death, Jiang Yu's strength was not underestimated. Under the powerful power of Chixiao Sword, they didn't last long before they were wiped out.

During the battle, Jiang Yu found that his soul power grew much faster than the usual state of meditation.

Moreover, these soul powers were also extremely condensed, and did not affect Jiang Yu's foundation at all, which was a huge gain.

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