Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 985 News from the Great Elder

child?Do you have children? "Grandma He's eyes lit up.

He Zhi's face was flushed, and she whispered: "'s was something that happened when we came here a few days ago."

The look in Grandma He's eyes just now actually made me a little uncomfortable.

Over the years, Dun Kong was in poor health.

Since then, we have encountered too many things, and He Zhi and I have no time to have another child.

If it can stabilize after this time, it can be considered.

As I thought about it, He Zhi had already finished talking about the Chen Family Village.

He Guipo sighed softly: "Born blind... If you want to be a normal person, you are useless, but being a ghost woman is really possible."

"If you are blind and can't see, you will be more courageous. When you see a dead body, you will not be so afraid."

"Wait another two or three years, when he can babble, I will go to Chenjia Village."

He Pheasant thanked He Guipo softly.

After that, Ghost He said let us go to rest, if there is anything, we will talk about it tomorrow.

She went back to the room, and He Zhi and I entered the room.

Before the break, He Zhi mentioned that she wanted to try to count Liu Huayan.

I rejected her suggestion.

I am already a master of yin and yang, and I have been backlashed to this point.

He Zhi didn't make a fuss, if his mind was broken by the backlash, it would be a big deal.

She was resentful, and she gave up and said no more.

After a night of rest, when I woke up the next day, I taught He Zhi something about the Zhaijing that she didn't understand.

Afterwards, we went to have breakfast, and she went back to her room to read.

Dunkong is still learning talismans in the courtyard.

The red mastiff lay lazily in the yard basking in the sun.

Grandma He went out again, while He Qiyue looked at the escape talisman for a while, went to the red mastiff for a while, and called out to the red mastiff a few times.

The red mastiff ignored her at all.

I had nothing else to do for the time being, so I paced around the courtyard twice, then left the courtyard and walked in the direction of Luo's house.

Luo Zhongliang's affairs have settled down.

But I haven't dealt with the rest of the Luo family's affairs.

You can't just give money and teach Luo Zhongliang.

If the descendants of the Luo family are to be sheltered, the poor house of his family must be dealt with properly.

Not long after, I arrived at Luo's courtyard.

What made me stunned for a moment was that I didn't come for two days.

The original dilapidated fence was actually repaired with a brand new wall.

The clean red bricks look a lot tidier, and the courtyard door has been replaced with a new one.

I got a little more smile on my face.

Luo Quanming has misunderstood Luo Yinpo for many years, Luo Li is simple and honest, but the Luo family has a good daughter-in-law.

Raised his hand and knocked on the door.

The courtyard door opened quickly.

It was Huang Qiulan who opened the door.

"Mr. Li!" Huang Qiulan showed surprise on her face, and quickly let me into the courtyard.

After I went in, I immediately saw Luo Li and several villagers repairing the house on the west side.

Luo Quanming was standing beside him, holding the cigarette stick in his hand.

He also wore a brand new hat on his head, which made him look a lot more decent.

"Do you want to renovate the house?" I asked.

Huang Qiulan nodded repeatedly.

She hurriedly shouted: "Father, Mr. Li is here."

Luo Quanming immediately turned his head. Luo Li was still building tiles on the eaves. He looked up at me with a smile and respect on his simple and honest face.

"Mr. Li!" Luo Quanming hurried over.

I smiled kindly again, and then said: "Let Luo Li come down first, this house will not be renovated."

"I took a look at your yard, and the terrain is not bad. You can order a Yangzhai."

"The old house was pushed away, and all the houses were rebuilt. In terms of money, I will ask the pheasant to prepare it for you."

Luo Quanming stared at me blankly, and he murmured: "How did this happen? Mr. Li, you already..."

I raised my hand and interrupted Luo Quanming's words.

Huang Qiulan's face was flushed with excitement, and she bowed deeply to me.

Luo Li groaned and fell off the eaves.

However, he has a strong physique, except for a fall of ashes, he was not injured.

He ran over, with a simple and honest smile on his face, and thanked me non-stop.

I walked into the main room, and after sitting down, I took out the hemp paper, the ground pen, and the heavenly stem inkstone.

After a little contemplation, I started to draw pictures.

After about half an hour, a sketch was drawn.

I nodded and said: "The descendants of this house will be prosperous, or they will spread their branches and leaves, or they will produce powerful people. As for money, these are foreign things. As long as there are virtuous people, life will always be worry-free. , if I just give the Luo family money, I fear that no one will be able to keep it in the future, but after thinking about it, I still feel that people are the foundation."

Luo Quanming nodded again and again, and said in a low voice: "Mr. Li said that people are fundamental. If the children of the Luo family can be successful in the future, why are they afraid of starving to death?"

Luo Li just nodded, Huang Qiulan said cautiously, "What about Zhongliang?"

Obviously, Huang Qiulan's mother cared more about her son.

I smiled and said: "Zhongliang will become a great weapon."

There was only surprise in Huang Qiulan's eyes.

I had a meal at Luo's.

During this period, Luo Quanming asked me a lot about Luo Yinpo back then.

I've said everything I can remember.

Luo Quanming sighed.

It was almost one o'clock before I got up and left Luo's house.

When I returned to He Guipo's courtyard, Yang Qingshan actually came back in the courtyard!

However, his complexion was very ugly, and he stood in the middle of the courtyard with his hands behind his back, his eyes heavy.

Although he was only fourteen or fifteen years old, he had consumed his lifespan with the blood curse of the Suppressing God's Curse. Now that he was in his twenties, he already gave people a feeling of calmness and sharpness.

The look in his eyes made my heart sink.

I walked quickly to Yang Qingshan.

"Qingshan, where is Daoist Liu? What happened?!" I asked directly.

He left with Liu Zhengdao, and now only one person came back, and there was no one in the Taoist temple for the past two days.

Furthermore, his look made me extremely uneasy.

"He didn't have an accident, he is elsewhere at this time." Yang Qingshan replied, but his brows frowned even tighter, and vertical lines formed between his brows.

I was a little relieved, but my heart was hanging a little bit.

"He didn't have an accident?" My pupils shrank, and I murmured, "Could it be the Great Elder, what happened?"

"In the past few days, I have looked for you twice, but I couldn't find anyone." My tone became serious.

Yang Qingshan was silent, he lowered his head complicatedly.

In fact, there were still people in the main room, He Zhi and Dunkong, He Apo and He Qiyue were all there.

But they didn't speak, they were as quiet as a chilling cicada.

It was Yang Qingshan's serious expression that made them dare not make a sound.

My heart sank, my voice became hoarse, and I said word by word: "Grand Elder, where is he!? Could it be that he..."

Only then did Yang Qingshan shake his head and said, "He's not dead."


"It's just what? Don't be so secretive!" I couldn't control my voice, it got a little louder, and it was stern!

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