Sword Douluo, the emperor of Douluo

Chapter 31 Development Route

Through this competition, Jiang Yu probably also figured out Tang San's strength. Although he didn't use the concealed weapon as a way to suppress the bottom of the box, Jiang Yu also had reservations.

It can be said that even if Tang San broke out with real strength, Jiang Yu might not lose to him.

At this moment, Jiang Yu is undoubtedly in a happy mood. After all, being able to press Tang San to the ground and hammer it is not something everyone can understand. You must know that this is a treatment that the protagonists in many fan fictions do not enjoy.

Compared with kneeling and licking Tang San, Jiang Yu still felt that beating Tang San was better.

After the competition, Yu Xiaogang looked at Jiang Yu even more nakedly, and even possessed a little more.

It feels like a perverted uncle.

Now that Jiang Yu knew Yu Xiaogang's orientation, he still couldn't help feeling a little chilly.

"Little Feather."

Yu Xiaogang looked at Jiang Yu with a smile on his face, and said: "From the competition just now, it can be seen that your Scarlet Sky Sword martial soul not only has the ultimate flame attribute, but also has a domineering emperor's aura on the body of the sword, giving people It feels like an emperor in the sword, so it is not wrong for you to choose the route of attacking soul masters."

In order to conquer Jiang Yu's heart, Yu Xiaogang began to talk at length, during which he deliberately exaggerated his contribution to the soul master class.

"The sword spirit has always been the most common kind of spirit among the weapon spirits, but no one in the soul master class has ever systematically checked the knowledge about the sword spirit. Everything about Wuhun, although I am not Jian Wuhun, but from the point of view of theoretical research, even your teacher Jian Douluo may not know more than me."

Yu Xiaogang looked proud, he has always been proud in the field of martial soul research, after all, this is the only aspect he can crush many soul masters.

"According to my investigation, there are about 3000 kinds of sword spirits on the mainland. Apart from the extremely low-quality useless spirits, there are also more than 1000 kinds of sword spirits that can make a person become a war soul master. Among them, the most common one is the sword martial soul with the power of elements, but there are only a handful of those that can contain the ultimate attribute. As far as I know, apart from your mutant martial soul, there is only sword fighting Luo Mian in the entire Douluo Continent. The Gengjian sword energy attached to the Seven Killing Sword below is the closest to the ultimate attribute."

"Once the seventh-gold sword energy under Sword Douluo's crown is further transformed into the ultimate sword energy, then it can challenge the Clear Sky Hammer's status as the world's number one martial soul."

"But you don't have to bother!" Yu Xiaogang looked at Jiang Yu and couldn't help but take a deep breath, "All you need to do is to cultivate your soul power step by step to the level of Titled Douluo. The route of the sword martial soul is to take the two paths of strong attack or sensitive attack, and your Chixiao sword is amazingly powerful, and it is not wrong to take the route of strong attack."

"However, the assault system also has a different development path."

Yu Xiaogang showed an inscrutable expression on his face, which had the most awesome meaning of Lao Tzu.


Jiang Yu couldn't help but change his mind about Yu Xiaogang, let alone talk about his character, or whether his theoretical knowledge is right or wrong, just because of his serious and dedicated research, he knows that many soul masters are learning, Jiang Yu I have seen a lot of soul masters who only like to fight and kill, but when it comes to theory, they become languid.

Especially Xie Yue and Yan.

When they were in Wuhun Temple, the theoretical results of these two soul masters were a mess. Among the six compulsory courses for soul masters in the Soul Hall, only the actual combat class can make people shine.

The two of them can be said to be seriously biased, but this is also a common problem of many soul masters, even the Holy Land that many soul masters in the whole continent yearn for like Wuhun Temple is not much better.

Only a few disciples such as Hu Liena can pass all the six compulsory courses for soul masters.

Although Wuhundian has gradually paid more attention to the theoretical training of soul masters in recent years, and even issued a series of internal decrees on strengthening the comprehensive ability of soul masters, but the effect is not very great.

After all, learning and studying theories are boring, far less refreshing than fighting, and the most important thing is that fighting can not only show one's own strength but also release one's own charm, which can attract the attention of many people, and even getting out of the order is not a problem.

In the soul master class, middle-aged soul masters such as Squid Luo, Bamboo Stick Li, Ladybug King, etc. have become the hottest stars on the mainland through soul master battles. They not only make money every day, but also have a large number of fanatical fans.

There are even rumors that they have improper relationships with many young female soul masters.

Based on the above and other reasons, the battle between soul masters is the thing that all soul masters on the mainland are most passionate about.

Those who do research with peace of mind like the master are different. All his achievements today can be regarded as obtained through his own diligence. Of course, Bibi Dong and the Landian Tyrannosaurus family are also contributing to the flames.


Seeing that Jiang Yu finally showed a curious expression on his face, Yu Xiaogang said proudly,

"Attack-type battle soul masters actually have two different routes. One is to aim for high burst, high output, and high crit, and pay attention to defeating the enemy with the largest attack as soon as they come up. However, this method has a weakness……"

"That's because the ability to last is not enough. If you can't quickly deal with the opponent, you will easily be taken advantage of by the enemy and fall into a crisis. Therefore, most of the people who choose this mode are soul masters who have awakened the beast spirit. In terms of quality bonus, the beast spirit is far greater than the weapon spirit."

"And there is another mode that I want to recommend to you. Generally, many attack-type soul masters who have awakened their weapon spirits take this route. Unlike the first one, this school takes persistent combat and Continuous output, and the consumption of soul power is not too great."

"Although the attack of this attack mode is not very violent at the beginning, it is better than the long flow of water, and it can continue to output attacks continuously and steadily."

Hearing the master's analysis, Jiang Yu couldn't help but his eyes lit up, and he didn't expect that there were so many ways in it.

"I still like the high explosive route!"

Huo Wushuang held up his strong arms and said: "A man should use the most violent attack to defeat the enemy. This will make him happy. It's not like girls want stamina!"

Huo Wushuang's words immediately caught everyone's eyes.

At first glance, he is a simple-minded muscular man.

In the situation he said, it is okay to meet ordinary opponents, but it is easy to fall into a passive situation when meeting stronger characters. , only the most suitable for him, such as Tang San possessing the Blue Silver Grass Wuhun, can't let him take the route of attack!After all, martial spirits like Blue Silver Grass are recognized as more appropriate to take the control route.

Such as binding and twining or something...

After listening to Yu Xiaogang's words, Jiang Yu finally knew which route he chose to take.

That is sustainable development, an assault-type battle soul master with endurance as the goal, this is what a man should pursue!

Compared with the short-term fierceness, Jiang Yu still hopes to last longer, so that he can enjoy the fun of fighting more.

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