Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 984 More than 1 good and less than 1 evil

"I don't want to keep bluffing and cheating, I want revenge, but those bastards have already been driven away."

"I just want to live a good life and not be bullied again in the future."

"I heard you talking to that person in Yin Yang House."

"Mr. Yin-Yang of the previous generation of geophysics is better than Yuan Xianshi, and you must be too."

"Can you tell me, where is my chance?"

After saying that, Zhang Jiugua knelt down on the ground, almost his whole body prostrated himself on the ground, his voice was extraordinarily respectful and pious.

I looked down at Zhang Jiugua.

Inexplicably, I felt somewhat familiar from him.

This feels weak.

But even if it is weak, it still makes me feel deja vu.

Wasn't it the same for me back then, with blood and deep hatred in my body, I was the only one left to roam the world of yin and yang.

Zhang Jiugua is better than me, and he has a younger brother.

But he is also miserable, because his enemy is already hard to touch.

Also, his chances are not as good as mine.

I have Second Uncle, Uncle Xu, Ghost He, Shizun, Liu Tianniu, Jiang Pan, Liao Cheng, etc.

Could it be that they are both a teacher and a father, so they regard me as a brother and a brother.

Zhang Jiugua can only cheat with one younger brother.

At this point in my thoughts, I said again: "If you want to live a good life, you need to walk the right path. I have met many people who have gone into crooked ways, and none of them have a good death."

"Either the body is decapitated, or the soul is scattered."

Zhang Jiugua raised his head tremblingly.

He bowed down again.

I was silent for a while before I spoke: "If you really want a chance, I can give you a chance."

"Go to Hongyuan County, where there is a Suspected Dragon Dojo, find a man named Tang Jiugong inside, and tell me that I told you to go."

"If you are qualified, you can learn skills without silver dollars."

After finishing speaking, I raised my hand and flicked it, and a copper piece of the Six Mansion Talisman fell in front of Zhang Jiugua.

Without pausing any longer, I walked straight out of the courtyard.

From behind, there was a bang bang bang sound.

It was clearly Zhang Jiugua who was kowtowing.

Regarding Tang Jiugong back then, I didn't pay much attention to his follow-up arrangements.

More layouts of the Doubtful Dragon Dojo were done by Jiang Pan to help those Mr. Yinshu.

Tang Jiugong was also arranged by him.

Among those gentlemen, only Tang Jiugong is old, the rest may change, and Tang Jiugong has the least change.

Call Zhang Jiugua, if he is really promising, he will regard me as a good deed.

After all, a very smart person is doing good things in the right way.

It is much better than him going into crooked ways.

With one more gentleman and one less villain, many fewer people will die in this world.

After leaving the Xiaopo Taoist temple, I got on the horse.

Raising the whip, I whipped the horse's buttocks.

The horse neighed and ran forward.

After leaving the mountain pass, I rushed back towards Hejia Village.

By the time they arrived at Hejia Village, the time had already passed.

He Zhi was still awake, reading a book in the main room.

When I dismounted, she quickly got up and walked towards me.

"I haven't been back for such a long time." He Zhi frowned, a little confused.

"Some small things happened. I went to Yangjiang and met an old man."

"Then I went to Po Taoist Temple again, but I didn't find Daoist Liu and Qingshan."

When I was explaining, He Zhi's hand held the clothes on my chest, and she frowned tightly.

"The clothes are wet, have you entered the water?"

"And your hand?" He Zhi immediately grabbed my wrist.

Under the candlelight, there were many blood lines on my fingers, like open wounds.

I sighed lightly and explained what happened tonight in detail.

He Zhi was astonished.

"Ma Baojin actually has two sons. There are so many water ghouls down the Yangjiang River. Could it be related to the Honghe incident?"

"You used to be able to count Liu Huayan's hexagrams, but now you can't"

"Liu Daochang and Yang Qingshan"

He Zhi's voice became more and more serious.

Then, she said in a low voice: "Zhang Jiugua is just a bluffing kid, you actually let him go to Suspect Dragon Dojo"

"Back then, I was just a yin-born child." I sighed lightly, and said, "It's not bad to have one more sentence and one less person who goes astray."

He Zhi was startled, she pursed her lips and said, "Okay."

Then, He Zhi showed a look of hesitation, and said: "Then the matter of Yangjiang is resolved, and one thing will be missing."

"For the sake of escape, we can't delay any longer"

"Without the Taoist priests of the Liu family, all the ghost wives will come in a few days. How about letting the ghost wives do it?"

My heart trembled slightly, and I lowered my head in thought.

The water ghoul is fierce, but the ghost woman is good at martial arts.

But only if Liu Zhengdao and Yang Qingshan are here, I can be sure that we are not injured

Once the ghost woman is not the opponent of the water ghoul, she will definitely suffer heavy casualties

While hesitating, I shook my head.

He Zhi bit her lip, she didn't speak anymore.

"I think maybe you can try it?" Granny He's slightly aged voice came from outside the house.

Turning around, I saw her wrinkled face.

"I originally wanted Qiyue to serve Dunkong, but you also disagree with Yinyang."

"The He family wants to get more protection from the husband, so they can't just give nothing."

"Furthermore, the water ghouls have troubled the villages and towns near the river in recent years, and many ghost women in the He family have also been affected. It will be beneficial to eradicate them." Granny He paused, and then said: "Also, you just now For escape? Although the old lady doesn’t know why, but escape is a junior of my He family, such a talented child, the He family should help him.”

He Zhi had a happy expression on her face, she looked at me expectantly.

I was silent again, and then said in a low voice: "Three days, wait for another three days, if I can't find Daoist Liu and Qingshan, I will do this."

Granny He nodded immediately, the folds on her face were all folded together with a smile.

"It's so good. People from the He family are farther away. It will take a few days to come here. Some of them should arrive tomorrow. I'll let July settle down in the village first."

I clasped my fists in both hands and said in a low voice: "Thank you, Grandma He, I must also have a big thank you to the He family."

Granny He said with a smile: "If you want to thank me a lot, how about letting Dunkong be the head ghost of the He family in the future?"

My face froze.

There was even more joy in He Zhi's eyes.

"Let's discuss this matter later when Dunkong is bigger. If the head of the He family becomes a foreign surname, how will he convince the rest of the He family?"

Grandma He waved her hand and said, "Yin Yang, you don't need to worry about this matter, this time, let Dunkong show his skills first, his blue wolf mastiff is enough to make all ghost women dare not speak! "

Granny He has a lot of confidence in her eyes.

I glanced at the red mastiff in the yard.

It raised its head slightly and let out a sigh.

I hesitated for a moment before nodding.

He Zhi smiled and took my arm, and Grandma He also smiled.

At this moment, He Zhi suddenly remembered something and said, "That's right! Mother-in-law, please do me a favor."

"Accept a child to get started."

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