"Okay." A gleam of light appeared in Luo Zhongliang's eyes again.

Then, he hesitated again: "Then Mr. Li... Where are those two liars?"

I thought for a while, and then said: "Tomorrow, I will give them a few words of advice and let them leave."

In fact, when I said this, I had guessed the purpose of Zhang Jiugua.

However, I have no reason to accept him.

He also doesn't need me, but only needs a teacher to teach the art.

Luo Zhongliang was recruited because of his character and because of Luo Yinpo's kindness to me.

It is even more because Luo Zhongliang will be the disciple that Master likes.

Although Zhang Jiugua is similar to me, struggling in this sea of ​​fate, but a person like him is also very dangerous.

When I thought of this, I fell silent for a while.

Looking up, I look at the sky.

The sunlight has become dazzling, and if you squint your eyes slightly, you can see the white-like red sun.

When Master accepted me back then, it was time.

Secondly, I am the yin son of him.

If there are two yin-born sons, and the other has a loyal heart, maybe this person who is the successor of geology and geology will not be me.

"Go, Zhongliang." I said something again.

Luo Zhongliang nodded, and he hurriedly turned and left.

I stood at the gate of the courtyard for a while before returning to my room.

I changed the blood-stained clothes on my body, touched the wound I injured last night, and bled again.

He Zhi came over to help me treat the wound. After a simple bandage, I changed into a clean Tang suit.

After resting in the house, sleeping for half a day, and recharging my energy, I took a horse and left Feng Village after eating the meals prepared by He Zhi.

When I was about to leave the village, I approached the villagers and asked about the way to Mashan Yizhuang.

Riding on the horse, I passed through a village called Xiaoliu Village around the time of sunset, and after a short walk, I arrived at the mountain where Mashan Yizhuang is located.

Looking at the mountain from a distance, it looks like a head, and there are two long ridges, which look like a judge's hat.

I don't know if Ma Baojin was instructed by someone, or if it was a coincidence, he chose such a Yin mountain as the base of Yizhuang.

The Yinshan judge's corpse.

The Fengshui of this mountain is completely suitable for Yizhuang.

It was inconvenient for the horse to go up the mountain, so I tied it to the foot of the mountain and walked straight up the mountain.

The dwarf mountain is not high, and I will reach the top in two quarters of an hour.

Finally, after passing a bamboo forest, I saw a big house.

The word Mashan Yizhuang is hung on the door!

There was an open space in front of the door, and some coffins were stacked on both sides.

The gate of Yizhuang is closed tightly.

The time it took to go up the mountain was completely dark...

The moon hadn't come out yet, and the light was extremely dim for a while.

I went up and knocked on the door.

The muffled sound of thump thump almost formed an echo.

However, no one came to open the door.

I frowned, and shouted in a deep voice, "Ma Baojin!"

There is still no sound, and the door is still closed...

No one is there?

Did the Ma family father and son go to other places to drive away the corpse?

Or are they avoiding me?

In my thoughts, I brought some strength in my hand and directly pushed the gate of Yizhuang open.

Amidst the creaking sound, what came head-on was the stench of corpses.

There was a sense of coldness in the smell of this corpse, and there were some weird smells...

The lobby of Yizhuang is wide, and there are two bamboo shelves beside the wall, and there are candles burning weakly on them.

The thin candlelight reflected many long and narrow shadows.

On the other side of the lobby, there are at least a hundred coffins densely packed!

Some of these coffins are jet black, some are dark yellow, and some are white... There are even red coffins!

The father and son of the Ma family are indeed not in Yizhuang.

Faintly, I felt a sense of gaze behind me.

I squinted my eyes slightly and turned around.

At a glance, I saw a row of people standing on the wall behind Yizhuang Gate...

The whole face of the one in front was gnawed.

The rest of the corpses are more normal, they are all dressed up by villagers.

I have a brief understanding of some morticians who need to stand the corpse until it is dead before putting it in the coffin.

After contemplating for a moment, I did not leave immediately, but prepared to wait here for the return of the Ma family father and son.

As time passed, the sky became more and more gloomy.

After waiting for more than an hour, a figure appeared in front of the bamboo forest in the distance of Yizhuang.

I frowned slightly, only one?

After waiting for a moment, the figure approached.

Only then did I realize that it was not any one of the Ma family father and son, but a stranger I had never met before.

He was wearing the clothes and shoes of a mortician, and his appearance was extremely ugly.

And his face was extremely ugly, with murderous intent in his eyes!

The man arrived at the gate of Yizhuang.

From a quiet distance, I could see his facial features clearly, a round face covered with pockmarks, his eyes were small, he squinted with killing intent, it felt like there was only a slit left in his eyes.

And his eyebrows are sparse, and there are messy lines on his face...

His eyes fell on me, and there was doubt in his small eyes.

"Who are you?" He asked softly.

"Waiting for someone." I replied calmly.

"Waiting for someone? Who are you waiting for?" His tone was cold.

"Wait for the mortician here." I replied calmly.

"Are they there?" the man asked again.

I nodded.

The man stepped into the yizhuang, but began to look around, and even lifted a wooden box in the center of the main room.

I frowned slightly, and turned to look at him.

"What are you doing?" I said in a low voice.

"Looking for something." The man said coldly, "I stayed here a few days ago and lost some things."

"You can wait here until Ma Baojin comes back and ask him. If you go into someone's house without asking, it will be regarded as stealing." I said again.

He paused for a moment, and suddenly said: "It seems that what you said, sir, makes sense."

He stopped searching, but slowly disappeared into the shadow of the coffin.

I thought about it for a while, but I didn't ask him any more, but continued to wait.

Time, a little bit of the past again.

After a while, finally, a few figures appeared on the other side of the bamboo forest...

At a glance, I could tell that this was the three of Ma's father and son!

Ma Baojin limped ahead, followed by the burly Ma Baozhong and the lanky Ma Baoyi.

The two brothers were carrying a corpse, and they were walking forward with sweat on their foreheads.

After they walked a few steps, Ma Baojin froze for a moment.

Ma Baozhong and Ma Baoyi looked at each other even more.

My face didn't change, I still stood and waited.

The three of them, father and son, arrived in front of the gate of Yizhuang. Ma Baojin bowed to me, and shouted a little uneasy: "Mr. Li..."

Ma Baozhong and Ma Baoyi also called me Mr. Li in a low voice.

"Last night..." Ma Baojin opened his mouth, and his face was full of bitterness: "It's not that I, Ma Baojin, are unreasonable... There are too many water ghouls, I don't want to fold my son into it..."

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