Since it is grass, it must not escape its limitations. Jiang Yu's Emperor Fire is the ultimate fire. As soon as the flame came out, the huge blue silver vines were burned to ashes. Tang San didn't expect his attack to be so easy It was resolved by Jiang Yu.

"It's a pity, the Blue Silver Grass is always the Blue Silver Grass, it would be great if I could use the Clear Sky Hammer."

Tang San was very dissatisfied with the situation in front of him, but it was a pity that the master told him that he must never reveal the secret of the Clear Sky Hammer unless it was absolutely necessary.

As for the hidden weapon... It was inconvenient for so many people watching him to use this method.

"The first soul skill, entangle."

But Tang San didn't give up, but continued to condense several thick blue silver grasses, intertwining them into a sharp sword-shaped grass.

Then, he used the hidden weapon technique above "Hidden Weapon Hundred Solutions" to throw the sword grass out.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

The sound of breaking through the sky sounded instantly.

Jiang Yu didn't dare to be careless, one must know that Tang San was very shady, his endless hidden weapon methods even suffered a lot from Qian Renxue after becoming a god.

The Akasaka Sword suddenly burst into golden flames. Jiang Yu held the long sword in his hand and remained calm. Facing the arrow-like blue silver grass, he did not show the slightest panic. After reading countless videos, how could he not know? , the more dangerous the battle, the more calm it is.


Even though he was an opponent, even Tang San couldn't help but secretly nodded in praise of Jiang Yu's response.

"Sure enough, there is no shortage of geniuses in this world. The person in front of me is about the same age as me, but he has such rich combat experience. He is really a monster."

In fact, it's no wonder Tang San was shocked, the reason why he was so powerful was the experience of two lifetimes.

And what about Jiang Yu?

No matter how smart Tang San was, he couldn't have guessed that Jiang Yu's situation was actually similar to his.

"If all the children in Douluo Dalu are as powerful as him, I can't be careless even if I have the body protection of Xuantian Kungfu and the unique knowledge of Tang Sect!"

Tang San had no choice but to put away the pride in his heart for a while, and cautiously stared at Jiang Yu in front of him.


After the arrow flew in the air for a while, Jiang Yu finally discovered its flaw. Its essence is still composed of tree root blue silver grass, and its internal structure is not very stable. After finding its weak point, Jiang Yu did not have the slightest After hesitating, he yelled immediately.


The long sword aimed at the gap in the blue silver grass and cut it, the hot flames on the sword burst out violently, completely destroying the inside of the blue silver grass.

"Since Wuhun is useless, let me show you my Tang Sect's unique skills."

Even if Tang Sanxuan gave up on the blue silver grass, he turned his fists into claws, his feet became faster and faster, and when he was about to touch Jiang Yu, he jumped suddenly.

Control the crane and capture the dragon to launch.

Seeing that Tang San in the air had stretched out his claws towards his forehead, Jiang Yu couldn't help but sneered, "Tang Sect's unique skills! Hmph, I can also punch."

"It depends on your unique skills, or my Huaxia martial arts is better."

Although Jiang Yu is not a descendant of ancient martial arts, he has also been exposed to traditional martial arts when he was in college.

At that time, as an elective course in the university, Jiang Yu chose two famous boxing techniques in Chinese history.

Jiang Yu spread his feet apart, took a solid horse stance, and then poured all his strength into his arms, and clenched his fists violently.

Tang San thought that by relying on the secret skill of controlling the crane and catching the dragon, coupled with the huge inertia generated downward, he could crush Jiang Yu in terms of strength.

But he missed one thing.

"A cannon that goes straight to the sky."

Jiang Yu stretched out both arms, his fists erupted with an incomparably fierce force, and slammed at Tang San violently.


Tang San was instantly knocked into the air.

Although controlling the crane and catching the dragon is said to be tough with softness, it is not without limitations. Once the strength exceeds the limit he can bear, it will lose its effect.

As the saying goes, one force will drop ten meetings.

What Jiang Yu performed was one of the eight ultimate moves in Bajiquan, and as a boxing technique that kept pace with Taijiquan, Bajiquan had always been known for its fierceness. The two most dazzling pearls of the species.

Different from Taijiquan, which relies on force to overcome rigidity with softness, Bajiquan has always used rigidity to overcome rigidity, using the strongest force, the most simple and swift style to defeat the enemy with one move.

Although Jiang Yu may not be as proficient in boxing as a martial arts master, and may even be a little better than Master Ma, but after the transformation of Hongmeng Ziqi, his strength is definitely far beyond any martial arts master.

"Cough cough cough..."

After being knocked into the air for dozens of meters, Tang San realized that the Tang Sect's unique skill that he was proud of in the past had actually lost, and he lost completely.

Under the double blow of Jiang Yu's formidable strength and the infinite sense of defeat in his heart, Tang San couldn't help but spit out bright red liquid from his mouth.

"Little San!"

Seeing his apprentice vomiting blood, Yu Xiaogang couldn't bear it anymore, ran to him in a hurry to help him up, and asked with concern: "How is it, is your injury serious?"

"Teacher, don't worry, there is nothing serious."

In order not to worry the teacher, Tang San tried his best to answer his words in a flat tone.

"Sorry! I didn't control my strength and you got hurt."

Jiang Yu also hurried forward to check on Tang San's situation, with a guilty expression on his face.

As for what he was thinking in his heart, no one knew.

"If I had known earlier, I would have taken it easy."

Tang San, who was no longer entangled in the past, lost his composure when he heard Jiang Yu's words.

What is light.

Look down on him not being.

He hates others to release water the most.

Compared to defeating an enemy who pretended not to show his full strength on purpose, Tang San would rather meet an opponent who went all out to ruthlessly ravage him, this feeling is the most enjoyable.

"do not!"

Tang San hurriedly said: "You mustn't hold back, remember to use more force next time."

"Ah... oh!"

Jiang Yu didn't expect Tang San to be a masochist, it was the first time he had seen someone make such a weird request, but since it was Tang San's request, it was not for nothing.

In this way, he felt good when he was beaten, and Tang San felt good when he was beaten, it was a win-win situation.

No one loses in this wave.

"I didn't expect my brother-in-law to be so fierce. After Xiao Wu you marry him, can you tell him to let him teach me the boxing technique just now?"

Standing behind him was Huo Wushuang with a salivating look on his face, how could he not see the power of Jiang Yu's boxing just now as a soul master of the assault system.

But he also knew that this kind of secret knowledge was always private, even though he was very jealous, it was inconvenient for Jiang Yu to teach him, but he didn't treat Jiang Yu as an outsider.

In his opinion, his younger sister was going to marry Jiang Yu sooner or later, and it would be logical to ask him to teach him the boxing technique just now.

"Who said I'm going to marry him."

Huo Wu's pretty face blushed, but she still said arrogantly: "If I want to marry you, marry him."

"I want it too!"

Unexpectedly, Huo Wushuang said in a serious manner: "But he doesn't like me either! Besides, we are both men, how can we be together."

"It's up to you, Xiao Wu!"


Huo Wu angrily gave Huo Wushuang a supercilious look, and then stomped on him hard.

"Ah... woo!"

Huo Wushuang suddenly felt pain, and hurriedly raised the injured foot and rubbed it.

"You girl, strike, no, the strike is getting harder and harder, and I don't know how to be gentle."

Huo Wushuang had a painful expression on his face.

"Yes, who told you to owe it."

Seeing his appearance, Huo Wu couldn't help laughing out loud.

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