Chen Yang rejected He Qiushan's request to become a sworn brother.

Before He Qiushan finished speaking, He Qianqian had already pouted the cherry and said disdainfully, "I really thought my grandpa was willing to be sworn brothers with you. There are too many people who want to be sworn brothers with my grandpa, but my grandpa rejected them all! Today Fortunately, my grandpa took the initiative to make a sworn ceremony with you, but you didn't want to... and the elder brother who sworn to you, you know, it's my grandpa who sworn to you, and it's too late for him to beg you to make a sworn ceremony, how could he refuse!"

In He Qianqian's opinion, her grandfather is a big boss!

How could Chen Yang's so-called sworn brother be unwilling?

This is clearly Chen Yang's excuse!

He Qiushan was actually a little displeased.

He saw that Chen Yang had some abilities and wanted to make a sworn vow with Chen Yang.He Qiushan thought that Chen Yang should be overjoyed when he proposed to be sworn brothers with Chen Yang, who would have expected that Chen Yang would refuse.

He Qiushan looked at Chen Yang, "I don't know who is the gentleman you swore to? I, He, is somewhat famous in the country and has many friends. Maybe I still know him."

"Gu Zhenhong!"

Chen Yang said Gu Zhenhong's name.


The moment Chen Yang said Gu Zhenhong's name, everyone present was shocked.

Even Tang Xueyun exclaimed.

Tang Xueyun had never heard of the sworn marriage between Chen Yang and Gu Zhenhong, this was the first time she had heard of it.

Gu Zhenhong is one of the four great masters!

Many of his disciples are in the military, and his influence in the country is by no means comparable to that of He Qiushan.

Who would have thought that Chen Yang would become sworn brothers with Gu Zhenhong.

"You're talking about the martial arts master Gu Zhenhong?" He Qiushan asked.

"Yes." Chen Yang said.


He Qiushan gasped.

It is said that Gu Zhenhong is already a half-step Dixuan!

You must know that there are very few people at the basic level, but Gu Zhenhong's disciple, Dragon God, is already at the basic level. As for Gu Zhenhong, he has been at the basic level for many years, it is said that he may have already reached half a step!

Once Gu Zhenhong enters the Dixuan Rank, he will be No. 1 in hundreds of years.

He Qiushan pursued his whole life, only to possess true energy and become a cultivator!

Gu Zhenhong is the king he looks up to.

Even if you are rich and invincible, you will die eventually, how can you compare with immortality!

At this moment, He Qiushan didn't dare to say any more.

He is indeed not worthy to be called brother and brother with Gu Zhenhong.

Along the way, Tang Xueyun and Chen Yang didn't say a word.

Even when Chen Yang made jokes, Tang Xueyun kept a straight face without any smile.


As soon as the two of them got home, Tang Xueyun slammed the bedroom door shut.

Boom, boom!

Chen Yang stood outside Tang Xueyun's bedroom door and knocked on the door, "Honey, what's wrong with you? You haven't talked to me all this way, if you have anything, just ask!"


There was the sound of something breaking in the room.

Chen Yang didn't even need to use clairvoyant eyes to see, he could tell that Tang Xueyun was throwing things in a rage just by hearing the sound.

Boom, boom!

Chen Yang knocked on the door again!

The door was opened, and Tang Xueyun said with a sullen face, "What do you want me to ask you? You just want to see the jokes of our Tang family... You obviously married Gu Zhenhong, but you didn't say it, you would rather see me Because you fell out with the family, you just want to see my jokes? Don't you?"

"Xue Yun, don't blame me for this matter!" Chen Yang said, "I told your Tang family as soon as I came back, but your family didn't believe it, so what can I do?"

"What did you say?" Tang Xueyun asked angrily.

"I said that Gu Zhenhong is not angry." Chen Yang said, "It was people in your family who saw my tattered clothes and thought I had angered Gu Zhenhong and shot me! From the beginning to the end, I didn't say anything. Did I fall out with Gu Zhenhong?"

After hearing what Chen Yang said, Tang Xueyun's face softened a lot, "Then what's the matter with your clothes?"

"It's a long story. I was a good person once and saved a girl." Chen Yang said, "Speaking of which, that girl is pretty good-looking and young. She should be an Internet celebrity. Singing on the street, the voice is very nice..."


Before Chen Yang could finish speaking, Tang Xueyun had already closed the door.

"Women are really fickle. Just now, their complexion has softened. Why did they change in an instant..." Chen Yang muttered.

Chen Yang returned to his room.

As soon as she changed her clothes, she suddenly heard Tang Xueyun's coquettish cry from outside!


Chen Yang was startled, and he didn't care about wearing boxer shorts, he rushed out of the room and went straight to the direction of the sound.

Inside the bathroom!

Tang Xueyun was naked, sitting on the floor of the bathroom!

There was constant water spraying from the shower head!

At this moment, her snow-white delicate body appeared in front of Chen Yang.

Chen Yang tore off the bath towel next to her with his right hand, covered Tang Xueyun's body, and reached out to hug Tang Xueyun!

The water drenched Chen Yang's clothes!

Tang Xueyun bit her lips lightly, as if she wanted to say something, but she took it back!The slender right arm stretched out and wrapped around Chen Yang's neck.

Tang Xueyun can only do this if she has incomparable trust and closeness to Chen Yang.

The water is turned off!

Chen Yang came to the living room with Tang Xueyun in his arms!

Put Tang Xueyun on the sofa, Tang Xueyun's delicate body was wrapped in the bath towel, her right foot stretched out and rested on Chen Yang's lap.

"A sprained ankle?" Chen Yang put his hand on Tang Xueyun's ankle, and his fingers slid on Tang Xuerun's delicate feet like suet jade, "Don't move, I'll rub it for you twice, and it will be fine soon!"

"I'm sorry!" Tang Xueyun suddenly said this.

Chen Yang was rubbing Tang Xueyun's ankle with his hand. Hearing Tang Xueyun's words, he smiled lightly and said, "Why are you apologizing to me? You didn't do anything wrong!"

"I shouldn't be angry with you." Tang Xueyun said, "My family has always looked down on you! I didn't fall out with grandpa because of you, I...I did it for myself."

"You don't need to explain to me so much, I understand it in my heart, if you really want to apologize, just give me a kiss!"

Chen Yang just said it casually, but unexpectedly, Tang Xueyun put her arms around Chen Yang's neck, took the initiative to put her fragrant lips on Chen Yang's lips, and gave Chen Yang a kiss!

"Just one?" Chen Yang seemed dissatisfied and wanted to continue!

"Is one not enough?"

"Not enough!" When Chen Yang said this, he suddenly put his arms around Tang Xueyun's waist, and put his lips on it.

Tang Xueyun's dark eyes were slightly closed, and they were pressed against Chen Yang's lips!

Chen Yang put his arms around Tang Xueyun's waist, and slowly put Tang Xueyun on the sofa. From the beginning to the end, their lips never left!

Chen Yang pressed Tang Xueyun on the sofa.

His lips were close to Tang Xueyun's!

At this moment, both of them can hear each other's heartbeat!

When their lips parted, they looked at each other!

Suddenly, Chen Yang pulled off the bath towel covering Tang Xueyun's body.

Immediately afterwards, her lips pressed against Tang Xueyun's lips...

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