The moonlight was quiet, and at the gate of the courtyard, two shadows stretched extremely long.

One of them is Zhang Jiugua with glasses and a round hat, and the other is the thin and small Zhang Er.

Zhang Jiu's cheeks puffed up, and Zhang Er covered his head with a bitter look on his face.

"Brother, you don't want to trick him into teaching you fortune-telling," Zhang Er whispered again.

Zhang Jiugua raised his hand and was about to hit Zhang Er's head again.

His movements froze suddenly.

The next moment, he turned his head and looked into the main room.

I look at him.

Zhang Jiugua froze for a moment.

My eyelids twitched slightly, but my heart sank slightly.

I bit the tip of my tongue a little, the tingling stimulated my body, and the cramping feeling disappeared a little bit.

Still, I had trouble sitting up and my body wasn't recovering.

Zhang Er also looked at me, his expression changed, he was surprised: "Li Li"

"Li what Li, Mr. Li!" Zhang Jiugua slapped Zhang Er on the head.

He immediately smiled and walked into the main room.

During this process, Zhang Jiugua looked at me very carefully.

As he got closer, his eyes became brighter and brighter, but his forehead began to sweat.

Looking at his expression, it's like a war between heaven and man in his heart.

As Zhang Jiugua arrived in front of the main room, he licked the corner of his mouth, and suddenly said: "Mr. Li, are you flirting?"


With my hands on the ground, I want to sit up again.

But the cramps and cramps in the chest intensified slightly, and the fingers felt warm.

On the ground, I pressed out a few bloody finger marks.

"Brother, he can't move."

Zhang Er swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and his Adam's apple rolled.

"Are we going to get rich?" Zhang Er murmured again.

In an instant, Zhang Jiugua's face was full of smiles.

He also licked the corner of his mouth, and murmured: "Get rich? No, Zhang Er, I'll just say you, you have no vision!"

"This is our chance!"

As he spoke, Zhang Jiugua quickly walked up to me, and he untied the belt around his waist.

Obviously, the two brothers have done this kind of thing more than once.

Zhang Er came over quickly and broke my hands to the back, while Zhang Jiugua quickly tied my hands.

Then, the two brothers quickly rummaged through me.

My face started to look ugly.

"Zhang Jiu Gua, if you get lost, you will have time to return, otherwise you will make a mistake"

Before I finished speaking, Zhang Jiugua looked at me with a smile, and he said: "Mr. Li, you know how to turn back when you lost your way. You said it lightly. My father entered the army back then. Once he left, he never came back again." , Our village was ransacked by those bastards, all the women in the village were taken away, my mother hugged my brother and refused to leave, and was stabbed to death forcefully."

"I hid in the room and didn't dare to come out. After the group of miscellaneous hairs left, I opened her body and pulled my brother out."

"Going back when you're lost? All I know is that if you want to survive, you need to have skills."

What Zhang Jiugua said seemed to be very relaxed, and even the expression on his face was still smiling.

But the hatred in his eyes was extremely deep.

Zhang Er on the side was a little dull, obviously, he didn't fully understand this kind of hatred.

I frowned, but the smile on Zhang Jiugua's face gradually disappeared.

"" He pursed his lips, his eyes gradually becoming stunned.

"Mr. Li, you are such a dignified gentleman that you don't even have a purse?"

"Where's your money?" Zhang Jiugua stared at me, reaching out to grab my collar.

At this moment, Zhang Er quickly grabbed Zhang Jiugua's hand.

He was a little cautious.

"Brother has been tied up and searched. Don't do it again. Let's not offend him to death."

Zhang Jiugua flung Zhang Er's hand away. He gasped for breath, but he didn't come to grab me.

He muttered: "It's impossible for Mr. to be poor, and he took a lot from me, hiding the soles of my shoes?"

As he spoke, his eyes slanted upwards.

The next moment, Zhang Jiugua froze, staring straight at the table.

"Gold gold?"

Zhang Jiugua stood up suddenly, went directly to the table, and grabbed Jin Suan.

In the next moment, he grabbed the golden abacus.

There was a soft crackle.

It was the beads of the golden abacus, and it moved a bit by coincidence!

Another moment.

Zhang Jiugua stood stiffly on the spot.

He fell straight back


Zhang Jiu fell straight on the ground with his eyes closed, apparently fainted.

Zhang Er was frightened.

He yelled "Brother" in fear, jumped to Zhang Jiugua's side, and shook Zhang Jiugua's shoulder vigorously!

Zhang Jiugua still had his eyes closed, motionless.

My pupils are also constricted.

Staring at Zhang Jiugua, he raised his head slightly and glanced at the golden abacus on the table.

Faintly, I saw the first bead move a little

I was doing fortune telling just now.

The direction to dial is Liu Huayan's current hexagram of fate!

But I was backlashed

Zhang Jiugua was impartial, pressing down in my direction?

So he just fell down? !

But ordinary people, how can they move the golden abacus? !

"My brother is dying, you save him"

Zhang Er knelt down in front of me in fear, and he kowtowed vigorously to me, his tone even more disturbed.

After a while, that cramping feeling dissipated more and I regained some control.

The hands twisted behind his back, the rope tied by Zhang Jiugua and Zhang Er was not dead enough.

After all, the two children are not professional gangsters.

I know more about human bones, and there are various ways to retrieve and bind corpses.

After a while, I broke free from the rope.

I haven't got my hand out yet.

As if remembering something, Zhang Er said in a panic, "I'll let you go."

I drew my hands directly behind me.

Zhang Er stepped back in fright.

But I didn't do anything to him, but put my hand under Zhang Jiugua's nose.

Although Zhang Jiugua's breathing was weak, it was steady and not life-threatening.

I raised my hand, pinched him, and pressed hard.

Zhang Jiugua opened his eyes tremblingly, with a look of pain on his face.

I just let go.

Zhang Er almost wept with joy, and immediately helped Zhang Jiugua up.

I took a heavy breath, stood up, put the golden abacus into a long wooden box, and hung it on my shoulder.

Looking back, I glanced at Zhang Jiugua.

Zhang Jiugua looked at me blankly, his eyes were filled with bewilderment and a hint of panic.

Apparently, Jin Abacus just now made a deep impression on him

I narrowed my eyes again, shook my head, and said, "Don't touch Mr.'s things, this is just a lesson, understand?"

Zhang Jiugua's face was pale, and he nodded.

I thought of the abacus that moved a little bit just now, so I opened my mouth and said.

"You should go the right way, you may have some opportunities."

Zhang Jiugua gritted his teeth, and his voice was quite hoarse: "Mr. Taoist Temple, and Taoist priests from Changqing Taoist Temple, their fate requires silver dollars."

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