Obviously, Ma Baojin was explaining.

I didn't listen to his explanations, but directly clarified the purpose of coming, saying that what happened last night can be let go, I came tonight to ask for some corpses.

Ma Baojin's body froze, he said anxiously: "Are you going to lure the water ghoul again? Is there... danger?"

"It's not to lure the water ghoul, it's to feed the water ghoul." I said again.

Ma Baojin's expression suddenly changed.

He immediately said, "No!"

"You have unowned corpses here, more or less, they all carry evil spirits and resentment, and they are corpses that cannot be reincarnated." I said lightly.

Ma Baojin's expression changed again, beads of sweat were already dripping from his forehead.

Ma Baozhong and Ma Baoyi put down the body, his eyes were filled with anxiety.

At this moment, the gate of Yizhuang suddenly slammed shut!

A slender voice murmured: "What's your business, you can talk about it later, I'm still in a hurry to get the corpse on the road."

From the shadow on the other side, the pockmarked, round-faced corpse exorcist came out.

He held a copper coin sword in his hand, and the murderous intent in his eyes was even more fierce.

Ma Baojin's pupils constricted, he frowned, and looked at the corpse driver suspiciously.

"Miao Sangui, didn't you leave in a hurry this morning? Why are you back?" Ma Baojin asked.

Ma Baojin faintly became vigilant.

That Miao Sangui sneered, with even more murderous intent in his tone.

"Why did you come back again? Don't you want to ask you Ma Baojin? It's okay for me to chase the corpse during the day, but at night, without the soul-absorbing bell, how can I suppress the corpse?"

"Don't come back to your place?!"

Ma Baojin frowned even more, and said: "You don't have the soul-destroying bell, what does it have to do with me?"

"I just spent the night in your Yizhuang, and the dementor bell was lost overnight. You said it has nothing to do with you?!" Miao Sangui's tone was even colder. go!

During this process, he raised the copper coin sword, aiming to kill Ma Baojin!

Ma Baojin was shocked.

He suddenly pulled out a copper coin sword and took it directly towards Miao Sangui!

During this period, my complexion became more and more serious.

Miao Sangui came here with murderous intentions, but I didn't expect that he would strike first if there was a disagreement.

Ma Baojin is not Miao Sangui's opponent.

If this fight continues, Ma Baojin will be injured, and the things to be done for me will have to be postponed.

With a clang, where the two collided, the copper coin sword shot out a large amount of sparks.

Ma Baojin stepped back a few steps, Ma Baozhong and Ma Baoyi supported his shoulders.

Miao Sangui landed heavily on the spot where Ma Baojin was standing just now.

He raised the copper coin sword and was about to step forward again.

I stepped forward and came behind him very quickly.

Miao Sangui turned his head, his face was extremely cold.

"Stand honestly, what do you want to do, wait until your old man is done, or I will break your thin arms and legs." His tone became more fierce.

My face suddenly changed, and my eyes narrowed slightly.

"Who are you?!"

Originally, I just wanted to stop their fight and let Ma Baojin handle things for me first. If there is any cause and effect between them, just talk about it and solve it properly.

But this person's mouth is too smelly and dirty!

"Hehe, I said it, it's you! Being a gentleman, wearing a Tang suit, you still have breathlessness? I'm not surprised by you high-sounding tongue-tied people!"

He turned around abruptly, and the copper coin sword slashed towards the top of my head!

And before he could finish his sentence, he scolded again: "Wait till your old man gives you a good lesson!"

My face became more serious, I raised my hand, and grabbed his chin directly!

Even though the mortician is good at it, I have spent many years in the world, using fate for protection, and even fighting against Taoist priests of the Liu family.

Although this Miao Sangui is powerful, in my opinion, there are still many flaws.

I grabbed him, but he didn't even dodge, he still hit me on the head.

In an instant, his body was tilted, his face was painful, and he let out a muffled snort.

His copper coin sword slipped and slashed at my shoulder.

This time, I grabbed his jaw first.

The fingers pinched into the bone seam in an instant, and I just exerted a little force, and there was a shrill scream from his mouth.

The whole jaw was directly dislocated by me...

Then, I raised my left hand and slapped him on the face twice.

With a ferocious expression on his face, he waved his sword at me again.

I exerted more force on my hand, and his dislocated jaw began to deform.

Amidst the screams, his whole body collapsed.

Kneeling on the ground with a bang, how could he swing a sword?

"Okay!" Ma Baozhong shouted excitedly from the side, and he clapped his palms hard twice.

The astonishment on Ma Baojin's face remained undiminished.

As for Ma Baoyi, he felt uneasy.

"Your matter, after I leave, you can settle it yourself. Those two slaps are a lesson for you to speak rudely." I said something to Miao Sangui indifferently, and then I kicked him in the chest, and he With a muffled grunt, he fell to the ground.

Then, he got up in a panic, clutched his chin, and rushed towards the outside of Yizhuang in a panic.

Ma Baojin dodges, Miao Sangui smashes through the door and rushes out of Yizhuang.

The cold wind poured into the Yizhuang, blowing the candles flickering.

Ma Baojin and I bowed, his face became paler and paler, but this time, he didn't say anything else, he just asked me how many corpses would be enough.

I told him that as many as he had, he would send them to the gate of He's house in Feng Village.

There were many beads of sweat on Ma Baojin's forehead. He nodded and said a good word in a low voice.

I looked at him a few more times, and then my gaze fell behind him, sweeping across Ma Baozhong and Ma Baoyi.

In Ma Baozhong's eyes, there was a bit of dodge.

Ma Baoyi was as frightened as Ma Baojin.

I took a deep look at Ma Baozhong.

Ma Baozhong stepped back two steps!

He looked at me with more anxiety.

In fact, when I saw Ma Baozhong before, he was already qualified to steal.

Miao Sangui, who now lives in Mashan Yizhuang, lost the soul-destroying bell, and he did not lie.

It must be someone who took the sheep by the hand.

Ma Baozhong, there is a ninety-nine percent possibility.

However, I didn't say anything else, it's not something I should be in charge of.

I walked straight out of the Yizhuang.

After going down the mountain, I found the horse, got on the horse, and headed straight for Feng Village.

By the time I got back outside He's courtyard, it was already three o'clock.

He Qiyue didn't sleep, and paced back and forth in the courtyard.

It's not just her alone, there are several ghost women in the courtyard.

When I entered the hospital, He Qiyue hurried to me, followed by the rest of the ghost women.

Raising her hand, He Qiyue first took out a dark clay pot.

Under the moonlight, the earthenware pot reflected a lustrous luster, but the contents inside were as black as ink, and there was a faint stench.

"Yin corpse poison, Mr. Li, is it enough?" He Qiyue asked me with her lips pursed.

The other hags also looked at me, with eager inquiries in their eyes.

"It should be enough." I squinted my eyes slightly and murmured in a low voice.

"Then when are we going to leave?" Another ghost woman asked.

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