Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 980 Repaying Resentment with Virtue

The moon in the night sky is covered with a layer of black mist, and the ghost moon is hazy.

The water in Yangjiang is extremely fast and turbid.

It is impossible to dive in this kind of turbid water, because it is impossible to find the direction if you go down!

I was fast and kept chasing those shadows.

They were slower than me, and I quickly caught up with most of the distance.

It can barely be distinguished, there should be eight water ghouls, four of them are pulling one person.

They haven't dived yet.

Water ghouls are indeed more watery, but in this kind of water flow, they should also be avoiding danger.

On the surface of the water farther away, a pale head floated faintly.

I didn't recognize it until I got a little closer. Where was the head? It was clearly a white-haired water ghoul!

Are they looking for the white-haired water ghoul to meet?

Wait for the white-haired water ghoul to take them to dive deeper into the water? !

I deduced this result in an instant, and the legs swung faster!

Giving up on chasing the eight water ghouls, I swam directly towards the white-haired water ghoul!

While swimming, I quickly took out the divination knife and bit it in my mouth!

After a while, I overtook the eight water ghouls and got around to the front of the white-haired water ghoul!

Under the dim moonlight, its pale hair clung to its head and face, and its huge eyes almost popped out of their sockets.

I drew the knife quickly, bursting out at an even faster speed!

It is like a straight arrow, also rushing towards me!

I stopped suddenly, and the knife swung out from below!

A line of blood suddenly appeared from the water.

The moment the white-haired water ghoul rushed to me, I used a divination knife to disembowel him from the abdomen!

Before it died, its eyes were extremely ferocious and bloodthirsty, as if it hadn't guessed that I was only one person, but I was able to kill it!

Without screaming, the white-haired water ghoul was swallowed by the water waves.

Those water ghouls behind made a shrill and shrill cry.

Immediately, they let go of the two people they were holding, and swam quickly towards the white-haired water ghoul.

Ma Baojin's two sons obviously knew how to swim. After splashing on the water twice, they swam towards the shore with difficulty.

I didn't stay in the water for long, and quickly went ashore in their direction.

When I swam about a quarter of the distance, I approached the two young men, grabbed the shoulder of the slightly stronger young man, and whispered: "Hold your brother."

Then, I swam straight to shore.

Ma Baojin has reached the position where he can submerge his calf in the water.

When I got close to him, I let go of my hand and propped up my body.

He immediately went to pull his two sons.

I went ashore, and the three of them, father and son, came up later.

Shaking my head, I twisted my clothes again.

Ma Baojin walked up to me tremblingly, and with a bang, he knelt down straight on the ground.

His two sons looked pale and looked at each other, obviously not knowing what to do.

"Mr. Li Renyi didn't expect that when we meet again, I will be able to save my two sons." Ma Baojin's voice was hoarse.

He tilted his head and said in a low voice: "Ma Baozhong! Ma Baoyi! Why don't you kneel down quickly and thank Mr. Li for saving your life?!"

That burly young man was obviously Ma Baozhong, and he knelt down with a bang.

Ma Baoyi was a little bit late.

I sighed lightly and said, "Get up."

Only then did Ma Baojin get up, and then his two sons stood up.

"Before, you should have recognized me." I spoke again.

Ma Baojin lowered his head, obviously flustered and embarrassed.

"You are afraid of me. It seems that you know about Ma Kuan?" I said again.

Ma Baojingang's face turned pale again, and he said bitterly: "Many years ago, in Bazhou, a group of grave diggers were arrested. I heard that some gentlemen did it. When he entered the official family, his leader died tragically."

"Before that, I received a letter from Ma Kuan. He said that he had arrested your servant and wanted to find out your whereabouts. He wanted to ask me to go to the field together again. I didn't agree at the time."

"He deserved to die. When I saw Mr. just now, I still felt a little unspeakable in my heart, so I just left."

After Ma Baojin finished explaining, I nodded and replied calmly: "The vengeance is over, you have never done anything evil, and you have been in Kaiyang for many years, I will not make things difficult for you."

Ma Baojin's face became even more bitter, he turned his head and looked behind him, and said, "Mr. Li repays grievances with virtue, I have already seen that."

Then, Ma Baojin made a gesture of invitation, and said: "Mr. Li, come with me to Yizhuang. I saved the two sons. Ma should be grateful."

I shook my head and said: "No need to thank you, I want to ask you something, and I will treat it as a reward."

Obviously, Ma Baojin knew the rules very well, so he immediately nodded again.

I asked him directly, do they know the origin of the water ghoul in the Yangjiang River?

Ma Baojin hesitated for a moment, and then said: "I don't know the origin, but about three years ago, suddenly, a large number of water ghouls appeared overnight. In the first round, many people died, and all of them were gnawed on the face. "

"There used to be corpse hunters around here, but they all died that day."

"Father is not dead, there is one left." Behind, Ma Baozhong said softly.

Ma Baoyi nodded repeatedly.

Ma Baojin was stunned for a moment, he lowered his head and thought for a while, then nodded immediately, and said: "I almost forgot that there is one left, but he is not much different from being dead."

I cast a questioning look.

Ma Baojin said: "Back then, it was said that there were more than a dozen corpse hunters in Yangjiang, because the water here was dangerous, and people were always needed to go into the water to retrieve corpses. The corpses joined forces, and they even called me in advance, asking us to collect the corpses of the water ghouls and help them practice corpse oil."

"As a result, that night, the surface of the water was blood-red."

"The whole army of corpse hunters was wiped out, right on the surface of the water, gnawed into skeletons."

"Only one person escaped, and half of his face was eaten off"

"And the water ghoul held a grudge. For a long time, he took advantage of the rainy night to go ashore, trying to chew him up."

"After that he was driven crazy. After a long time, I thought he was dead."

I frowned, and asked again: "Then how many white-haired water ghouls did you see on the surface of the water?"

"No less than twenty." Ma Baojin replied.

My eyelids twitched wildly, and my pupils constricted quite a bit.

The white-haired water ghouls have almost matured into spirits. There are no less than twenty of them here, probably as many as the Red River

even more

It's impossible for me to get rid of them alone.

They had to be led out of the water, and Liu Zhengdao or Yang Qingshan had to help.

I squinted my eyes slightly, deducing my thoughts rapidly.

Then, I asked Ma Baojin, how many corpses are there in their Yizhuang?

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