Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 995 Wine, Three Animals, Documents

Liu Tianniu took out the high crown... This meant that he recognized Liu Zhengdao.

He asked me to show it in front of Liu Huayan, just to tell Liu Huayan his opinion on this matter.

I sighed again and said a good word.

"From now on, don't come to me again." Liu Tianniu put his hands behind his back, his back became more hunched, and he felt more aged.

Only then did I understand that Liu Tianniu had another meaning.

He handed Lao Huang over to Dun Kong, which was equivalent to letting go of the last thing that needed to be entrusted to deal with the aftermath.

I am afraid that in the time to come, he is already ready to meet the end of his life.

The old yellow mooed, and it was going to approach Liutianniu.

Dun Kong's face was also slightly pale.

Even Liu Tianniu's last sentence is enough to explain many things.

Dun Kong could also see what Liu Tianniu meant.

Liu Tianniu looked at Lao Huang, he flicked his sleeves and said in a low voice: "Back then, I let you stay in the Xianglu, that's what I meant."

"You are too loyal. My life in all directions cannot drag you down. Follow them." Lao Huang moaned again, and its body fell forward, and its two front legs actually knelt down directly...

The bull's eyes were filled with tears, and a few drops rolled down the eyelids.

Liu Tianniu turned around, the moment he entered the room, he closed the door with a bang!

Old Huang mooed sadly, and his body seemed to be bent a lot.

"Dunkong, kneel down." I whispered.

Dunkong knelt down straight on the ground.

I also knelt down and bowed to Liu Tianniu three times.

Dunkong knelt down and bowed with my movements.

Then I got up and walked out of the courtyard.

Dunkong pulled Lao Huang, and Lao Huang stopped every step. It took us a long time to walk out of the yard.

After leaving the village, he went straight back to Feng Village.

On the way, I kept recalling what Liu Tianniu said about Liu Huayan, and wanted Liu Zhengdao to find her.

They should all be in Yuan's Yin and Yang House?

I also thought that Liu Huayan wanted to kill Yuan Huashao, even if Liu Zhengdao didn't stop him, it would be empty talk.

There are quite a few masters in that yin and yang house, they will never sit back and watch Liu Huayan make a move.

On the contrary, I still need to worry about Liu Huayan's safety...

After all, Liu Tianniu is kind to me, and we have been with Liu Huayan for a long time.

At least, I can't let Liu Zhengdao and Liu Huayan become enemies.

Soon, we returned to Feng Village.

When they arrived at the courtyard of Grandma He's house, all the witches in the courtyard had disappeared.

He Qiyue was cleaning in the courtyard, while He Zhi was sitting beside the door reading a book.

Dukong went and pushed open the courtyard door, and Lao Huang walked in with his head bowed.

The red mastiff on the side of the yard suddenly stood up, its eyes were threatening, and it looked at Lao Huang vigilantly.

Lao Huang just glanced at it, ignored the red mastiff, walked to a corner of the yard and lay down.

He Qiyue was slightly surprised, but she didn't say much.

He Zhi put away the book and hurriedly walked up to Dunkong and me.

Glancing at the corner of the courtyard again, she whispered, "Why is Lao Huang..."

"It's a long story." I sighed softly, briefly talking about Liu Huayan and Liu Zhengdao's current whereabouts.

He Zhi murmured: "No wonder... Daoist Liu didn't come, Yuan Huashao's fate..."

She sighed again, and said: "Naturally, the ghost woman's life is more important, and the Taoist priests of the Liu family will choose." I was silent for a moment, then nodded.

He Zhi asked me again in a low voice, what is the plan now?

I told her, first recognize the ancestors and return to the clan, and then I will eradicate the water ghouls in Yangjiang. This time, I have to use ruthless methods.

Regarding the matter of Liu Huayan and Liu Zhengdao, I will also go to Yuan's Yin and Yang Mansion to see the situation. If there is no one there, I will try to find out their whereabouts.

He Zhi nodded and went back to read under the eaves.

After thinking for a while, I greeted He Qiyue.

When He Qiyue approached, his eyes were slightly puzzled.

I asked her, what is the worst poison of a ghost woman.

The reason I didn't ask He Zhi was because I didn't want to waste He Zhi's time.

Now that I move the water ghoul again, it's tantamount to helping Grandma He vent her anger. It's perfect for He Qiyue to come and talk to me.

He Qiyue said in a low voice: "The corpse poison is refined with the corpses in the corpse farm, and finally the nails, teeth, and other sharp objects are removed and ground into powder. This kind of poison seals the throat with blood. Mr. Li, you ask this do what?"

"How many?" I asked again.

"Not many, but other ghost women should have them too. I'll get them." He Qiyue said again.

"Well, I will go to Ma Baojin's place again. He left directly last night. Although he did not make a big mistake, but morally, it is not justified. I will ask him again for a batch of corpses, and then use this ghost poison to poison the corpses. Throw it into Yangjiang." I told He Qiyue directly.

He Qiyue's eyes turned red immediately, she trembled and said: "I'll go to someone else to ask for it right away, I must get enough, if it's not enough, let's practice corpse oil now!" What do you want her to do?

I shook my head and said no.

She hurried out of the yard and disappeared in no time.

I'm going back to the house to rest for a while.

But another person hurriedly ran outside the courtyard.

Isn't this person Luo Zhongliang? !

His face was full of excitement, and he even rushed into the yard recklessly.

The red mastiff turned his head abruptly, stared at Luo Zhongliang and barked lowly, as if venting his anger.

Luo Zhongliang was so taken aback that he almost didn't fall to the ground.

Lao Huang raised his eyelids, but it was still lying there.

I couldn't help but laugh.

Obviously, the red mastiff felt a sense of crisis after seeing Lao Huang.

But it also has spirituality, knowing that Lao Huang is not something it can touch, and it will not be Lao Huang's opponent. Now that Luo Zhongliang came to the door, it just happened to let it vent its anger.

"Zhongliang, what's the matter?" I smiled and said to Luo Zhongliang.

Only then did he feel a little better, with a smile on his face again.

"Mr. Li, those refugees and beggars in the temple, when they went to beg for food these two days, they always met rich people giving alms, and they got back a lot of money in a short time."

"Then... Zhang Jiugua and Zhang Er kid, although the two brothers cheated a lot, they also came up with a few ideas to get everyone back a lot of rations. The money they earned in the past few days is enough for everyone to eat and drink Don't worry about it for a few months!"

"You are right. Those three bronze unicorns have changed our situation. After discussing with you, I think you said before, move to the temple." Luo Zhongliang looked at me very seriously, and his words were very serious. serious.

I nodded and said, "The temple can be moved, but I'm not here to move it."

Luo Zhongliang was stunned for a moment, and murmured: "Sir, isn't it you?"

I hummed, and said again: "You go and prepare some things and put them in the temple." Luo Zhongliang pursed his lips for a while, and then said in a low voice, "Sir, what do you want to prepare?" It was obvious that his eyes were full of disappointment.

"Wine, three animals, blank documents." I paused and said, "Tomorrow night, I will come to the Houshan Temple, and then you will understand."

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