"Eating face?" I frowned a lot, although I didn't say it directly, but I felt weird.

Water ghouls rarely have the habit of gnawing on people's faces, let alone keep people from talking about them.

They all live in the water and eat dead bodies for a living.

That is to say, there are too many water ghouls in the Red River, and people are calculated to drag people away from the bank.

In this Yangjiang River, there are actually this kind of water ghouls?

While I was thinking, the fisherman nodded again and again, he covered his face with one hand, looked at the river with extreme vigilance, and said: "A few days ago, there was a cargo ship that didn't believe in evil, and they came from other provinces to deliver goods. Not only did they talk about the water ghouls, they even said that they would beat two of them up and roast them. As a result, that night, the entire boat was gutted by the water ghouls. It was not until yesterday that the corpse guards of Mashan Yizhuang took the corpses away. "

My pupils tightened again, and I nodded, "Is there anything special happening?"

The fisherman shook his head, with a nervous expression on his face: "If you want to say what you want to say, in the past few years, people have died every now and then. There are not a thousand, but there are six hundred. I hope the immortal master will leave the customs as soon as possible."

With that said, he hurried towards a further direction.

I took a deep breath and went back to the shore again.

Overlooking the river and watching the fishermen come and go, I have more thoughts in my heart.

Time passed slowly.

It was starting to get dark.

When some fishermen passed by me, they kindly reminded me a few words, saying that this place is dark and unsafe, so hurry back to the city.

I gave them a good smile back and didn't leave.

When the time gradually reached the middle of Xu time, that is, after eight o'clock, it was completely dark.

There are no ships on the water.

Only the edge of the pier on the shore is full of boats.

The horse beside me kicked its hooves twice, and wanted to go far away with a little anxiety.

I took the rein and gently stroked the side of the horse's face to appease it.

The water level seemed to have risen a little during the night, almost reaching my feet.

I was about to go to the pier to untie a boat and go to the middle of the river to have a look.

Since there are three things to do in Kaiyang, one of them is demons and ghosts.

The man should be referring to the water ghoul.

Of course, this was heard by Zhang Jiugua, and he used this information to deceive me.

I just happened to be able to solve this problem smoothly.

However, this matter is not easy to solve.

The water ghoul is underwater, even the Taoists of the Liu family can't go down.

If I don't know why there are so many water ghouls here, it will be difficult to eradicate them.

Step towards the pier.

Before I got on the pier, a group of people came from a distance, and they were still holding torches for lighting.

I didn't move the boat immediately. After all, I took it without asking, and if there was a misunderstanding, it would delay things for nothing.

Not long after, the pedestrian arrived at the bottom of the pier.

At the head was a cripple with a broken leg, with a stick tied to one leg for balance and walking.

Beside him, there are two young people.

The two men looked very similar, both in their twenties, with long horse faces.

One of them was on the thinner side, the other was a bit stronger.

Their faces were extremely pale, as if they hadn't seen the sun for a long time.

The three of them got on the pier, and the cripple at the head pointed to a slightly larger boat on the west side.

The two young men went straight forward, and when they reached the front of the boat, a boy in front jumped into the boat, and soon dragged out something wrapped in a white cloth.

I saw at a glance that the center of the white cloth was human hair

Is that a corpse? !

The young man pulled it out, and the young man on the pier helped to lift it.

"Father, this corpse is not stiff yet. It needs to be poisoned when we go back. What about his family? Why don't they come out?" The thin young man's voice was a bit like a duck's voice.

The cripple coughed, and he said, "It's not easy to quickly catch the drowned people in the water. They are afraid of being targeted by the water ghoul, so let's go quickly."

After the cripple finished speaking, he was about to walk down the pier.

At this moment, he suddenly looked up at my face.

His body froze suddenly, showing a bit of bewilderment.

Actually, I started watching him too.

The clothes on this person are very familiar.

Of course, it doesn't mean that the ones I've seen recently look familiar, but that this attire is clearly worn by a mortician.

In addition, his face is also very familiar.

Although time has made him grow older, the skin on his face has wrinkled a lot.

But I still recognized it.

This person is Ma Baojin who parted ways with us after breaking his leg!

Back then, when I went to get the golden ruler for Tongqiao points, Jiang Pan and I teamed up, but Ma Kuan and Ma Baojin temporarily betrayed us, and we were almost lost on the mountain!

After that, Ma Baojin had an accident on the mountain, we went down to rescue someone, and Ma Kuan betrayed him again.

This time he gave up Ma Baojin's life and escaped alone.

Afterwards, Jiang Pan was seriously injured, and Ma Kuan and I became enemies. After Ma Kuan left, we woke up Ma Baojin, and he also left alone, saying that he wanted to find a place to take his wife and children to die

That's all I can remember of that year.

I never expected to see Ma Baojin in Kaiyang!

The Mashan Yizhuang that the fisherman said during the day!

It's actually Ma Baojin's Yizhuang!

"Ma Baojin?" I thought for a moment and called out in a low voice.

His body trembled, and he quickly lowered his head.

"You're mistaken." His voice changed a little, and he walked towards the direction of return, stepping on the wooden stick on his lame leg.

The two young men looked up at me in surprise.

But the stronger one quickly lowered his head and said in a low voice, "Let's go, brother."

The thinner young men got off the pier together.

In the blink of an eye, Ma Baojin took the two young men out more than ten meters away.

I squinted my eyes slightly, but didn't follow.

Just a little sad in my heart.

Ma Kuan died under my carving knife, but Ma Baojin had two sons.

Fate protects him, and he can see the difference between him and Ma Kuan.

I'm ready to step forward to punt the boat, and I see that it's just that they pulled the boat of the dead body.

But the figure in the distance suddenly turned into two.

I also heard the splashing of water.

A panicked roar came: "You bastards! Get out!" The voice was hoarse and rough, and it was clearly Ma Baojin's.

Another terrified cry came to my ears.

"Let go of my brother! I will fight with you!"

The voice at the back was that sturdier young man, and he jumped into the water all at once!

As a result, several black shadows sprang out from the surface of the water, directly pressing him into the water.

Further away on the water surface, there were still a few black shadows, dragging a person towards the middle of the river at high speed!

"Baozhong! Baoyi!" Ma Baojin's roar almost broke his voice.

The next moment, he staggered extraordinarily and ran towards me.

But he had a lame leg, and just after taking two steps, he fell to the ground and let out a scream.

I frowned and stepped onto the boat immediately.

But I didn't punting anymore, I quickly passed through the hull to the stern, I jumped into the water, and swam quickly towards those black shadows!

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