Lin Lin sat on the sofa, her face was frosty!

Now Lin Lin is embarrassed and angry.

Who would have thought that the young man she was optimistic about would be her nephew, and when she thought that she wanted to match Lu Tianwei and her daughter for a relationship just now, she felt extremely annoyed.

She blamed Chen Yang for all her faults, and the more she looked at Chen Yang, the more she disliked her.

Seeing Chen Yang and Zhao Xiaorou biting their ears, Lin Lin felt even more angry, and she shouted directly, "I asked you to drive this guy out a long time ago, and I became angry when I saw it. Are you deaf? Did you listen to me?" !"

Zhao Xiaorou looked at Lin Lin with a strange gaze!

Hearing Lin Lin's words, Zhao Xiaorou bit her lips lightly, "Mom, why did you come to Zhonghai City alone?"

"I want to see you, do I need to say hello?" Lin Lin said displeased.

"No, I see that my dad didn't come with you!" Zhao Xiaorou said, "I'd better call my dad first..."

"Don't fight!" Lin Lin shouted suddenly, "I had a fight with your dad, I don't want to hear his voice."

Zhao Xiaorou paused, then looked at An Wenwen, "Wenwen, did we make an appointment with the doctor for a physical examination today?"

"Physical examination?" An Wenwen was startled, she looked at Zhao Xiaorou, but saw Zhao Xiaorou blinking, An Wenwen immediately understood, and hurriedly said, "Yes, today the physical examination!"

"Mom, you should also take a physical examination!" Zhao Xiaorou said.

"I don't have a physical examination!" Lin Lin jumped up like a cat whose tail had been stepped on when she heard that a physical examination was required, and looked at Zhao Xiaorou aggressively, "I just came to see you, what is the physical examination for?"

"This is for your health!" Zhao Xiaorou said, "If you don't want to have a physical examination, that's fine. I'll call Dad right now and ask him to come to Zhonghai City. I'll arrange for the two of you to have a physical examination together!"

"Let me go!" Lin Lin was talking and was about to take her luggage and leave, but Zhao Xiaorou took two quick steps and stopped in front of Lin Lin, "Mom, if you don't tell me clearly, I'll give you a hand immediately." My dad called and told my dad about you!"

"I... what's the matter with me?" Lin Lin asked guiltily.

"Follow me!" Zhao Xiaorou grabbed Lin Lin's hand and walked straight upstairs.

Lu Tianwei looked at Chen Yang with a confused face, "You and Xiaotu... Bah, what did my cousin say?"

"Want to know?" Chen Yang asked with a smile.

"Fart, of course I want to know." Lu Tianwei said.

"Bring me to dinner, and I'll tell you."

"Now?" Lu Tianwei asked.

"Isn't this nonsense? You don't want to catch up with the aunt and cousin you just met, do you? Listen to me, they don't care about you for the time being!" Chen Yang laughed!

Lu Tianwei was very curious.

After he and Chen Yang got into the car, he asked, "Tell me, what's the matter?"

"Your aunt is pregnant!" Chen Yang said lightly, "I just got pregnant not long ago."

"Pregnant? Isn't that a good thing?" Lu Tianwei laughed!

"But it's not your uncle's!" Chen Yang said!

"You... how do you know?"

"A pregnant woman travels thousands of miles to see her daughter alone. Even if you think about it with your ass, you know it's not your uncle's!" Chen Yang said, "She is out of luck. She met me. It's really hard to see another doctor. Come out... Do you think I did a good thing or a bad thing by telling her daughter about it?"

Lu Tianwei lit a cigarette, "I figured it out, you're so weak, I wondered, why didn't you realize that Liu Jingjing was a green tea bitch back then?"

"If you don't experience something, you will gain wisdom. I am enlightened." Chen Yang said.

As soon as Chen Yang finished speaking, Zhao Xiaorou called.

"I apologize to you for my mother's attitude just now!" Zhao Xiaorou said, "I also thank Dr. Chen for telling me about this matter. I hope Dr. Chen can keep it secret and don't tell others."

"I need a hush money to keep a secret?" Chen Yang said.

"How much do you want? I'll give it all."

"That's not necessary!" Chen Yang said, "Tomorrow my medical clinic will open, so you can be an opening guest!"

"Okay, I'll definitely be there." Zhao Xiaorou fully agreed.

"You don't live in that villa for the time being." Chen Yang said, "I don't think Liu An stole your underwear, but someone sneaked into your villa, changed your lipstick, and then framed Liu An. The purpose is to not want you to have any contact with men. It's either your fanatical fan, or a pervert!"

"I will stay in the hotel temporarily." Zhao Xiaorou said.

In a room full of Zhao Xiaorou's photos, the young man who called himself Xiao Bailong took a sharp knife and slashed fiercely at Zhao Xiaorou's photos!

Zhao Xiaorou's face was cut open.

The young man smiled ferociously!

He took his mobile phone and called Zhao Xiaorou!

"Who?" Zhao Xiaorou's voice came from the phone.

"It's me...Little White Dragon!"

"How do you have my phone?"

This number is Zhao Xiaorou's personal number, only her assistants and close friends have it.

It's usually a work phone number.


The young man let out a ferocious laugh, "I not only have your phone number, but also your close-fitting clothes... such as your underwear, shoes, socks... I even lay on your bed, fantasizing about the two of us People making out on the bed...!"

"You pervert, I want to call the police..."

"Call the police? Don't you know you've been poisoned? I'm the only one who has the antidote!" The young man sneered, "As long as you dare to be impulsive towards a man, you will feel severe pain all over your body, and it will get worse every time, and finally you will die of pain ... In this world, only I have the antidote, if you want to live, leave that man immediately and stay with me!"

"You pervert, lunatic, go dream!" Zhao Xiaorou scolded angrily, "Not only will I not leave him, but I will make out with him every day. Didn't you say that once impulsive, it will be serious? Then I will be with him for 24 hours Darling, I want to make you envious of death, you pervert, go to hell!"


Zhao Xiaorou directly hung up the phone!


The little white dragon had a ferocious expression and let out a terrifying roar!

Suddenly tore off those photos on the wall, and tore them into pieces with both hands!

His eyes were blood red, like a madman!

With a wave of both hands, all the debris in the hand was thrown out.

It fell like snowflakes.

At this moment, his cell phone rang.

Xiao Bailong answered the phone, and a woman's voice came over, "Xue Longfei, your uncle was killed!"

"That trash will die if he dies!" Xue Longfei was in a bad mood now, "Didn't he deserve to die a long time ago?"

"But he is a member of our Xue family after all, your own uncle!" The woman said, "He died, and our Xue family lost face. Aren't you in Zhonghai City? Kill that man named Chen Yang, I've sent you the photo."

Xue Longfei opened the photo, and as soon as he saw Chen Yang's face, his eyes lit up, and a murderous look suddenly appeared between his brows.

"This person is dead!" Xue Longfei said coldly.

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