"After Ma Baojin, the exorcist of Mashan Yizhuang, brings the corpse, he will poison it first, and then go to Yangjiang." I explained to him.

The ghost woman hesitated for a moment, and then said: "At dawn, we will begin to recognize the priests who return to the ancestors."

A faint voice came from the other side of the hall.

"That's great. On the first day He Zhi returns to He's house, we will be able to accomplish a big event. Besides those water ghouls, our He family can also enjoy some reputation."

"Grandma, why are you up?" He Qiyue immediately turned around and walked towards Ghost He.

I also looked at the main room, Granny He was holding the door frame, her body was still shaking slightly.

I whispered: "Grandma He, you can go into the house and rest. There is no problem here."

Grandma He smiled, and then she asked He Qiyue to help her and went back into the house.

After that, I asked He Qiyue and the others to rest too, and when it was dawn, they would recognize their ancestors and return to their ancestors according to Grandma He's words.

At that time, Ma Baojin should have delivered the corpse.

He Qiyue and the others did not insist anymore, she dismissed the rest of the witches, and went back to the room to rest.

I also took a nap in the house.

When it was dawn, I was woken up by He Zhi.

At this time, He Zhi had already put on a pair of exquisite makeup, and even changed into a very clean and colorful gown of a ghost woman.

In previous years, He Zhi followed me and always wore plain clothes.

After she put on this robe again, it suddenly gave me a feeling of returning from a dream.

It seems like in the blink of an eye, 13 years ago, He Zhi was still that savage little ghost woman of Aokiji.

The vicissitudes of time have left many traces on me, but He Zhi is still young and beautiful.

"Everyone is here." He Zhi pursed his lips and murmured softly.

I sat up straight and my mind cleared.

"It's okay, calm your mind." I gently stroked He Zhi's cheek.

Her eyes were slightly red, she lowered her head, and said, "If grandpa is still there, then it will be fine."

After I was silent, I said softly: "He Ghost Possessed knows, she will be very pleased."

"Yeah." He Zhi nodded vigorously.

"Come out, maybe Dunkong won't be so nervous." He Zhi said again.

I tidied up my Tang suit and followed He Zhi out of the room.

In the middle of the courtyard, there was a large table, on which were not three sacrifices, but densely packed ghost knives and mourning sticks.

Around the courtyard, there were dense numbers of ghost women.

Many hags were wounded, with gauze bandages wrapped around their bodies.

There was a wicker chair in front of the table, and Grandma He was sitting on the wicker chair. She was dressed more heavily, and she had a slender mourning stick on her lap.

In the main room, Dunkong also changed into a brightly colored ghost woman costume, and the red mastiff lay beside it, rolled its eyelids twice, and let out a bored breath.

Obviously, the red mastiff is not interested in these witches at all.

Many hags looked at the red mastiff eagerly, their eyes full of longing.

I sent He Zhi to the door of the main room, and He Zhi stepped in first.

After that, I heard Grandma He's voice.

"Except for He Zhi and Li Dunkong, everyone else, please stand outside."

Grandma He's words seemed to be full of energy.

I stopped and nodded with He Zhi and Dun Kong in the house.

He Zhi came to Dunkong's side, and the mother and son stood side by side.

Grandma He stood up tremblingly, she raised the ghost knife in her hand above her head, her eyes were full of piousness.

"He Jinhua, the witches of the He family in the past, today's ceremony of acknowledging the ancestors, the ancestors and the ancestors have spirits, and they are kneeling at home!"

The moment Grandma He's voice fell.

All the witches around the courtyard raised their hands at the same time.

Everyone held a copper bell in their hands.

This is the ghost bell used by the ghost woman!

The crisp clanging sound resounded in the courtyard, forming an echo.

Granny He's eyes and tone were much sharper, she shouted in a deep voice: "He Zhi, Li Dunkong, why don't you kneel down and salute your ancestors?!"

He Zhi knelt down with a bang, she raised her hands above her head, and bowed down.

Dunkong knelt down and saluted together.

After three buckles and three bows, He Zhi raised his head again, tears streaming down his face.

Dunkong raised his head, his Qingzhi face was extremely serious.

Grandma He seemed to have thought of something, her eyes were also flushed.

"In a blink of an eye, it has been 13 years. Old He Tou gave me the identity of the leading hag of the He family. Although I have not been as good as him these years, I have protected the He family well. The dispute with the watchman back then has also subsided a little over the years. "

"Back then, old He Tou had no choice but to drive you out of the He family, Ji'er. Now you are also involved in the coffin technique, and you have even become Mr. Yin and Yang. You still never forget the He family."

"The He family should also have feedback. Now that I return to the He family, I still have one more thing to do."

Grandma He turned around, and the ghost knife in her hand pierced the ground fiercely.

"Old Hetou left suddenly, and the alternation of leading hags did not follow the rules of the ancestors."

"Pheaser, come to me!" Grandma He said kindly in the first half, and she also sighed.

The last sentence was a bit harsh.

All the ghosts of the He family fell silent for a moment.

They looked at He Zhi, some had conflicted eyes, but more people still showed some desire.

I frowned slightly.

I know that their resistance is still due to the fight between the ghost woman and the watchman back then, which almost wiped out the ghost woman's family.

Desire, I'm afraid it's He Zhi's ability now.

Coffin technique, yin and yang technique, and the red mastiff beside Dunkong!

I'm afraid there is only the red mastiff, which is the closest to the ghost woman, and the rest are conceivable but unattainable.

But my frown was not because of their eyes.

It was because Grandma He wanted to hand over the entire He family to He Zhi.

I didn't open my mouth to stop it immediately.

It is a troublesome thing for the He family to hand over to He Zhi.

But He Zhi belongs to the He family after all, and the former leader of the He family was He Guipo.

If He Zhi wants to accept, this is also her choice.

He Zhichu didn't move in the main room, she pursed her lips, her hands were hanging by her sides

"Pheasant?" Grandma He called again in a deep voice.

She turned sideways and looked at the Guillotine Knife on the table.

"All the hags and ghost knives of the He family are here. Pheasant, if you stain the guillotine with blood and be worshiped by the whole family, you can become the leading hag."

He Zhi still didn't move.

Grandma He's face was slightly pale, and when she looked at He Zhi again, her body trembled slightly.

Grandma He is about to speak again.

But He Zhi bowed, and she fell to her knees again.

"Grandmother, in the past 13 years, Pheasant has reflected on all the things he did before. Back then, I caused the He family to suffer a catastrophe, and I fought with the watchman for many years, and the hatred persisted."

"It is already a gift for Yu Zhier to return to the He family."

"Let's not talk about how many mistakes the pheasant has made. I am still a married woman, and I am a vassal of my husband in this life. How can I let the He family be attached?"

When he said this, He Zhi looked up at me.

There is only softness in my eyes.

In Grandma He's eyes, there was a burst of disappointment.

Many He family ghosts looked at each other in blank dismay.

Some people who resisted before, their gazes returned to normal, even with a bit of embarrassment.

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