Sky Valley Traditional Chinese Medicine Hall opens today!

Duan Tiancheng is the apprentice of the medical sage Song Xianzhi, just because of this reputation, there will be an endless stream of people coming to the opening of Tiangu Traditional Chinese Medicine Hall today!

It is said that Mao Jishi will also make a special trip to attend the opening of his junior brother Duan Tiancheng's medical clinic!

Duan Fei and Duan Tiancheng came to Tiangu Traditional Chinese Medicine Hall!

I met Tian Yaosheng helping to park at the gate of Tiangu Traditional Chinese Medicine Hall.

"That old guy would never have thought that his son would turn into a clown one day, it's ridiculous!" Duan Tiancheng saw Tian Yaosheng busy around like a clown, a sarcasm smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Duan Fei laughed, "Dad, you should let out the bad breath in your heart!"

"That old guy's hospital hasn't collapsed yet!"

Duan Tiancheng looked at the "Renyi Traditional Chinese Medicine Center" next to him. He wanted to buy the land of Renyi Traditional Chinese Medicine Center through Tang Rui's real estate development company, but Tian Xin refused.

Duan Tiancheng had no choice but to open the Tiangu Traditional Chinese Medicine Hall next to him. His purpose was very clear, that is to kill the "Renyi Traditional Chinese Medicine Hall" completely. Only in this way can he vent his anger.

Duan Fei looked at the Renyi Traditional Chinese Medicine Center next to him, and smiled, "Dad, their family opened today, but their employees are all in our Chinese Medicine Hall. I'll go and see what their family opened for business."

Duan Fei just wants to see Tian Xin's jokes!

He came to the gate of Renyi Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic.

Compared with their Tiangu Traditional Chinese Medicine Hall, the entrance of Renyi Traditional Chinese Medicine Hall is very ordinary.

Except for a banner at the door that said "opened today", there was no sense of the festive atmosphere of the opening of the Renyi Traditional Chinese Medicine Center today.

"Sir, please come in!"

A sweet-looking girl in a nurse uniform saw Duan Fei standing at the door and asked Duan Fei to come in.

Duan Fei was startled!

He thought that the Renyi Traditional Chinese Medicine Center would definitely not be able to recruit people. Who would have thought that there would be such a sweet female nurse.

"Xiao Tian, ​​don't pay attention to him, he is the owner of the medical center next door, he is very bad!" Xu Jing's voice came over.

I saw Xu Jing also wearing a nurse's uniform, walking in front of Duan Fei!

Duan Fei looked at Xu Jing's body, and his eyes were shining with surprise. He didn't expect Xu Jing to be so beautiful in a nurse's uniform, and he couldn't help being fascinated, "You just need to come to our hospital, and I'll give you Open [-] a month."

"Not interested!" Xu Jing waved at Duan Fei, "We don't welcome you here, you go."

Xu Jing has a bad impression of Duan Fei and wants to drive Duan Fei away.

But Duan Fei came to see the joke, how could he leave so easily.

"Aren't you opening today? Why can't you see anyone?" Duan Fei said loudly on purpose, "You won't just have two nurses, will you? Where's the doctor? Where's the pharmacist? Why can't you see?"

"Who says we don't have doctors and pharmacists?"

Chen Yang, who was wearing a neat suit, walked over with two men!

"Master Duan, let me introduce you. The two beside me are senior pharmacists from the hospital of traditional Chinese medicine, and that sweet female nurse. She is a nurse from the hospital of traditional Chinese medicine. Oh, there is also a doctor, right? I almost forgot Yes, Tian Xin...!"

Tian Xin was dressed in a white coat. After hearing Chen Yang's voice, she walked straight over.

Chen Yang put his arms around Tian Xin's shoulders, and looked at Duan Fei, "This is our doctor Tian Xin, you should know him!"

"Is she considered a doctor? It's just a joke." Duan Fei looked at Tian Xin contemptuously, "I don't know her yet? So I don't like to study medicine, and I went to Communication University... look at the pair of pairs she pierced. Mawei, how do you look like a doctor? Isn’t this just those cosplays that rely on selling meat? Tian Xin, for the sake of our childhood sweethearts, I can buy your videos and photos at a high price, and I will appreciate them too!”


When Tian Xin heard Duan Fei's words, she couldn't help cursing, "I didn't expect you to become like this, it's really disappointing!"

"Hmph, I became what I am now, is it not thanks to your father? Our father and son were bumpy and wandering, but we suffered a lot!" Duan Fei snorted coldly, "Anyway, don't even think about opening your medical clinic. Tian Xin, if you are sensible, sell this medical clinic to our family as soon as possible, otherwise you will not get any money and have to sell meat to pay back the loan."


Tian Xin was so angry that she subconsciously stretched out her hand.

Duan Fei took a step back, "You want to hit me? Just dream, I've been on your guard for a long time...!"

Chen Yang secretly transported his true energy to the fingers of his right hand, and hit Duan Fei's right calf.


Just as Duan Fei took a step back, his left foot hadn't touched the ground yet, so his right leg hurt!


Duan Fei sat on the ground with his buttocks firm.

"Master Duan, you don't have to be scared to sit on the ground by Tian Xin!" Chen Yang put his right hand around Tian Xin's waist, and said with a light smile, "You don't know Tian Xin too well, even if she gets angry again, she won't let you down." Will do it for you."

Tian Xin clenched her pink fist in her right hand and said, "I won't do anything to him, lest I get my hands dirty."

Duan Fei got up from the ground.

"What a f*cking bad luck!" Duan Fei came out of the Renyi Chinese Medicine Center cursingly, and saw a white car parked in front of him.

As soon as the car door opened, Zhao Xiaorou, who had been carefully dressed, was wearing a black skirt with a waist and white stockings on her feet, getting out of the car full of vigor.

"Little rabbit by the side of the road, you are here!"

When Duan Fei saw Zhao Xiaorou, he seemed to be a different person instantly, with a bright smile all over his face!

He sent an invitation to the little rabbit on the side of the road.

Roadside Little Rabbit is a popular Internet celebrity, with tens of millions of fans alone.

Duan Fei hopes that he can use the influence of the little rabbit on the roadside to let the little rabbit on the roadside broadcast the live broadcast, live broadcast the opening of their Tiangu Traditional Chinese Medicine Hall, and help them gain popularity.

Duan Fei sent a message to Roadside Xiaotu last night, but Roadside Xiaotu didn't reply to him!

In fact, Duan Fei has no idea in his heart, he is not sure that the roadside rabbit will definitely come.

Now he can finally let go of his hanging heart, with a smile on his face, "My father and I have been waiting for you, please come with me..."

Duan Fei stretched out his hand and made a gesture of please.

But Zhao Xiaorou ignored Duan Fei and went straight to the Renyi Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic.

"Little rabbit on the side of the road, you have gone the wrong way, that is not the door of our Tiangu Traditional Chinese Medicine Hall!" Duan Fei thought that Zhao Xiaorou had gone to the wrong door, so he hurriedly pointed to the door of the Tiangu Traditional Chinese Medicine Hall next to him.

Chen Yang stood at the door and said with a smile, "Welcome!"

"Welcome like this? Shouldn't there be a welcome gesture?" Zhao Xiaorou laughed.

Chen Yang opened his arms and gave Zhao Xiaorou a warm hug, "Is this welcome satisfactory?"

"Barely pass!" Zhao Xiaorou showed a sweet smile!

Chen Yang let go of his hands, and looked at the stunned Duan Fei beside him, "Young Master Duan, don't look, Zhao Xiaorou was invited by me... Oh, by the way, your dad doesn't have any arthritis, does he?"

"Chen Yang, why are you asking this?" Duan Fei asked angrily with a sullen face.

"It's nothing, just caring about your dad." Chen Yang smiled, "I'm worried that when someone comes, if your dad suffers from arthritis or something and can't kneel down, it won't look good!"

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