"You'll know it when you see him." Yang Qingshan said complicatedly.

Hearing this, I breathed a sigh of relief.

But then, my heart sank again and again.

Yang Qingshan is so dignified, what does Liu Tianniu look like now?

Yang Qingshan walked out of the courtyard, I didn't bother to talk to He Zhidunkong, and followed him closely.

There was a sound of kicking, and Yang Qingshan's horse ran to us from the other side of the road.

He got on the horse first, and I followed.

After leaving the village, Yang Qingshan whipped his horse.

He first walked east, and then changed to the southeast direction.

About an hour or so away, the horse stopped outside a very ordinary village.

We dismounted and walked into the village.

This village is extremely poor, and all the houses are built with earthen walls and fences, which is far different from Feng Village.

When we got to the center of the village, there was a slightly larger yard. Unlike other villagers' yards, there were no chickens and ducks in it, but it was clean.

In the middle of the courtyard, a man was kneeling.

This person is indeed Liu Zhengdao!

The house on the other side of the yard is no longer an earthen house, but the only brick house in the village.

Some childish voices came out of it, as if they were reciting something.

I frowned and looked at Liu Zhengdao, and then listened to the voice from inside the room.

I was stunned for a moment, and had some guesses.

Yang Qingshan didn't enter the courtyard, but stopped at the entrance of the courtyard.

I also stood at the gate of the courtyard, quietly looking at the closed door.

Time passed little by little.

The sky began to darken, and the scorching sun became the setting sun.

The door of the room finally opened, and all the children who ran out in a swarm were about seven or eight years old.

They rushed out of the courtyard...

Some children even bumped into Liu Zhengdao, but Liu Zhengdao was indifferent.

After all the children left, another figure walked out of the house.

When the man walked out of the house completely, my face couldn't help but changed drastically.

He is indeed Liu Tianniu!

It's just...they haven't seen each other for more than ten years, but Liu Tianniu's appearance has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Back then, he looked like a dignified middle-aged man.

In just ten years, he turned into a gray-haired old man.

His back is no longer straight, the high crown on his head is no longer, his eyelids are drooping, and his body is filled with the dead air that belongs only to the old man.

No wonder Yang Qingshan had that complicated, serious, and silent expression.

For him, Liu Tianniu was also someone whom Liu Sanyuan and Qiu Tianyuan treated with extra solemnity and care.

I also told Yang Qingshan a lot about Liu Tianniu.

But now looking at Liu Tianniu...

It was as if he was no different from an ordinary old man...

Liu Zhengdao's body trembled slightly, he was a big man, and his eyes turned red.

Thinking about the past few days, Liu Zhengdao's eyes have turned red more than once.

I stepped into the courtyard with a more silent and complex expression.

Liu Tianniu paused, coughed, and spoke slowly and calmly.

"Li Yinyang, long time no see."

I also paused, just standing beside Liu Zhengdao.

Clasping my fists together, I bent down as far as I could.

"Great Elder... Long time no see." I couldn't hold back, my voice trembled slightly.

"Hehe, then do you want to catch up with me, or do you want to take me away like this disobedient son?" Liu Tianniu smiled, his tone was still calm.

"I..." I opened my mouth.

Looking at Liu Zhengdao kneeling on the ground, and Liu Tianniu's words, I understand more.

"If the Great Elder doesn't want to leave, who can take you away? However, Yin Yang has too many doubts in his heart, so the Great Elder recounts the past, can you clear up my doubts?" I sighed softly and said.

"I'm an old bone, and I'm a little sleepy when I talk to children every day. If you want to hear it, I'll say it."

Saying that, Liu Tianniu walked to the right.

I followed him.

Yang Qingshan followed behind me.

Liu Tianniu paused slightly, and looked sideways at Yang Qingshan.

"I'm the same as him." Yang Qingshan pointed at me.

"A child can be taught." There was satisfaction in Liu Tianniu's eyes.

After walking a few steps with him, he came to a room next to him.

A simple farm house with farm tools in the corner and two doors on the wall, one is the kitchen and the other is the living room.

Liu Tianniu asked Yang Qingshan and me to sit down, and then went into the kitchen.

A quarter of an hour later, he came out with two plates of vegetarian dishes and several bowls of porridge.

After sitting in front of me and Yang Qingshan, he distributed the food to us.

I just saw that there were actually two deep wounds on his left and right wrists.

The wound had already healed and turned into a scar.

Looking at it from such a close distance, his hands trembled slightly, as if he had used a lot of strength to serve the dishes just now.

"Great Elder...your hand..." I asked in a hoarse voice.

"Well, a few years ago, something happened. Tiangan and Chixin found me. Since then, I have been annoyed by them often."

"They want me to go back, say, to preside over the so-called big picture."

"The overall situation? How can they understand what the overall situation is?"

"Mr. Jiang's strategic calculations are the real overall situation."

"They are always dull."

"I want to go back, but I'm the strongest and the highest seniority in the Liu family, so I simply picked some Tesuji."

What Liu Tianniu said was an understatement.

But to me, it's like a stormy sea!

Cut off your hand muscle?

That's right...except Liu Tianniu himself, who else could hurt him to this extent?

I have regrets in my heart.

The reason why Liu Tianqian and Liu Chixin were able to find him was because my divination calculations revealed that he was within the range of Kaiyang...

"Yinyang, what are you thinking? You shouldn't say I'm here, should you?" Liu Tianniu spoke again.

I was bitter, and said in a low voice: "Second elder and Chi Xin Taoist priest told you."

Liu Tianniu shook his head, he said: "Tiangan's mouth is as hard as the rock under the Qiang altar, he didn't say you revealed it."

"But apart from you, no one will be able to find me unless there is another descendant of Geographer."

I was stunned, and the bitterness on my face was even more bitter.

At this time, Liu Tianniu showed a slight smile on his face, and said again: "However, the two of them have always been obedient. I explained Mr. Jiang's arrangement and your hexagram to them. They are safe and sound." Let's leave."

"All of this is for the sake of the Qiang people. I will stay safely in Sifang because of the order of Sifang."

"Qiang people..." Liu Tianniu murmured, he looked out of the house, and there was still strong yearning in his eyes.

Yang Qingshan on the side didn't speak, his eyes were more complicated and stunned.

"Yinyang, what else do you want to ask, ask as much as you can, I can dream of Master from time to time, and I will soon be freed from this skin." Liu Tianniu's eyes showed a little relief.

My face changed again, and my eyes fixed on Liu Tianniu's brow, among the people...

Liu Tianniu is really too old, his eyebrows have fallen off a lot, and there are many wrinkles on his face.

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