As soon as Chen Yang said this, Lu Tianwei was dumbfounded!

He thought it would be Zhao Xiaorou who refused, but who would have thought that it would be his good brother Chen Yang who refused.

Lu Tianwei blurted out, "Chen Yang, don't you have a crush on the little rabbit on the side of the road?"

Before Chen Yang could speak, Lin Lin sneered angrily, "Who do you think you are? You don't allow the two of them to fall in love? It's useless even if you like Xiaorou. I don't like people like you...Xiaorou , What are you still doing in a daze? Get him out of here."

From the very beginning, Lin Lin didn't think highly of Chen Yang.

There was also contempt in her tone of voice.

Zhao Xiaorou hurriedly said, "Mom, he is my doctor."

"What's wrong with the doctor? There are too many doctors out there now. As long as you have money, you can't find any good doctor." Lin Lin said disapprovingly, "No matter who you fall in love with, it doesn't matter if he is a smelly doctor, what a dog Take the mouse and meddle in your own business. I think he just likes you and wants to chase you!"

"He's married." Zhao Xiaorou said.

"Married?" Lin Lin rolled her eyes at Chen Yang when she heard this sentence, "After a long time of trouble, he is still a married male doctor, so it's no wonder, it must be because the wife at home is not good-looking, seeing my little Rou Think about it, Xiaorou, don't see this person again, it's too dangerous. Didn't you see that some male doctors often prescribe medicines to female patients on the Internet?"

What Lin Lin said was completely humiliating Chen Yang.

She really regarded Chen Yang as a poor doctor with no skills.

From the first time Chen Yang saw Lin Lin, he knew that this woman hated the poor and loved the rich!Even if Lin Lin said something worse, Chen Yang didn't feel strange.

Chen Yang looked at Lin Lin, "Let me clarify one thing first. My wife's name is Tang Xueyun. If you don't know who she is, you can ask her. If you want to say that she has a bad temper, I will admit it, but if you say If she's ugly, I'm afraid there won't be many beauties in Zhonghai City!"

Chen Yang replied unceremoniously!

The face is reserved by oneself, not given by others.

Lin Lin doesn't know how to save face for her, and Chen Yang won't save face for her either.

Lin Lin really didn't know who Tang Xueyun was. Hearing Chen Yang's words, the woman snorted coldly, "What's wrong? Is your wife more beautiful than a celebrity?"

"Mom, stop talking!"

Zhao Xiaorou only felt that her face was burning.

Her face was lost by her mother.

That Tang Xueyun is a recognized goddess, no matter how beautiful Zhao Xiaorou is, she can't compare with Tang Xueyun!

Just temperament alone can completely suppress Zhao Xiaorou.

Although Lu Tianwei liked Zhao Xiaorou and wanted to please Zhao Xiaorou's mother Lin Lin, but Lin Lin made fun of his brother Chen Yang like this, Lu Tianwei couldn't sit idly by.

His brother has something to do, Lu Tianwei is really serious!

"Tang Xueyun is the president of Zhongtian Investment Group. She came from the wealthy Tang family and is known as the number one beauty in Zhonghai!" Lu Tianwei said, "Those celebrities are not as good as Tang Xueyun. , is not as beautiful as my brother's wife Tang Xueyun!"

After Lu Tianwei said this, he didn't care about Lin Lin's reaction, walked in front of Chen Yang, put his right hand on Chen Yang's shoulder, "Let's go!"

Chen Yang was very moved in his heart.

Lu Tianwei is a true brother.

Knowing that he said this, Lin Lin would definitely be upset, and he wouldn't want to chase the little rabbit on the side of the road, but Lu Tianwei still said this to help Chen Yang stand out.

"Brother enough!" Chen Yang patted Lu Tianwei's shoulder, "A man should be able to afford it and let it go. You and Zhao Xiaorou are destined to have nothing to do with each other!"

In fact, Lu Tianwei's heart was already bleeding.

Between a brother and a woman, he chose the brother and spoke for Chen Yang, but he didn't expect Chen Yang to say that he and Zhao Xiaorou were destined to be "destined to have nothing to do with each other".

Lu Tianwei looked at Chen Yang, "You are talking sarcastic!"

"Is it sarcastic?" Chen Yang asked.

"Of course it is!" Lu Tianwei said, "For you, I offended my future mother-in-law... Cough!"

"Mother-in-law in the future?" Chen Yang heard Lu Tianwei's words, looked at the angry Lin Lin, and smiled, "I showed you the fortune-telling, the two of you are relatives!"

"What did you say?" When Lu Tianwei heard Chen Yang's words, he grabbed Chen Yang's hand, "Are you joking? Do you really know how to read faces?"

"Of course I can read the picture!" Chen Yang said, "And I can see it very accurately!"

"You mean she is destined to be my mother-in-law?" Lu Tianwei's eyes sparkled with excitement, and he hurriedly turned to Zhao Xiaorou, "Did you hear that? The two of us...!"

Before Lu Tianwei finished speaking, he was interrupted by Zhao Xiaorou, "Doctor Chen said that you and my mother are related, not your mother-in-law, so stop thinking about it!"

"This means that we will get married, otherwise, how could we have relatives..." Lu Tianwei suddenly paused and asked, "What's your mother's last name?"

"Lin!" Zhao Xiaorou replied.

"Lin?" Lu Tianwei looked at Lin Lin again, his face pale, "From Dongchuan, surnamed Lin...!"

Suddenly Lu Tianwei blurted out, "Could it be called Lin Lin?"

This time it was Zhao Xiaorou and Lin Lin's turn to be surprised!

Then Zhao Xiaorou even blurted out, "How do you know my mother's name?"

Lu Tianwei's smile is uglier than crying now, "I already said my name is Lu Tianwei, and my mother's name is Lin Hong...!"


For a moment, both Zhao Xiaorou and Lin Lin were shocked.

Lin Lin walked over directly and grabbed Lu Tianwei's hand, "You... are you my cousin's son?"

"Hmm!" Lu Tianwei felt that all the strength in his body was drained!

According to seniority, Lin Lin is Lu Tianwei's aunt!

As for that Zhao Xiaorou, let alone that, that is Lu Tianwei's cousin!

They turned out to be relatives.

Lu Tianwei's parents left Dongchuan very early and came to Zhonghai City to do business. They seldom went back to Dongchuan, and they didn't have much contact with relatives in their hometown!

Lu Tianwei has never met this aunt, but only heard from his mother!

But Lu Tianwei never saw him once.

Not to mention the cousin, he just knew that there was a cousin, who would have thought that this cousin was actually Zhao Xiaorou.

At this moment, Lu Tianwei was full of embarrassment, wishing to find a crack in the ground to get in.


Suddenly, Lin Lin raised her hand and slapped Zhao Xiaorou across the face.

This slap blinded everyone present!

Even Chen Yang didn't understand why Lin Lin beat Zhao Xiaorou.

"Mom, what are you doing?" Lin Lin covered her face with confusion!

Lin Lin looked directly at Zhao Xiaorou, "Tell me honestly, have you ever done something embarrassing with your cousin?"

"a shame?"

Zhao Xiaorou and Lu Tianwei instantly understood the meaning of Lin Lin's words.

Both of them blushed, quickly waved their hands, and said together, "No, absolutely not...!"

"That's good!" Lin Lin breathed a sigh of relief.

Zhao Xiaorou and Lu Tianwei also breathed a sigh of relief!

At this moment, I saw Chen Yang beckoning to Zhao Xiaorou, signaling Zhao Xiaorou to come over!

Seeing Chen Yang say a few words in Zhao Xiaorou's ear, Zhao Xiaorou's complexion changed drastically, and the way she looked at Lin Lin also became strange...

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