Sword Douluo, the emperor of Douluo

Chapter 29 Akasaka Sword Vs Blue Silver Grass


Jiang Yu, who was entangled by ghost vines, gradually felt the strangeness coming from his body.

This ghost vine actually contained extremely powerful neurotoxins, and he even felt that the movement of his soul power had become stagnant, his whole body was a little limp, and even a certain place had completely softened.

"Old Sun, hurry up, the toxin of this ghost vine is terrifying, and its unique parasitic ability is the nightmare of many soul masters. The seeds it emits can absorb our energy and transform it into neurotoxins to invade us Inside, if you don't make a move, I'm afraid even you won't be able to escape."

Yu Xiaogang yelled at Dean Sun.


Sun Ze immediately released his martial soul, and a strong red light erupted from his body.

A huge red sickle several meters long quietly appeared in the palm of his right hand.

Yellow, yellow, purple, purple, the four soul rings floated up and down around the sickle.

This is Sun Ze's Martial Soul, Raging Fire Scythe.

"The first soul skill, Flame Slash!"

Sun Ze clenched the sickle in his hand and slashed towards the ghost vines beside him. The violent flames suddenly split the surrounding vines, and then fell to the ground until they were burned to ashes by the flames.

Although plant-type soul beasts have strange and varied attack methods, they generally have a common problem.

That is... fear of fire.

After Sun Ze escaped, he rescued Yu Xiaogang and Tang San.

Just when he was about to save the Jiang Yu and Huo Wu brothers and sisters, he realized that he didn't need to take action at all, they already knew the way to escape.

Hot flames erupted from Huo Wushuang and Huo Wu at the same time, burning all the ghost vines.

And Jiang Yu also released the Akasaka Sword, and as soon as the golden flame came out of the ghost vines, they fled from his surroundings, but it was a pity that it was still a step too late.

You must know that the ultimate flame contained in the Akasaka Sword is far from comparable to other flames.

"It's good that everyone is not injured!"

Seeing Jiang Yu's response, Yu Xiaogang became more and more appreciative, for such a young age to be able to remain calm, and to be so calm when encountering danger is not at all what this age group should be.

It was as precocious as Tang San.

"If only he could be my apprentice, Xiaosan and this Jiang Yu will definitely be the brightest twin stars in the soul master world in the future." Yu Xiaogang couldn't help but enjoy the future, "At that time, the world will Know that I, Yu Xiaogang, am not only a waste, but also the greatest person."

"The second soul skill, Flame Totem."

When Yu Xiaogang was still obsessed with lust, Sun Ze started to deal with the ghost vines. Compared with the theoretical school like the master, he is more like a practical man.

Violent flames erupted from the red sickle, and then classified into countless tadpole-like creatures, covering the ghost vine.

Not long after, less than one tenth of the ghost vine's vines were burnt.

Only the core part remains.

After finishing all this, Sun Ze took out a dagger from his bosom and handed it to Tang San.

"This last blow should be done by you, hurry up and absorb your soul ring!"

"Thank you, Dean."

Tang San took the dagger, bent down and bowed to Sun Ze, although he was willing to help him hunt the spirit ring because of the teacher's favor, but after all he helped him so much, he definitely deserved his gift, Tang San Three do not like to owe others anything.

Now everyone owes nothing to each other.

Tang San quickly walked towards the ghost vine, without any hesitation, he stabbed towards the core of the ghost vine.

His movements are not only clean and neat, but also fast, accurate, and ruthless, not at all like what this age group should have, but more like a peerless ruthless man who has experienced countless fights.

A moment later, a dazzling yellow soul ring emerged from the ghost vine.

Then Tang San sat down and absorbed the spirit ring.

Jiang Yu looked in his direction, thoughtful. It turned out that Tang San's second spirit ring came from this way. The person with the mysterious spirit mentioned in the original book must be this Dean Sun.

It's just that he didn't expect that his Wuhun turned out to be a sickle, and it also contained fire attributes.

No wonder it can restrain ghost vines.

Fire attributes and sharp weapons have always had a strong restraint effect on plant-type soul beasts.

Sun Ze's martial soul has both, and his restraint on ghost vines is much greater than that of beast martial soul soul masters.

"Tang San has obtained the second spirit ring. I don't know what kind of spirit beast I will meet next. Thinking about it, I am looking forward to it. No matter what, I must surpass Tang San. No matter what, I have to get a powerful spirit beast that is more than 700 years old. Just do it."

Jiang Yu couldn't help feeling a comparison in his heart.

A quarter of an hour later, Tang San finally successfully absorbed the spirit ring from the ghost vine.

The master guessed it right, Tang San's spirit ring skill was indeed Ghost Vine's most terrifying "parasitic" skill.

"Xiao Yu, why don't you compete with Xiao San." Yu Xiaogang shamelessly flirted with Jiang Yu, and immediately showed a kind smile on his face.

"The gap between him and you, who was just promoted to a great soul master, is not too big. The competition between you can best reflect the gap in your strength. It is a very beneficial thing for both of you."


Jiang Yu didn't refuse, he also wanted to see how close he and Tang San were.

"Then please give me more advice."

Dark blue light suddenly released from Tang San's body, a cluster of dark blue grass suddenly grew out of his palm, each blade of grass looked quite slender, but it was covered with snake patterns, the grass blades It also instantly became cylindrical.

If you look closely, the blades of grass are covered with fine and sharp thorns.

I saw a milky white light suddenly appearing on Tang San's body, and under the wrapping of this light, the dark blue grass suddenly enlarged as if stimulated, and became as thick as a human arm in the blink of an eye, just like before. Like the ghost vine.

After absorbing the ghost vine's spirit ring, his Blue Silver Grass also underwent a huge change.

The black snake pattern flashed brightly, hovering around Tang San like dozens of big snakes.

"Tang San, Martial Soul, Blue Silver Grass, Level [-] Artifact Soul Master, please give me your advice."

Seeing Tang San's martial spirit, Huo Wu and Huo Wushuang were also a little shocked. They didn't expect that a useless martial spirit like Lanyincao could cultivate so fast.

Simply incredible.

"Jiang Yu, Martial Soul, Scarlet Heaven Sword, twentieth-level weapon soul master, please give me more advice."

Jiang Yu was very calm. Although his soul power had broken through to level [-], he would not be able to obtain the title of the next stage if he did not add a soul ring to his martial soul for a day, so he could only call himself a soul master.

It didn't take long for Jiang Yu's body to burst out with fiery red light, and the fiery flames gathered towards the palm of his right hand, and finally condensed into an incomparably dazzling long sword.

An astonishing energy erupted from the yellow soul ring, tightly surrounding Chi Xiaojian.

"you first!"

Jiang Yu said solemnly: "My Scarlet Sky Sword is a fire-attributed Blue Silver Grass that happens to restrain you. To be fair, you should attack first!"

"Then I'm welcome."

Seeing that Jiang Yu didn't look down on his Blue Silver Grass martial spirit like everyone else, Tang San knew that the opponent in front of him was not an ordinary person, and his martial spirit was indeed restrained by Jiang Yu, so he no longer gave in, even if he activated Attacked.

Tang San's speed was very fast. After all, he had practiced the ghost shadow fascination footwork, which was far beyond the comparison of ordinary soul masters. He came to Jiang Yu in the blink of an eye.

The blue silver grass he released also moved quickly, and circles of blue and black vines spiraled out, shooting towards Jiang Yu's body from all around.

But Tang San himself hid among the vines, as if disappeared without a trace.

"As expected of Tang San, he really has a set."

Jiang Yu couldn't help but nodded repeatedly.

But if it was just this level of attack, then Tang San really underestimated him.

Then let Tang San experience his strength.

Jiang Yu clenched the Akasaka Sword in his hand, and swung it towards the blue-black vines.

The golden flame rose instantly, and rushed towards the direction of the blue silver grass.

In the final analysis, before Tang San's martial spirit mutated, it was just a blue silver grass.

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