The invincible fairy doctor of the beautiful president

Chapter 200 Gives you an unforgettable lesson

He Qiushan opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood!


He Qiushan passed out again.

As soon as He Qianqian saw He Qiushan vomited blood and fainted, she became furious!


Without saying a word, He Qianqian hit Chen Yang hard with her pink fist.

When Chen Yang saw He Qiushan passed out, he just wanted to bend down to check the specific situation of He Qiushan, but he didn't want He Qianqian to move his hand involuntarily, and saw He Qianqian's fist hit him.

Chen Yang had no choice but to raise his hand, and as soon as he grasped He Qianqian's wrist, the punch stopped in front of him.

"Don't make trouble, let me see your grandfather first." Chen Yang said.

"Who is making trouble with you, you liar, at this point, you still want to continue to lie." A murderous look emerged between He Qianqian's brows. She was not joking with Chen Yang, but really regarded Chen Yang as a liar.

He Qianqian's right wrist was held, and she twitched hard, but she didn't move.


He Qianqian's left leg suddenly exerted strength and kicked Chen Yang's crotch hard.

He Qianqian has practiced martial arts since she was a child, and ordinary people are not He Qianqian's opponents.

Her kick is very powerful, if it hits Chen Yang's crotch, Chen Yang will be useless in this life.

"Good guy, you are trying to make me die!"

As soon as Chen Yang saw He Qianqian's kick coming, he quickly let go of his hand, dodged to the side, and avoided the kick.

But He Qianqian didn't stop there.

With one kick in the air, He Qianqian jumped up and hit Chen Yang hard with her knee.

With this breath, He Qianqian made several killing moves in succession, and the moves were vicious, but if Chen Yang didn't dodge one move, Chen Yang would be miserable.

"He Qianqian, you are young, but you are vicious." Chen Yang was also annoyed, He Qianqian didn't care about injustice, and attacked him as soon as he came up. No matter how good-tempered Chen Yang was, he couldn't just let He Qianqian blindly.

What's more, He Qianqian's attack was too cruel. If it was not Chen Yang, but another person, that person would have already been disabled.

Chen Yang decided to teach He Qianqian a lesson and make He Qianqian restrain herself.

Chen Yang didn't hide this time!

Just when He Qianqian's knee hit him, Chen Yang gathered his true energy, turned his right hand into a palm, and bumped into He Qianqian's knee!


He Qianqian's knee hit Chen Yang's right palm hard.

Chen Yang's palm didn't move at all, but He Qianqian's body was blown away by this palm.


He Qianqian slammed her body against the door.

Before He Qianqian could react, Chen Yang raised his right leg, took only one step, and instantly arrived in front of He Qianqian.

"He Qianqian, you are too domineering, this is a lesson for you." As Chen Yang spoke, he immediately carried He Qianqian on his shoulders!

His right hand is raised!

He slapped He Qianqian hard on the back.


There was a crisp applause.

He Qianqian only felt hot for a while, and she couldn't help shouting in pain, "Chen Yang, I'm going to kill you!"


Chen Yang's hand fell down again.

This time with more power!

"He Qianqian, I'd like to see when you knew you were wrong!" Chen Yang said, "If you don't know you're wrong, I'll beat you to know your mistake. With a domineering personality like yours, accidents will happen sooner or later. I'm doing this for Hello."

How could He Qianqian have suffered such humiliation when she grew up so big.

Ever since she was a child, He Qianqian has always been spoiled by others!

Very talented, easy to learn.

Already been pampered to the sky.

But today, she was humiliated by Chen Yang.

Tears flickered in his eyes, "I'm not wrong, you liar killed my grandfather, I will definitely make you pay the price...I will never forgive you!"


Chen Yang's hand fell again.

"Who said I harmed your grandpa? Your grandpa vomited blood because he was too anxious. If you didn't take the initiative to exercise, your grandpa wouldn't vomit blood and faint!" Chen Yang said, "He Qianqian, listen to me, I want to check on your grandfather's situation now, you'd better stop moving around, otherwise, I'll beat your PP to blossom...!"

"Rogue, rascal!"

He Qianqian shouted angrily!

"Do you agree?" Chen Yang raised his hand again.

He Qianqian was scared by Chen Yang!

Although she was very unwilling in her heart, but due to the current situation, He Qianqian had no choice but to nod with tears in her eyes, "Okay, I...I agree."


Chen Yang put He Qianqian on the ground.

At this moment, Sun Yiran rushed in.

She heard He Qianqian's yelling and cursing in the room from outside, and knew that something happened inside, so she rushed in.

As soon as he came in, he saw He Qianqian scolding Chen Yang with tears in his eyes.

"Qianqian, what's wrong? Did he bully you?" Sun Yiran asked hastily.

"Sister Yiran!"

As soon as He Qianqian saw Sun Yiran coming, she seemed to have found her backbone. She suddenly threw herself into Sun Yiran's arms, cried, and pointed at Chen Yang and said, "He caused grandpa to vomit blood and passed out. He bullied me just now. I……!"

He Qianqian's cheeks were blushing, and she was too embarrassed to say it.

Sun Yiran looked directly at Chen Yang, she was about to speak, but she didn't want Chen Yang to tap He Qiushan, He Qiushan suddenly sat up from the bed!


He Qiushan opened his mouth and spat out another mouthful of blood.

But this time, He Qiushan did not faint.

"How was I just now?" He Qiushan asked.

"Blood stasis in the heart veins caused you to pass out." Chen Yang said, "I just asked you to spit out that mouthful of blood."

He Qiushan just wanted to move, but Chen Yang stopped him, "Master He, I beg you, just sit down obediently and don't move any more. If you faint again, your granddaughter will really kill you I……!"

Chen Yang was talking, his eyes were deliberately looking at He Qianqian, his brows were raised slightly, and he made a provocative gesture.

He Qianqian's eyes were red and there were tears on her face. Seeing Chen Yang making a provocative gesture towards her, He Qianqian bit her lip hard and made a fierce expression to fight back.

Chen Yang ignored He Qianqian, and turned his attention to He Qiushan again, "The way you exercised your kung fu just now is wrong, it will cause your blood to clash... Now, I will teach you the correct way of luck, you just need to follow what I said With luck, you can open the pulse gate...!"

"Really?" He Qiushan was overjoyed.

He was really impatient just now and couldn't wait to get lucky.

Little did he know that the meridian door on He Qiushan's meridian had just opened, and his reckless luck would only cause his qi and blood to clash.

Chen Yang asked He Qiushan to close his eyes, and follow Chen Yang's heart and luck.

Chen Yang just taught He Qiushan the mental method of regulating breath. This kind of mental method is not a mental method of cultivation. It will not help He Qiushan cultivate his true qi, but it can strengthen his body and make He Qiushan's breath stable.

Chen Yang has helped He Qiushan open one of the meridian doors, making it possible for He Qiushan to cultivate this uncultivable meridian. As for whether He Qiushan can have true energy, it can only depend on He Qiushan himself.

"You can open your eyes!" Chen Yang said.

The moment He Qiushan opened his eyes, He Qianqian and Sun Yiran, who were still cursing Chen Yang just now, uttered "ah" at the same time, and both of them showed surprised expressions...

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