He Qiushan's eyes were tightly closed.

When his breathing was stable, Chen Yang said, "You can open your eyes now!"

In an instant, He Qiushan's eyes were as bright as a boy's, and the turbidity in his eyes was gone!

All the wrinkles on the forehead disappeared!

He Qiushan seemed to be ten years younger in an instant.

He Qianqian stared into He Qiushan's eyes in surprise, "Grandpa, your eyes are so bright, like a young man."

"Really? I also feel a lot younger, full of strength!" He Qiushan had a joyful smile on his face, and looked at Chen Yang, "Is the medicine effective?"

"The prescription can be seen everywhere, and what is useful is my ancestral spiritual paper, which contains spiritual energy!" Chen Yang said nonsense solemnly, "The spiritual energy has to enter your meridian completely through the thirteen needles passed down from my ancestors. I also taught you the mind method of breath adjustment, which has opened one of your meridians, now you can try it, see if you can get lucky!"

When He Qiushan heard Chen Yang's words, he quickly sat down and put his hands on his stomach!

Suddenly, he found that he could feel the aura passing through the meridians and entering his meridians!

In an instant, He Qiushan burst into tears.

For a long time, he was unable to open the pulse door, and he was destined to be unable to practice.

But at this moment, he actually felt the spiritual energy entering his meridians.Although it is not yet possible to become true energy, at least it is possible.It's like a person sentenced to death, who obviously has no hope, is suddenly commuted to life imprisonment!

As long as you are alive, you have a chance to get out of prison alive.

He Qiushan was so excited that he couldn't speak, he could only hold Chen Yang's hand tightly with both hands and refused to let go.

"Mr. He, don't get too excited." Seeing He Qiushan's appearance, Chen Yang was worried that He Qiushan would get over excited and die right away!In that case, He Qianqian would really fight him desperately.

"Grandpa, don't get excited." He Qianqian had never seen her grandfather so excited before, and was also worried that something would happen to He Qiushan, so she hurried over to persuade He Qiushan.

He Qiushan calmed down, and adjusted his breath again according to the heart method Chen Yang taught him.

Chen Yang, He Qianqian, and Sun Yiran walked out of the room.

Chen Yang's hand suddenly stretched out without warning, blocking He Qianqian's face, and almost touched He Qianqian's tall ball!

"He Qianqian, you won't play tricks, will you?" Chen Yang still remembered the bet He Qianqian made with him just now. Now that He Qiushan has opened a door, Chen Yang won. Now it's time for He Qianqian to cash in.

"Hmph, I, He Qianqian, never play tricks, and I am willing to gamble and admit defeat!" He Qianqian bit her lips lightly. Although she hated Chen Yang very much, she also admitted that Chen Yang's medicine was indeed effective!

"Very good." Chen Yang said, "Come on, you can do this dance!"

Chen Yang has already found a dancing video from the Internet, he opened that video!

When He Qianqian and Sun Yiran saw the dancing video played on Chen Yang's phone, they scolded at the same time, "Rogue"!

He Qianqian even directly refused, "Don't dance!"

"You guys are biased!" Hearing what the two of them said, Chen Yang snorted coldly, "This is a serious dance, watch it? It's called pole dancing. There is an international competition for pole dancing. He Qianqian, you said you were willing to bet on it. If you admit defeat, why are you lying again now?"

"I... I didn't talk about this kind of dance!" He Qianqian said.

"Okay, since you don't do pole dancing, you can only do orangutan dancing!" Chen Yang found another one, this time it was a girl imitating the gorilla dancing, it can be said that she had no image at all!

If He Qianqian danced the "orangutan dance", she would be ashamed to see others in the future.

"I... I'd better do pole dancing!" He Qianqian gave in when she saw the "orangutan dance" behind Chen Yang, she might as well do pole dancing!

"Very good!" Chen Yang said, "Just let me know when you're ready... Do you mind if I start a paid live broadcast of you dancing pole dancing?"

He Qianqian clenched her pink fist with her right hand.

Chen Yang laughed immediately, "Just kidding."

Tang Xueyun has been waiting for Chen Yang in the living room.

When she saw Chen Yang coming out, Tang Xueyun's heart was finally relieved.

"Honey, let's go." Chen Yang's hand naturally wrapped around Tang Xueyun's waist, and he could only feel the delicate skin of Tang Xueyun coming from his palm, so he couldn't help but hug Tang Xueyun even tighter!

Tang Xueyun's delicate body was pressed against Chen Yang, she just glanced at Chen Yang, but didn't say much!

After all, she and Chen Yang were husband and wife in name, and it was normal for Chen Yang to hug her intimately.

Just as Tang Xueyun and Chen Yang took a few steps, they suddenly heard He Qianqian's voice from behind, "Chen Yang, stop!"

Tang Xueyun was shocked!

She thought that the He family would not let Chen Yang go, and when she looked at Chen Yang, Chen Yang understood, and patted Tang Xueyun's elastic back with her hand, "Honey, don't worry!"

Chen Yang turned to He Qianqian, "What are you doing?"

"My grandpa wants to see you!" He Qianqian said.

"Your grandpa doesn't want to renege on his debts, does he? Let me tell you something up front. The 3000 million is for buying my family's ancestral spirit paper. I will never return the money to your grandpa!" Chen Yang said.

"Brother Chen, you misunderstood."

He Qiushan's voice came over.

At this moment, He Qiushan's voice is loud and he walks like flying. He doesn't look like an old man in his 60s at all.

He strode up to Chen Yang with a smile all over his face, "Brother Chen, I, He Qiushan, have made a lot of money in my life. Although I can't compare with the Song family, which is invincibly wealthy, 3000 million yuan is not enough for me." But it's an insignificant amount of money, I won't be as small as Brother Chen thinks!"

"That's good." Chen Yang smiled.

"Brother Chen, if you don't dislike me, I want to make a sworn vow with you!" He Qiushan directly expressed his thoughts.

That He Qiushan is an authority in the collection field!

In one sentence, he can double the value of an ordinary antique.

It can also make a priceless collection worthless.

Being able to become sworn brothers with He Qiushan is the dream of many rich people.

This time, He Qiushan actually offered to make sworn vows with Chen Yang, which was simply a blessing in disguise.

Even Tang Xueyun felt that this was a good thing and was happy for Chen Yang.

But who would have thought that Chen Yang would shake his head when he heard He Qiushan's words that he wanted to make a vow with him, "I'm sorry, I can't make a vow with you!"

When Chen Yang said these words, everyone present was stunned!

Even He Qiushan was taken aback.

He never expected that Chen Yang would refuse to be sworn brothers with him.

This is something that many people wish for, but Chen Yang refused it lightly!

"Why?" He Qiushan asked.

Chen Yang looked at He Qiushan, and said with a light smile, "I have already sworn sworn brothers with someone, if you want to sworn sworn brothers with me, you need to ask my elder brother's opinion, but I think my elder brother should not be willing to sworn sworn brothers with you."

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